I was asked by a local group to write about this a week ago. No publication would accept


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Yeah, where are the men? Are women's rights not human rights? This when you see who has moral integrity and backbone.

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My hope is that this essay will strike a chord and be shared widely. What better way to show the current media establishment that there are other voices worth listening to

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Not to deny the validity of your concerns, but police are often dispatched to assist EMTs; a police officer could have spoken to the teen while the EMTs were helping her and thus found out she was undergoing a medical abortion. Whether the officer went beyond his role in turning this into a crime is of course the issue.

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Given the religious right wing tendencies of police I would bet he terrorized it out of her.

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It's Louisiana, the state where forced birthers rule, and predatory Catholic clergy have protection from on high.

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Yep, one of my girlfriends is from N.O. I just read an article where the evil owner of the Saints football team is helping the Catholic church avoid responsibility and helping them protect the kiddy-diddling priests.


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Yes. I think if the officer had made inquiries outside of an emergency situation, it might qualify as a warrantless search.

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