hey, I once tried to explain this to a taxi driver who was hitting on me, how I was a captive target and that it wasn't right, and how would he feel if someone did that to his mother or sister or daughter. You know what he said, "I would like to go out with you so I could protect you from men like that." And continued hitting on me. The messed up-ness of the way men think is mind boggling.
hey, I once tried to explain this to a taxi driver who was hitting on me, how I was a captive target and that it wasn't right, and how would he feel if someone did that to his mother or sister or daughter. You know what he said, "I would like to go out with you so I could protect you from men like that." And continued hitting on me. The messed up-ness of the way men think is mind boggling.
hey, I once tried to explain this to a taxi driver who was hitting on me, how I was a captive target and that it wasn't right, and how would he feel if someone did that to his mother or sister or daughter. You know what he said, "I would like to go out with you so I could protect you from men like that." And continued hitting on me. The messed up-ness of the way men think is mind boggling.
It's willing ignorance