I want to find numbers for how many emergency “therapeutic” abortions hospitals provided in the ‘50s, ‘60s, pre-Roe ‘70s, post-Roe ‘70s, and pre-EMTALA ‘80s. I bet emergency abortion care was more accessible in the ‘70s. And I wonder if the numbers of emergency abortions provided pre-Roe in Texas were higher in the 1950s than they are now.

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I mean I bet emergency abortion care was more accessible back in the day in states that currently ban ab today

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Infuriating! Of course this was intentionally leaked. Just before the debates - so Trump can say, “See, leave abortion up to the states. It’s working”. I just hope Biden has been practicing his response to this, and is able to articulate WHY the government should to stay the fuck out of women’s doctor’s offices.

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I generally try not to wish I'll on anyone, but boy, some truly abhorrent people make it really, really hard.

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Nice to see 'em running a little scared and hence cautious.

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Something is REALLY WRONG with Samuel Alito. He has NO empathy for women and girls. He is one of those White men who for some reason thinks women are beneath him. He is a past-middle-aged man who stays in a perpetual angry fit because women have left him feeling that man-rage. Poor baby. And to Alito, fuck you. I hope you don't have children. You would be quite a disappointment.

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He was a conservative student in college in the 60's, who saw the world changing, and felt his status being challenged and vowed to overturn all the progress we made (civil rights, women's rights, contraception) in the late 60's, he's in his 70's now, but always was a cranky old man.

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What an absolute ass he is. It's sad, really, that we have so many republican men like him.

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It is repulsive that such an unqualified hateful fanatic was appointed. We blocked Bork, but then they lowered the votes needed to confirm, making it harder to block bad actors.

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More and more the 1960s and 1970s are looking like the exception to the rule in America.

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Alito is Exhibit A for complete separation of church and state. This man cannot, and will not, separate his personal religious beliefs from his role as a justice rule on questions that effect ALL Americans, not just his chosen church.

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Another excellent writeup. We must remember in November and get pro-choice people elected at all levels of government.

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Am I the only one wondering why this decision was accidentally posted? It seems strange that this is the second time a monumental decision about abortion mysteriously shows up ahead of the official release … this one coincidentally happening the day before the Presidential debate. So odd that this accidental leak is likely to make people think that the conservative Supreme Court justices, many appointed by Trump, are not poised to further destroy abortion rights (when that’s not likely at all).

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Alito is probably doing a "Hail Mary" to pretend, they aren't doing, what they will postphone until after the presidential election. So the repubs don't get as creamed.

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The debate is one thing, but the prez immunity case is The. Really. Big. Deal.

My hunch is that all this confusion is to sow doubt and muddy the waters. The bribery decision is barely being covered because we’re all upset about EMTALA (as we should be).

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It's part of an orchestrated GOP effort to tell voters that "see, we aren't really so bad".

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yeah. It smells of something.

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Yes, bovine excrement.

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I’m not much of a conspiracy theorist, but you’ve got to wonder

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Pro life is being pro woman/pregnant person. Is pro autonomy of the adult human being. That's it.

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Yes, but they love killing us, and guns and wars and neglecting the poor, and executions, they are a death cult.

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It is absurd to treat a full grown, pregnant person equally to a fetus. It is outrageous. I wish these people would get over their fetish of "innocence" if that's what this is. I call that fetish fascist.

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Just wait for Alito to blame Martha Ann for the leak.

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Jeez, Alito is really inhumane. What a jerk!

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This is no surprise he's a fanatic.

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Clearly the acquittal of Justice Samuel Chase was a precedent that had deadly consequences.

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Wait, you’re saying that the Court made a legal decision on the basis of a political calculus?

Doesn’t that negate the whole purpose of a legal system? 🤔

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When a woman is in danger of dying due to complications of a pregnancy, who is "requesting" an abortion?

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Well, according to Alito and his fellow forced birth zealots women are required to sacrifice themselves for the almighty fetus.

Their contempt and hatred for women is frightening.

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Thanks for your outrage. It's so shared.

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Hey, if you know a mob of fascists is heading toward your house and you expect they're going to murder you and your family and torch the house, and instead they throw a brick through the window and piss on the lawn, I'd count that as a win. I would not disagree that mobs of fascists should not attack people's homes. Both the abortion decisions remind me of King James I's favorite party piece--condemning someone to death, then showing up at the scaffold with a pardon to show how merciful he was. Gotcha!

But as if it weren't enough that both abortion decisions are about people who deserve much, much better from the law, they're also about the power of the federal government to ever do anything that all that might be inconvenient for rich guys. It's very important that states do not get to override federal regulations that they dislike. And it's very important that the FDA retain at least some power--we truly do not want a Wild West situation where drug companies get to sell anything they want (and at any price they want to charge) with absolutely no federal supervision.

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Exactly this, and it explains the situation and the splits on the court quite well. Generally there are three liberal justices (KBJ, Sotomayor and Kagan), three far-right justices (Gorsuch, Thomas, and Son of Sam), and then the three conservatives in the middle who decide everything (Barrett, Kavanaugh, and the chief justice). That last group is not fully on board with the radical policy outcomes of the far right, but they're more concerned with restraining the federal government for other reasons, than they are with things as mundane as, you know, people's lives, and so because of this they have a very hard time telling the others they've gone too far. You could argue this dynamic is replicated among the Republican electorate: they're not all or even necessarily majority Christian Nationalist, but none of them are willing to restrain them either, not when there are 'socialists' to fight 🙄 This seems to be setting up this country (and by extension the world) for the perfect storm, and surviving it and changing direction is going to depend on how this dynamic is resolved.

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Lord Shelby County, in particular, gets no quarter from me. Roberts has opposed voting rights since college and, since he allowed this "court" to run amok, he goes on the pile with Alito and Thomas. There are no good guys and there are no less-bad guys. If four people are sitting on a bench, Alito and Thomas sit down, and nobody gets up, that's six zealots.

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I don't disagree with any of that, but the reason I brought up the point about 'less bad guys' is because when we lose this election, if we are to have any chance of saving the country, we're going to need the cooperation of at least some of the people who didn't vote for us. The quicker we get from here to there the better. (Obviously I'd rather it be before the election, but every day that nothing changes that's looking less and less likely).

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