Just popping in to say, I'm so sorry to hear you have COVID. You didn't catch it when you had two people living you catch it. It's just so wrong. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

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The March for Life should more accurately be called the March Against Women’s Lives. I used to work near the Capitol & the only time I have ever been made to feel afraid for my safety on METRO was after a march for life, when I got stuck in the crowd with a group of rowdy teenage boys in anti-choice t-shirts & MAGA hats harassing & jostling women who were just trying to get home from work.

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Checked the link on the House Democrats and actually we've made a -lot- of progress over the past decades. The only anti-abortion Democrats left in the federal government are Cuellar in the House and Manchin in the Senate, and 'real' Democrats probably couldn't hold those seats. (Although if you didn't support filibuster reform you're an enabler so 'independent' Kyrsten Sinema is a problem to be addressed in 2024.) There used to be lots more. And the change has happened without making Democrats weaker electorally. It's just easy to forget when the other side has succeeded in its decades long plot to overturn Roe.

The rhetoric war is the defining issue of our times, and not just on abortion. Conservatives make shit up. They always have, but it feels notably worse now. The only way I know to counter lies is to speak the truth louder, not tell everyone they can believe whatever they want. And yeah sometimes that catches people on the left too.

Regarding cattle - don't they neuter most males and just save only a few to breed? I mean, NO ONE thinks it's okay to just let bulls run freely; can you imagine? Human males aren't so different.

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