Harris blew him away in the debate and was strong on reproductive rights.

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Are we watching the debate together? I can’t do this alone!!!

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What worries me is this possibility: We can just as easily say, "There's a huge gender gap right now. If she doesn't close it, she loses." Because they're letting the men vote too, and men are trash, and I try to take every opportunity to use my male privilege to say so.

She probably has to win by 3 pts nationally to be sure to carry the swing states. So if women are half the voters (and yes they should be more than half but there's probably a limit to how much more), then whatever margin she loses men by, she needs to beat that by six points among women. For example if she wins women 60-40, she can't lose men by more than 57-43.

Obviously she can either work to increase her margin among women or decrease her deficit among men. She doesn't necessarily have to close the gap. But my point is that neither does Trump - he can make up his deficit among women by increasing his margins among men.

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P.S. Love the book photo. I can't wait to read.

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How about this response in regard to GOP gloating over handing issue of abortion to states: Should the issue of slavery be left to the states as well?

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Reproductive rights getting revoked, is just a precursor to re-establishing slavery.

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Don't give them ideas. The GOP would probably like to bring back indentured servitude.

Imagine assigning women who tried to get abortions to be thr unpaid grudges for GOP women. Vance's wet dream for solving the childcare problem

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Good news mostly today.

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Sorry. I know this is already in Jessica's post. I'm from Missouri. I got this in my KC news feed and I had to post - I was so happy.

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Missouri Supreme Court keeps abortion rights amendment on the November ballot

The Missouri Supreme Court ruled Tuesday to keep an amendment legalizing abortion on the state's November ballot. (Pool photo by Robert Cohen / St. Louis Post-Dispatch)

The Missouri Supreme Court has ruled that Amendment 3, which would repeal the state's abortion ban, can remain on the Nov. 5 ballot.

The court overturned a Friday decision from a Cole County judge that took the amendment off the ballot, and ordered Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft, who decertified the measure even before the supreme court could weigh in, to place it before voters.

The decision was handed down on the final day for the November ballot to be finalized. Supporters behind Amendment 3 had gathered thousands of signatures and waded through protracted litigation in order to combat Missouri’s near total ban on abortion.

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Good for you and your state. DeathSantis is trying to intimidate proven signatures here in FL.

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I know. He is Satan.

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Like the meme says “christians obsess over the anti-christ for two millennia. When he actually shows up…they vote for him.,

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