Hi, Jessica. Sorry for coming to this so late. I have been running into the following problem for the last several years as a male feminist, American high school teacher in Scotland. There is both chronic and acute misogyny in schools, at the individual and institutional levels. The school I currently work in had a Feminist Society before I arrived, which was shut down, in part they were told because "where are the opportunities for boys?" -- a question never asked about, say, football or rugby or male-dominated clubs like the Chess Club. The women who ran this club are hesitant to reconstitute it because of their previous experiences, which were painful, and the potential battle it might take. Now there are four students (all girls) who want to reconstitute this group. I would like to help restart a Feminist Society and had a meeting with the students and then with the students and two teachers, but nothing has happened since. The students have since reported quite a bit of misogyny to me, and I think this is an opportunity to try to restart the club. The issue I have is this: This club, I feel, would best be run at minimum in part by women who have the experience and can serve as role models, but nothing is getting done unless I step in and pester them. That dance is awkward and I don't know how to do it to best serve our students. I want to do the work needed in the background, but I don't know the right balance or way to express this. The two women who ran this club in the past are the most dedicated and passionate feminists in the school and the only people who have expressed any possibility of trying again. Thanks for your advice.

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I am a day late because, life. But if you are still taking questions, I have a dog question! Your dogs are absolutely gorgeous, and I love seeing them whenever you share pics or videos. I am applying to adopt an Australian Cattle Dog / Blue Heeler mix from a rescue organization. Do you have any pearls of wisdom from owning herding dogs in the city? (I live in Chicago on a 3rd floor walk up with no yard but am close to parks and a beach) :-)

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Hi Jess,

My daughter Eve is 10 1/2 and fiery as hell. Im glad about it because Im raising her to be the empowered feminist that I wish I was raised as, however, sometimes the tween tude is a little much. Do you have any parenting books (which I will admit I havent read one beyond WTEWE, and I really abhor the whole catagory of advise lit) that you like or whats your trick to keep you and Layla both awesome on the mom/daughter front?

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Hi Jessica! I’m a creative nonfiction major at Kent State, and I’m working on an essay reflecting on the Trump years. I subscribed to your “The Week in Patriarchy” series for The Guardian from the very beginning, and I’m trying to track down an article I think you may have featured during the first few weeks. I’ve had trouble finding it on The Guardian’s website, and I’m starting to wonder if I read it somewhere else. Still, I thought maybe I’d run it by you and see if it rings a bell. It talked about how we were in for a long four years, and how we needed to hang on to our anger. But that we also needed to make sure we took care of ourselves, or else we might burn out - that the anger could fizzle and we wouldn’t have the same intensity to continue the fight. It also said that we should try to focus our efforts on one particular cause to fight for, because we shouldn’t spread ourselves too thin. I know that’s not a lot to go on. I thought it might’ve been something you wrote. I know you definitely wrote about self care, and still do. But if I remember correctly, this was like a guide to how to survive during the coming Trump years. Any thoughts?

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Book rec(s) for late high school / early college students? Your own, or others. :D

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Hi Jessica! You are very rad, and I love this AMA. I have a writing/editing question for you. When you're working on a piece, how do you balance the "what I want to say" with the "how I say it"... so that you both get the thing out the door and have it resemble the masterpiece you set out to write? For instance, I have a draft of something now that I think is a good draft. And after a read-through, I have a good sense of how to reorganize it to be coherent. But then I spend so much time wordsmithing on the first few bullet points that by the middle I've begun to lose steam and confidence. I'm trying different things to stay focused and keep going, like setting time limits for each section, or doing pushups every 30 minutes (to interrupt myself and to have more defined arm muscles come nightfall). But I was curious if you've found anything that works really well for you in the redrafting stage. It is when I find I'm at my most fearful/vulnerable, and feel a lot of self-doubt about being able to execute on my potential. Thank you!

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Not a question, just a giant THANK YOU for offering this newsletter up to us. I'm happy to contribute to its production, and I'm really appreciating the different pieces you're sharing with us.

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Have you ever gone deep (or do you know anyone who has) into what "shaming" really means? It seems like a term that's broad and emotionally loaded enough that it makes discussion hard. Societies need to have some way to communicate what sort of norms they want to promote - some of it we do through laws, but laws are rigid and extreme and we don't really want the cops writing tickets for skipping out on your turn to bring snacks to the soccer game.

So there are various types of consequences for antisocial behavior - you lose friends because you keep saying racist things, your spouse divorces you because you refuse to be a partner in running the household, you don't get promoted or elected because you bully and belittle your staff. Those same forces and consequences also operate for less savory reasons though: you decline to tolerate harassment, you don't have the right clothes or cultural references because you're poor, you refuse to act properly ashamed of your fat body.

Is there a way in our language to distinguish good shaming from bad shaming? Of course, we're not all going to agree about which shaming is the good kind, but we can maybe agree that it's not wrong to use certain tools to promote the society you want to live in, and tolerate other's good faith attempts to do the same. Then maybe we can get to more advanced discussions about which tools and consequences are appropriate. I think this is probably the same discussion as the "cancel culture" debate.

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Mar 1, 2021Liked by Jessica Valenti

Hi Jessica! I just wanted to say I’m a big fan of your writing and as a student in the UK, your book the Purity Myth was massively influential for my undergraduate dissertation on exploring sexualised images of girlhood and the ‘paedophile culture’ we have in society, so thank you so much for that! It inspired me to do an MA in Gender and I’m working on my next dissertation further exploring this topic but with an intersectional lens (looking at concepts like missing white girl syndrome, the infantilisation of white girls and the adultification of black girls potentially in tabloid ‘news’.) I wondered if you had any favourite writers/academics/authors/articles who write anything in this area, or really any favourite writers in general? I also wondered what made you want to get into this field and if you have any tips for someone looking for a career in gender and women’s rights fields in any capacity? It always seems to come down to unpaid internships in the UK which is super frustrating and exploitative! Sorry for the long question and I hope this isn’t too complicated or confusing, it’s just amazing to be able to ask a question of someone I admire :) Thank you very much!

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Hi Jessica! Big fan here. I’ve been looking forward to your next book for some time now (it was going to be called the misogynists but you said on Instagram a while back the the new title would be “all in her head”). Any idea when that might come out? Also, Im curious: why the title change? :)

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Hi Jessica, this has been going on for a while, and I don't want to ask something that's already been asked, but I want to tell you that I appreciate all the work you've done over the years to fight the fight. I'm sure it's not always easy, but you're doing your part to make the world a better, more inclusive place for everyone. I'm a regular reader of your pieces and always feel like you make an important point in almost everything you write. Thank you for all the work you do.

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Mar 1, 2021Liked by Jessica Valenti

Hi Jessica! I'm a big fan of your writing, interested to know how you feel about the political landscape now Trump is gone - are you hopeful? Jaded? Do you think Biden can/will make a difference in women's lives?

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Here's a question I often ask myself: do you feel obligated to stick to a schedule for this newsletter? Like, do you feel like you have to post even when you have nothing to post about (I know, it's not like there's nothing going on, but sometimes I, for example, am busy absorbing and digesting and percolating, and I don't feel like I have anything to draw or write about that can't wait till I am ready, which would be who knows when.) I once tried to do a daily comic, just to see if I had one in me, and after a few months I realized it was amusing and cute, but it was such a watered down version of me that I didn't love it. That said, there's something to writing or drawing every day when one can. On the other hand, when we're women and caregivers we have to allow for an organic schedule -- we're not machines! Why should we pretend to be?

And another thing that comes to mind is how back in the days of RSS feeds, I remember that so many of the blogs I was subscribed to began posting multiple times a day, and began driving me nuts. The HuffPo grew into a sort of giant mall and I stopped reading anything on it, and I felt like my own work was lost in a vast morass of half-baked (unpaid) postings.

So, yeah, do you feel free to not post when you feel like silence is more productive? I sometimes say so in my Patreon -- I check in to say, hey, I'm overwhelmed and here's why. I think sometimes other people might feel seen in just that admission.

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I’m interested in hearing how we create a thoughtful way to simultaneously support sexual assault victims and skeptically inquire into the genesis of assault claims. Background: feminist assault “survivor “ (although I hate that term) and former criminal defense attorney. I spent a career dealing with perpetrators and trying to balance ethical, vigorous defense with internal disgust directed at every aspect of the system. A few of my clients were not guilty (most were), and their trauma and its attendant effects on family, career and social life was life-changing for them. As MeToo rightly emboldens more women to open up, we have to figure out how to be supportive yet critical at the same time, lest we risk a knee-jerk “believe all women” narrative.

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Mar 1, 2021Liked by Jessica Valenti

I don't have a question. I just wanted to say I appreciated many of the questions and responses. I'm definitely going to look into the recommendations. I loved the cooking questions though things have been immensely difficult long before the pandemic so I stopped cooking. But the mention of cheesecake got my attention. I look forward to reading more questions and answers <3

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Mar 1, 2021Liked by Jessica Valenti

Hi, Jessica! Thank you so much for your work--everything you write is just so spot on. My question: what is some of your favorite feminist fiction? I'd love to do a deep dive into some classics, or anything circa 19th/early 20th century, but I'd love to hear about any books or authors you'd recommend. Thanks!

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Hi Jessica! I’m probably your biggest fan, I first read ‘You’re a Hardcore Feminist I Swear’ in my Women and Gender studies class my first year of university and I was hooked. I’ve read everyone of your books since! You’ve truly inspired me to become a feminist writer.

What inspired you to become a writer? Also, if you have any tips for someone starting out! Thank you, love your work.

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As a fellow writer who's excitedly followed your career for years — what recommendations do you have to journalists looking to work in multiple different areas, as you have done?

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Mar 1, 2021Liked by Jessica Valenti

No real question (though I have many) just wanted you to know that Sex Object was super powerful and important to me as a dude, parent, citizen, and human. So thanks for that!

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Mar 1, 2021Liked by Jessica Valenti

Hi, Jessica! Did your early work also have a feminist focus? If not, how did you become involved in feminist writing?

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Mar 1, 2021Liked by Jessica Valenti

Hi Jessica! Happy March! :)

I've always wanted to ask you - Is there any must-share advice you have for young women in the field of gender studies, repro justice, etc.? Is there anything in particular that you wish you knew when you were in school or starting to build your career? And, lastly, any words of wisdom or guidance for somebody who wants to make a career in the field but doesn't want to work in politics? For reference, I'm 21 and I'll be finishing undergrad in a year or so!

Also, a quick thank you for your work. I think you're awesome and I dream of writing a book that could accompany yours on the shelf someday.

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Do you serve on any nonprofit boards? What are the organizations you like to support that are addressing the issues you care about?

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I'm a data visualization dev and designer. In my free time, I like to build data visualizations related to social issues. Every year for IWD I normally like to build a small data visualization related to women's issues that could bring awareness or highlight a policy that could improve the lives of women.

I'm having a really hard time finding a topic this year, it might be because I know the pandemic has disproportionately affected women and I'm feeling the weight of it all. What would be a topic of interest to you? What do you feel hasn't been addressed enough by media or by data?

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Mar 1, 2021Liked by Jessica Valenti

What's for dinner this week? And what are your daughter's favorite foods?

What's on your reading list this week? And what are your daughter's favorite books?


a fellow mom who cooks and reads with my daughter who is five

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Tell us more about the choice to go to a newsletter model. I personally love newsletters, I think it harkens back to the old school blogging, and I love flagging up a newsletter and having a cup of tea in the afternoon. Any other amazing newsletters you love?

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Mar 1, 2021Liked by Jessica Valenti

First off, I’m so jazzed to have another platform to follow you on. Secondly, I would love to hear more about how your husband supports the themes of your work and how that was apparent from the get-go! You’ve written about this previously but I find it so uplifting and fun to read about.

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Mar 1, 2021Liked by Jessica Valenti

I'm pregnant with a baby girl--what's your #1 piece of parenting advice?

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Mar 1, 2021Liked by Jessica Valenti

Hey Jessica! Any tips for someone trying to successfully freelance write about politics and feminism? I am confident I have the knowledge and writing skills, just getting my foot in the door is so difficult. I know the industry has become a lot more saturated since you first founded Feministing, but would love any insight you have!

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Mar 1, 2021Liked by Jessica Valenti

Hi Jessica! I’ve looked to you for wisdom many times since I found you during my college days, over a decade ago now - so first, thank you for your work. It has had such an impact on me! My question is, do you ever feel afraid before writing/publishing/posting something? And how do you move past that fear? I just finished a manuscript about sexual harassment I endured while working in Antarctica and am having a hard time taking the next step.

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What's the strangest response to your work you've ever received? Someone who wildly misinterpreted what you said, or who drew a conclusion that was just bizarre?

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Mar 1, 2021Liked by Jessica Valenti

Can we block and report commentators, like Huey Helene Alcaro below?

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Mar 1, 2021Liked by Jessica Valenti

What was the first book you read you wanted to climb into & stay there forever - and what was the story/novel character that first made you think, 'This is me' (or, 'This could be me')?

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Mar 1, 2021Liked by Jessica Valenti

What are you reading? What's on the top of your music playlist these days?

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Any new and interesting writers you’d recommend? Favorite writer few people have read (but should)?

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Mar 1, 2021Liked by Jessica Valenti

Hi Jessica! Will you be looking for guest writers or contributors for All in Her Head? I would love to submit something if so!

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Do you have a group chat with other feminist writers or are things more competitive? How do you cultivate a professional community?

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Mar 1, 2021Liked by Jessica Valenti

I'm really curious how you manage your mental health while constantly writing about such important but infuriating/triggering topics. I have a hard time being able to unplug and not letting the feminist rage and frustration control me after writing or recording about sexual assault. Thank you for all of your work!!

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Mar 1, 2021Liked by Jessica Valenti

Hi Jessica! Huge fan of you work, and assign it in all of my classes at a graduate school for social work! I, like many other women, am in the thick of this pandemic with my 2-year-old child and am feeling burned out, angry, and disappointed in the lack of support given to working moms. I'm also, frankly, really tired of the toxic messaging around all of our being, "heroes." I'd prefer policymakers to be held accountable, I'd prefer more of a safety net for the demands of modern motherhood, etc. What do you do with your angst about this? The relentlessness of parenthood, the lack of acknowledgement about the pandemic's impact on working parents, etc.? I'm tired of the platitudes about, "how hard it must be." It doesn't change anything. I guess I'm curious where you put these feelings?

(I would apologize for this sounding angry, but that would be feeding into my internalized misogyny!)

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Mar 1, 2021Liked by Jessica Valenti

How did you go about planning to transform this community into a business? What advice would you have for a creative with a killer network and a passionate POV who wants to turn her mission into her living?

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As a writer and mother, how do you organize your days especially now? Asking as a new mom

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I'd like to know more about how you approach your essays, your writing practices, and if there's an work you did personally or professionally to become authoritative within your work? Thanks for the opportunity to ask. I admire your work.

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Do you remember a piece that came out a year or two ago about the overwhelming number of women who work in community management/social media positions with low appreciation? I can see it in my mind's eye but cannot find it and it's driving me bonkers, and your email came along at exactly the right moment of frustration for me to ask such a silly question b/c it involves feminism, writing and culture. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Mar 1, 2021Liked by Jessica Valenti

Just coming here to say how amazing you are, how much I love and admire your work. Thank you!

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How did you become so cool?

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Do you have a favorite recipe for garlic scape pesto?

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What is your absolute favorite thing to cook? Why? Willing to share the recipe?

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deletedMar 1, 2021Liked by Jessica Valenti
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