Thank you so much for taking the time to read it. I do appreciate it. I've been pretty self-conscious about it. Yeah I was trying to write from a reproductive justice framework and its intersection with race, labor and capitalism. It is pretty dense considering the breadth I was trying to cover. But yeah succinctly it is about how fetuse…
Thank you so much for taking the time to read it. I do appreciate it. I've been pretty self-conscious about it. Yeah I was trying to write from a reproductive justice framework and its intersection with race, labor and capitalism. It is pretty dense considering the breadth I was trying to cover. But yeah succinctly it is about how fetuses have rights to other people's bodies that literally no one else is given.
Yes, as I worked my way through it, there were times when I was quick-reading or skim-reading, because I could see what you meant about the stream of consciousness and it was hard to take in. I could tell that it just needed more organization and more fleshing out, so it would be easier to follow. If everything was sorted into chapters and subchapters and the arguments were laid out more slowly and in detail, you'd have a book there. And it could certainly be made accessible to any reader if you take your time with every concept and add in more stories, illustrations, anecdotes (i.e. things that make it "easier" for the lay person). But yes all of that is the hard part!
I think my brain is kind of on emergency mode in this country, so maybe for me that's kind of the opposite of doing a whole book! :) I'm thinking, how do we hit back and deliver them mortal wounds? We can't take 49 years the way they did. We can't let the changes take root, and infect everything at every level. We can't let any of this become normal, because we can't lose the progress women have made in this country over the last five or six decades (and of course if they can they'll take even more than that).
Women won't go back. I recently read that Poland's birth rates plummeted 8% in a year after they banned abortion. I think a de facto birth strike will be the only way we can fight back. Most especially of white women. The more Black and brown births, the more the fascists will lose their goddamn minds. I just hope it won't come at the expense of high rates of poverty and maternal and infant deaths.
Yeah, what worries me about that is Poland isn't a solution to anything. It's a very apt comparison, since their democracy is compromised and they're dealing with many of the same issues as the U.S. is. It kind of looks like a death spiral. What's ironic is conservatives claim to want to prevent that, but instead it's exactly what their actions cause. If White Christian civilization disappears it will be because of what the White Christians did to "save" it.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read it. I do appreciate it. I've been pretty self-conscious about it. Yeah I was trying to write from a reproductive justice framework and its intersection with race, labor and capitalism. It is pretty dense considering the breadth I was trying to cover. But yeah succinctly it is about how fetuses have rights to other people's bodies that literally no one else is given.
Yes, as I worked my way through it, there were times when I was quick-reading or skim-reading, because I could see what you meant about the stream of consciousness and it was hard to take in. I could tell that it just needed more organization and more fleshing out, so it would be easier to follow. If everything was sorted into chapters and subchapters and the arguments were laid out more slowly and in detail, you'd have a book there. And it could certainly be made accessible to any reader if you take your time with every concept and add in more stories, illustrations, anecdotes (i.e. things that make it "easier" for the lay person). But yes all of that is the hard part!
I think my brain is kind of on emergency mode in this country, so maybe for me that's kind of the opposite of doing a whole book! :) I'm thinking, how do we hit back and deliver them mortal wounds? We can't take 49 years the way they did. We can't let the changes take root, and infect everything at every level. We can't let any of this become normal, because we can't lose the progress women have made in this country over the last five or six decades (and of course if they can they'll take even more than that).
Women won't go back. I recently read that Poland's birth rates plummeted 8% in a year after they banned abortion. I think a de facto birth strike will be the only way we can fight back. Most especially of white women. The more Black and brown births, the more the fascists will lose their goddamn minds. I just hope it won't come at the expense of high rates of poverty and maternal and infant deaths.
Yeah, what worries me about that is Poland isn't a solution to anything. It's a very apt comparison, since their democracy is compromised and they're dealing with many of the same issues as the U.S. is. It kind of looks like a death spiral. What's ironic is conservatives claim to want to prevent that, but instead it's exactly what their actions cause. If White Christian civilization disappears it will be because of what the White Christians did to "save" it.