Does that include women? Because the biggest assholes I knew in high school were the popular girls who beat me up on the regular. The only boys I had regular contact with were a couple of bright but socially awkward potheads who ate lunch with the rest of the outcasts in the field behind the school. No idea if the girls went on to become anti-abortion leaders--but I wouldn't put it past them.
"Anti-abortion leaders were the biggest asshole you knew in high school"--perfection.
And so accurate!
Does that include women? Because the biggest assholes I knew in high school were the popular girls who beat me up on the regular. The only boys I had regular contact with were a couple of bright but socially awkward potheads who ate lunch with the rest of the outcasts in the field behind the school. No idea if the girls went on to become anti-abortion leaders--but I wouldn't put it past them.