"Women know when someone is being blandly nice and when someone is hitting on us,." No truer words have been spoken. Hell, even when it's coming from little old men who know they don't have a chance in hell, we can feel the energy differently.

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About a month ago, I was sitting with my husband at a table with an attorney and the seller of the house we were buying. The owner (a man) became belligerent and started to tell us something we should be doing once we took ownership of the house. I saw that my husband's head was going to blow off (it was an difficult purchase). I intervened by smoothly calming the man, redirecting him and ending the meeting quickly. My husband later said wow, you did that so well and diplomatically. My response was, "Women become skilled at interacting with men who are jerks. I learned very quickly how to defuse a situation and escape quickly to prevent a situation from escalating." Sadly we need that skill and a "spidey sense" to live in this world safely.

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YES to all of this! It's so sad that hypervigilance is something we acquire so early in life. I honestly think maintaining that vigilance in itself takes a toll on our mental health over a lifetime. Glad to see justice actually catching up with this creep.

Also, once this story broke, I have to admit I wondered if it would make the Faux news folks' heads explode- they aren't going to know how to "own the libs" on this one- whether to squawk about cancel culture to defend an abuser as they love to do, or gloat over a Democrats' misdeeds, which would place them in agreement with Biden (goddess forbid!) and leading Democrats who, unlike their party members, actually have the integrity to hold members of their own party accountable🤯🤯🤯

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None of the news coverage I've seen even hints at any of the women being responsible for the abuse. That alone feels like progress has been made! They are talking about some of the specific abuses the women have experienced. How do you stop a bully? How do you stop a whole bully culture? I think we're seeing it. I'm just imagining how many women there are who experienced abuse, but didn't speak up. Hmm... he forgot to include in his slideshow the images where he feels up his female staffers. Or, those little clips where he makes inappropriate salacious comments.

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That slide show of him fondling men, grabbing their faces as if they were children, was a shock. He had the nerve to handle men that way, too? It’s a miracle no one beat the living daylights out of him. I guess he got off on his power to manhandle everyone. I half wondered if he did these things to men in anticipation of being called on it for doing it to women, that’s how cynical I am at this point. If he wants to use those examples of how he grabbed, for example, old men by the cheeks as evidence of his “innocence,” all I can say is that his sexual harassment of women is in addition to his misuse of his power, knowing he could get away with laying his hands on whoever he wants as if he were some kind of sovereign. I’m disgusted.

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Amen to this!

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Creepy men with power not understanding boundaries. Do the right thing Cuomo and step the fuck down. Stop continuing to trespass on our sensibilities and our precious time.

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