Did y'all notice that in the Town Hall when Faulkner said a woman in the audience had a question about IVF, trump repeated it as IBS! Irritable Bowel Syndrome! Which I'll bet he has! πŸ™ƒπŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ€£

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One huge problem in Texas is voter suppression, which they accomplish in a variety of ways, from purging voter roles, to issuing voters provisional ballots that go uncounted, to closing polling places or eliminating drop boxes in blue areas, etc. If Cruz β€œwins”, it will likely be a result of voter suppression.

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Oct 18Β·edited Oct 18

PSA: don't fall for Musk's fuckery in PA and elsewhere please. This election is too important. This fucking South African immigrant is trying to bring Apartheid to America.

Will Bunch mirrors my thoughts on this:


Will Bunch


It blows my mind that a South African can come to America for our world-class universities, make $250B off U.S. capitalism, then travel to blue-collar towns to say the nation is falling apart

Tweet seen:

Sami 🌊 staunch pragmatic progressive


Once had a friend ask a Dutch person why everyone was so nice in the Netherlands. He told her that they sent the assholes to South Africa a long time ago.

I will keep adding to this PSA:

Anand G summing up beautifully what is at stake in this election, see video:


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Musk is awful and super weird. Cannot see how he appeals to anyone.

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He is all that and I don't understand his appeal to techie nerds (with brainless MAGA it is understandable). He is doing shady stuff with his money in this election like offering $100 to register and vote not to mention the millions he has pumped into his PAC supporting trump.

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Thanks Jessica! I’m amazed that educated people think the government can β€œ controlβ€œ the economy. We have a free enterprise system. As a general statement large corporations nationally and internationally impact the economy. You have large grocery conglomerates for example merging and it reduces competition and prices can go up. There are many other factors. Anyway the president can’t wave a magic wand and make everything better. But those women choosing the economy over bodily autonomy well that doesn’t compute

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It's time for us to start posting our Malleus Maleficorum fanfic on X and Truth Social, to an audience of people who will literally believe anything. How about "I saw Goodman Trump in the forest, dancing with the devil, and he made my cow dry up and he put my penis in a basket so the Viagra doesn't work anymore"?

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I think the question for Trump, Cruz and other GOP candidates on IVF needs to be more specific:

β€œHow can you be pro-life and pro-IVF at the same time when most IVF results in the destruction of unused embryos?”

There is no way to dodge that question.

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I think you’re missing a key link in the chain of Trump sending abortion back to the states via Dobbs.

The link is that Red states had β€œtrigger laws” already in place which were β€œtriggered” by Dobbs.

And Trump knew that would happen - he also knows not to talk about it.

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Hello. Snap out of it. Listen to what you are saying. At no point do you say ANYTHING positive about motherhood, pregnancy, raising kids, having families, the beauty of life and the joy of being free to explore and learn, the importance of protecting the innocent and the helpless from harm and the responsibility of parents to instill a culture of accountability and a foundational sense of morality that places the value of human life at it’s core. What is wrong with you? It appears that you are so lost in your psychosisβ€”your loss of touch with reality that isβ€”that you do not see the the broader, grave implications of what you are advocating for in terms of it’s effect on the perception of the value of human life. 🀷🏾 The FACTS are 1) Any organism composed of cells with the genetic code of a particular, distinct organismβ€”-a *species* that isβ€” IS in fact a *member* of that species. You can argue the semantics of what word you call any creature at whatever stage of that creature’s existence but no sophistry of categorization you or anyone else apply changes the baseline, de facto nature of genetics which is the factual determinant of EVERY creature’s species. THUS it is *delusional* to assert that an organism whose genes are 100% Homo sapiens is β€œnot human” *because* you call that genetically distinct individual a β€œfetus”. 2) YOU, individually, (not β€œsociety”, β€œculture”, etcetra) are IN FACT the β€œdecider”, about what that incontrovertible truth means and what it *should* mean about how *any* particular human organism *should* be treated based on the fact that they are a human and they belong to our species or, conversely, you can and will choose WHATEVER *other* criteria you prefer to see as β€œlegitimate” in determining for yourself how any particular human *should* be treated at any stage of their existence. 3) HOWEVER, you should realize that the Catch 22 of moral *preference* is β€”whatever standard you assert as acceptable for determining the value of *another* human being and what treatment of them is *justified* is SIMULTANEOUSLY an assertion of the standard that *should* be employed by *others* in determining the value of YOUR life and how YOU *should* be treated. Please seriously contemplate the implications for yourselves if others, regardless of your innocence of malevolent deeds, were to employ alternative criterion for determining *your* right to exist which are not based on your HUMANITY or your guilt or innocence of any heinous crime, but instead based on something like your location or your size or your age or the label they put upon you. Does it seem like a sound and rational life policy toβ€”barring any evidence of guilt for heinous acts against othersβ€” *advocate* AGAINST using *humanity* itself as a litmus for determining the right to exist (or to not have one’s life ended)? And do you think YOU would prefer to live in a culture of β€œpeople” where *anyone’s* right to continue existing is determined by something other than their humanity and innocence of serious harm? Because THAT is, in fact what you are advocating for whether you grasp it or not.

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If you believe in motherhood, you should want women to be able to live to experience it.

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Paragraphs, dude. Use 'em.

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β€œThe fact is” every state and every country has laws against murder starting with birth (infanticide) and no one advocates changing these laws. So find some other slippery slope to slip down.

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About 40 - 60% of all fertilized eggs never make it. Many simple wash by, many others implant but then miscarry (spontaneous abortion). This is in God's/Nature's design. It appears that God is not too concerned.

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Just to point out, I love children and have many, but it was my choice, not forced on me by the State.

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I'm amazed Pueblo didn't pass that ordinance. That place is as bibble belt as you can get anywhere in the country. Even more amazingly a place called Trinidad south of there was for many years the only place one could get sex change operation. So I guess anything is possible...

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I read the Ms article. It made me cry too. In part because what they said about you and the work you do is spot on. And also because I was a subscriber early on to Ms, in the magazine’s infancy. I remember those heady days. I remember β€œOur Bodies, Ourselves”, burning bras, working at a free clinic. At the clinic I dispensed The Pill, performed pregnancy tests, gave out the results and discussed options for those women/girls whose tests were positive. Then when Roe v Wade came down, abortion was added to the list of options. About 90% of the tests were positive and about 90% opted for abortion. Because it was so new, most of our clients didn’t know that it was now legal in our (still) red state. And it wasn’t available in our town (the state capital) so we sent women an hour’s drive away to one of the few cities in our very large state that had a clinic. I experienced firsthand how Roe v Wade changed lives. Someone I knew came in and opted for an abortion. Forty years later, I saw her at a school reunion. She made a point to thank me. She had gone to college, was happily married with 3 kids and a grandchild on the way.

I cannot believe that we have lost this right, the right to make our own decisions about our own bodies.

I am old now, cynical and jaded. But still somehow hopeful. I pray that I live to see Roe v Wade codified into national law.

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Ok, so we need a federal law or constitutional amendment to raise the standard for what constitutes standing to sue or collect a bounty from another citizen. What is the direct harm to person A if person B has an abortion or ships/gives abortion medication to someone else? This citizen suing other citizen stuff is getting out of hand. Maybe the laws could start in the states, as these things often do.

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Why does it make sense to vote for reproductive freedom but not to vote against those who took them away?

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It doesn't. The same as it makes no sense so many people still think of the gop as fiscally conservative when they grift all the tax money they can and any they can't grift they give to their friends.

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