wow, you need more help than I can offer! Pregnant women are getting killed because of people like you whether you intended it or not. I hope you experience first hand the 'red herring' because unless fools like you and the politicians stop mucking around with women's health, it will come to your door one day.
wow, you need more help than I can offer! Pregnant women are getting killed because of people like you whether you intended it or not. I hope you experience first hand the 'red herring' because unless fools like you and the politicians stop mucking around with women's health, it will come to your door one day.
wow, you need more help than I can offer! Pregnant women are getting killed because of people like you whether you intended it or not. I hope you experience first hand the 'red herring' because unless fools like you and the politicians stop mucking around with women's health, it will come to your door one day.