I have been talking about it for years, all the poor, robotic-type babies warehoused in orphanages who were starved of touch and bonding with another human. And were never quite right. Ceausescu richly deserved his fate.
I have been talking about it for years, all the poor, robotic-type babies warehoused in orphanages who were starved of touch and bonding with another human. And were never quite right. Ceausescu richly deserved his fate.
Oddly enough one of my friends (a single Jewish surgeon) went to Romania and adopted one of those babies, she tried very hard to give the child everything she needed, but it did not turn out well. Very sad for both of them.
I have been talking about it for years, all the poor, robotic-type babies warehoused in orphanages who were starved of touch and bonding with another human. And were never quite right. Ceausescu richly deserved his fate.
Thanks, Natalie, for remembering. Those poor women were forced to give birth by some megalomaniacal asshole.
Oddly enough one of my friends (a single Jewish surgeon) went to Romania and adopted one of those babies, she tried very hard to give the child everything she needed, but it did not turn out well. Very sad for both of them.
Tragic. Lives lost to patriarchy.