Both of the GA deaths were preventable. Anyone that wants to blame women for the deaths and complications is so much of a low life that I don't even have words for them. We must absolutely vote these a holes out of office if they are politicians, and call them out every damn time they open their mouths to disrespect women.
Both of the GA deaths were preventable. Anyone that wants to blame women for the deaths and complications is so much of a low life that I don't even have words for them. We must absolutely vote these a holes out of office if they are politicians, and call them out every damn time they open their mouths to disrespect women.
I'm profoundly disgusted and very angry with these people. There WILL be consequences for them.
We must continue to push back, hard, against this. It is absolutely abhorrent that in an advanced wealthy country, we have archaic laws that are killing women and putting them at risk if they don't die, causing such grief and fear and making it quite obvious that in their eyes, women are second class citizens. That women are actually going to ER's and getting turned away (that part makes me soooo angry i could spit nails-I'm a retired ER nurse-it's against EMTALA, the anti patient dumping law), and being left to their own devices, scared, alone. I can't even fathom this. If I could, I'd ask every one of these legislators "Are you proud of yourself? Their blood is on your hands. If you say you are pro life, look in the eyes of every woman that you have hurt, maimed and killed. Stop it already with those words. You are sadistic freaks that are hurting women, in the name of God/Jesus and life. You need to look in the mirror, for you have made a serious misjudgment and misreading of the true message of Jesus. We will vote you out. I hope you find yourself with a crisis of conscience and profound self loathing for what you have wrought on the women of this nation. You have no business being in government."
Both of the GA deaths were preventable. Anyone that wants to blame women for the deaths and complications is so much of a low life that I don't even have words for them. We must absolutely vote these a holes out of office if they are politicians, and call them out every damn time they open their mouths to disrespect women.
I'm profoundly disgusted and very angry with these people. There WILL be consequences for them.
We must continue to push back, hard, against this. It is absolutely abhorrent that in an advanced wealthy country, we have archaic laws that are killing women and putting them at risk if they don't die, causing such grief and fear and making it quite obvious that in their eyes, women are second class citizens. That women are actually going to ER's and getting turned away (that part makes me soooo angry i could spit nails-I'm a retired ER nurse-it's against EMTALA, the anti patient dumping law), and being left to their own devices, scared, alone. I can't even fathom this. If I could, I'd ask every one of these legislators "Are you proud of yourself? Their blood is on your hands. If you say you are pro life, look in the eyes of every woman that you have hurt, maimed and killed. Stop it already with those words. You are sadistic freaks that are hurting women, in the name of God/Jesus and life. You need to look in the mirror, for you have made a serious misjudgment and misreading of the true message of Jesus. We will vote you out. I hope you find yourself with a crisis of conscience and profound self loathing for what you have wrought on the women of this nation. You have no business being in government."