Thank you for the work you are doing. I live in Texas and it is so important that people understand what is happening, including young Texans. I am concerned about the young women here who aren't really paying attention and how vulnerable they are in case their pregnancy goes wrong. I was speaking to a young woman who is pregnant and she had no idea the seriousness of these restrictions. I urged her to speak with her OB ahead of time on what to do if things go wrong, IF SHE THINKS SHE CAN TRUST HER. How sad is this?

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Jessica's podcast and articles are so good. In order to get them to a wider audience, I wrote this article for the tribunodelpueblo.org, referencing a recent article of hers. Check it out. I occasionally write articles for the peoplestribune.org and Tribuno Del Pueblo, sister publications. https://tribunodelpueblo.org/why-are-the-anti-abortion-forces-pushing-more-c-sections/

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The link is broken for the event in Denver! Where are you going to be?? Exciting!!

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As an RN I am aware that states such as Texas are hiring from out of the country. Would love to hear more from nurses and doctors. Recently there was an incident of nurses in texas being underpaid and their passports held. So interesting that red states run by Republicans who fear monger about immigrants are the very ones using the immigrant labor and exploiting it. They just don’t want immigrants that have rights because then they can’t exploit them.

I was in Denver last week and observed much fear being incited about immigrants yet I went to a Rockies game and it was a wonderful diverse environment. Venezuela kids from San Diego on one side, a lovely couple with their two kids who just moved from South Africa sitting behind us, and on the way out, African “drums” being played on five gallon buckets filling air with music. It was lovely. A complete change from ten years ago when I was visiting, went to a game, and became keenly aware there was no black or brown people, it was sea of white. It was very strange to me being from a diverse area.

I witness the effects that propaganda have on people daily and it is frightening.

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You are so correct. I live in Texas and know that approximately 50% of workers in several industries are undocumented and the employers like it that way. Governor Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton ride to election victory on the backs of immigrants that they abuse in the most horrific ways, very similar to the plans laid out in Project 2025, the blueprint for a second Trump term.

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I grew up in Birmingham Alabama during the civil rights movement as white child. My nine eleven was opening the newspaper and seeing three little black girls had been blown up in a church and when I asked, my father told me it was white people who did it. I was mortified and asked why. My father reassured me “we” were not like that and it is why we moved (out to what became the suburbs). I remember the shame of being white and that people “who weren’t like that” were not DOING anything about it.

Many of us whites just stayed in the burbs, living in a bubble of privilege and happy as long as it didn’t get on them. But the wealth gap did get on them and all they can do is continue to blame minorities and continue to perpetrate hate. It is time for whites like me to ACT to fight for racial equality and gender equality. No longer tolerate any of it.

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Stating that "70% of abortions are coerced" indicates that they give no agency to women. It's just another sign how little they think of us.

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They think women thinking for themself is impossible so, coersion must be the answer.

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That Lincoln Project ad was 🔥!

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Charlotte Lozier Institute: "They say that the reason maternity wards are shutting down and doctors are leaving is because there aren’t enough babies being born in these states"

Seriously - can these fucking idiots dig any deeper into the shit. The doctors are leaving states that have a 100% BAN...... not because they're bored with no patients.... sitting around eating bonbons.....there are plenty of pregnant patients- because that's what bans cause.

It's more gaslighting from the extremists. They are completely blaming women.

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Yes. Of course they are, that's what forced birthers do. I love your "sitting around eating bon-bons " line.

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Reposting a comment from yesterday, if anyone missed it:

The WaPo has a close up look at the ordeal of pregnancy and giving birth in Arkansas. Damn Sarah Huckster Sanders and her so-called pro-life stance.

"In November, two hospitals in the region abruptly closed their birthing units, sending patients like Sa’Ryiah scrambling to find a new obstetrician. And now she was in an ambulance at midnight, speeding through dark pine forests on a tense half-hour trip to a bigger hospital. Doctors were able to get her stabilized and eventually sent her home."

"With a ride that long, 'anything could have happened,' said Hajime White, one of the teen’s doulas. 'When hospitals are turning you away and you have to go on to the next one, any complication can develop whether you’re in an ambulance or not. You’re putting the mother at risk and the baby at risk.' "

No paywall:


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Lying Sarah Huckabee Sanders is not pro-life. She a forced birth proponent.

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And a child labor fan.

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It's exactly what Republicans want - I really don't think that they care that labor & delivery units are closing or that the hospital itself is closing or that OBGYNs are leaving the state..... I think they are fine if it all burns to the ground. They would prefer that mature christian midwives deliver babies anyway, just like back in the olden days when the nuns were midwives and would deliver babies. The fascist christians hate science anyway, it is the work of the devil according to them...... those critical thinking college educated scientific doctors cannot be trusted.

Look at the fallout from the book bans. libraries within public schools are closing, standalone public libraries are affected, and the annual book fairs that normally take place at many public schools have been canceled in some of these southern states. I'm convinced that is exactly what the Republicans wanted all along - and it also furthers their agenda to undermine public schools to get their voucher scams through State Legislature , more funding, more christian schools, and further erosion of our public system. They literally do everything opposite that their Jesus Christ told them to do.

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🎯🎯🎯🎯Evil, and lying, in the name of the J-dude, must be okay in their religion.

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Great article from the Idaho Statesman

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Mary Ziegler's post reminds me of just how far down the track we are with regard to a democratic system of governance. GOP policies aren't popular with voters. For example, everywhere school vouchers have gone to voters, they've been rejected. In Tennessee last year, Reps. Justin Pearson and Justin Jones were expelled for representing their constituents on gun restrictions (Rep. Gloria Johnson survived by one vote), then promptly returned to the House by voters. And of course, same is true for reproductive rights.

Such reactions were once unthinkable; representatives had to be responsive to voters. With the current era of gerrymandering, dark money and corruption of the courts, that restraint has vanished. What's frightening is that we're getting used to it; it's becoming normative.

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Instead of "Likes" or just receiving a little enlightenment, do any readers think they can start posting to platforms or letters-to-the-editor with counterarguments to pro-slave labor (uterine) propaganda? (Not to mention seizing the vagina of your relative for rape from the inside-out - forced birth.) And all because a pre-Christian era mathematician (Pythagoras) decided to create a new religion and made an idea of "The Spirit of Life" enters the Product of Conception...(fertilized egg).

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James Carville was on a podcast where he opined essentially that the election would be driven by Dobbs blowback. I think he’s right.

The Lincoln Project ad is unnerving. Hope it gets wide play.

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That ad is unnerving on multiple levels. The details that officer knew was scary. Big Brother for sure.

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“As I mentioned yesterday, a Trump-appointed judge blocked the state Attorney General from taking any action against centers that tout abortion ‘reversal,’ even though the practice is unproven and dangerous. He claimed that the groups have a free speech right, apparently, to lie to women.“ If this were a medical procedure specific to men, I’m sure the judge would have come to a different conclusion. How many women have to be sacrificed to change this grotesque verdict?

I was happy to vote for Biden and then for Harris. Any democrat would have gotten my vote—except Manchin and Sinema. But now I’m especially happy that we have a woman who is also a lawyer, and has to be doubly disgusted and motivated to undo these decisions.

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I don't understand how they can advertise a dangerous, unproven, procedure to the public with so little push-back. I worked as a surgical assistant, and there had to be multiple peer reviewed trials, with reproduceable results, before it could even begin to get approval. If you want to participate in a trial, you have to have it explained to you that is the case. These yoyos are just perfoming this procedure like it is safe, when it isn't, in fact they tried to test the method, but they had to stop, because it endangered the patients as I recall.

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100% correct - in fact if men gave birth we would NOT even be talking about abortion, birth control or reproductive healthcare because it would be none of our business....... it would be completely legal and completely free!!!

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