The Guardian points out this essential: Thurman was murdered because the law is written to punish women if they take any agency in their reproductive health. We cannot let that go unreported.

"But Georgia’s abortion ban outlawed the D&C procedure, making it a felony to perform except in cases of managing a 'spontaneous' or 'naturally occurring' miscarriage. Because Thurman had taken abortion pills, her miscarriage was illegal to treat. She suffered in a hospital bed for 20 hours, developing sepsis and beginning to experience organ failure. By the time the Georgia doctors were finally willing to treat her, it was too late."


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Can they not get Netflix, Amazon, or any other platform to pick up Red White and Blue? Is there a way for those who want to watch it to access it?

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Tonight at KH event: Amber Thurman's mother in the video in the tweet.

I think this story needs more publicity because it clearly illustrates that even pre-Roe when abortion was illegal, procedures like D&C were available and they are not now because doctors fear the wrath of extreme laws leading to preventable deaths.

Chaos, confusion, and fear leading to preventable deaths, poverty, and destitution, that is what stupid trump and his Red state ghouls have wrought on women. This is a clear case of 'fools rush in where angels fear to tread' about the fuckers in the SCOTUS -- that has to be the drumbeat everyday.


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Which was Lawrence’s point. And he is correct, many Catholic priests were at the forefront of helping women pre-Roe. There were also sepsis floors in NY hospitals. It’s really insane those doctors waited that long. I have to wonder if they were waiting on legal to respond to admin. Who owns /runs the hospital?

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Jessica, where can we watch Red, White & Blue??

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How can we get a showing im our City ( Dayton ) or our state (Ohio)

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I agree that the msnbc anchor’s response was moving but like Jessica I’m concerned at the distinction. The only difference between a D and C is intent and judgement. The fetus is already dead or dying so you deserve an abortion but sluts who can’t keep their legs closed don’t. I can’t help but feel that even though that was not this journalist’s intent, we are still determining which women deserve care and which don’t based on our internalized sexism.

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If you are referring to Lawrence, I don't think he was making that distinction that some deserve it more than others. His point was that a routine D&C that was available even pre-Roe for miscarriages and other complications are now unavailable because doctors fear jail and loss of license as result of these extreme laws. His comments were in the context of Amber Thurman and how her death was preventable and I am sure he supports full repro freedom.

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I agree. Plus, how many male TV personalities have taken this cause and spoken forcefully, emotionally & almost angry for women about reproductive healthcare? I found myself thankful for his show.

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Yes. His is the only show I can watch. He goes after the press and the media and gives unvarnished truth about trump. He is on our side.

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JFC it's the exact same procedure! Fuck those people that want to stick their nose in every body's genitals!

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It is still worth noting that O'Donnell chose to open his show with such strong remarks.

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The Kansas City Clarity YouTube channel has footage up from the new Planned Parenthood location in western Kansas. Some of the protesters we see in Kansas City drive in from western Kansas, so they started showing up even before the place opened. It’s a mixed blessing - they’re not bugging us anymore, but where they are, it’s even harder to get counter-protesters/clinic defenders/escorts than here in the metro.

Which brings me to my traditional plea: we need you. This is happening in your area too unless you’re somewhere abortion services are banned completely, either literally or effectively. The reason the other side gets catered to is because they SHOW UP. They make noise, cause commotion, draw attention to their cause. We don’t. I can’t tell you how many Saturday mornings my sister and I have faced down anywhere from a half dozen to 50-60 of them, all by ourselves. That needs to change.

GET INVOLVED. WE NEED YOU. You CAN make a difference, just by being there.


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We also need state legislators to offer bills that push these people as far away from buildings as possible.

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I assume you meant “saved” rather than “shared” in your last paragraph re Lawrence zO’Donnell? ! I had not watched that episode but did listen to most of his podcast … he was fired up and angry about so-called exceptions .. how male Republican legislators don’t care about women, don’t trust them, and are responsible for killing them. Had as a guest GA US Sen Warnock, wonderful as usual. I will look up the show, thank you

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I don't want to be crassly insensitive, but since this is a war: of the seven swing states - and there really are only 7 that anyone expects to be contested - Georgia has by far the most restrictions on reproductive health care. Which is to say, goddamnit these deaths should matter! North Carolina comes in second and I'd be surprised if women weren't dying there too. I think Arizona has a 15-week ban ? and the others don't have post-Dobbs restrictions. (There are plenty of post-Roe restrictions, everywhere). Now obviously people in Pennsylvania should care if women are dying in Texas, but.....? Does the threat resonate? The two red states where we need to re-elect Democratic senators to have a chance at holding that chamber are in the same boat: Ohio and Montana, where you can still kind of sort of get care. All of which is to say, the states where women are dying the most are so fucking red that they're going to vote Republican anyway, while the states where the election is going to be decided are mostly freer, right now. Excepting Georgia and North Carolina, where may no death be in vain. 💔

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6 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

If people in the blue states paying any attention, they should understand the risk of a federal ban. The timing of the release of these stories from Georgia will hopefully raise awareness during the runup to the election.

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Yes, the sane ones will. Those fucking forced birthers don't give a fuck, and blame the victims of their cruelty! They are absolutely ignorant, fucking lunatics, who need to get pushed back under their rocks! GRRR!

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Oprah and VP Harris talking about reproductive rights tonight.


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Thurman’s mom & 2 sisters were in the audience and spoke. Very moving. They are brave and should be lifted with love. Apparently this report provided new news to them.

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