Republican War On Women Equates Pregnancy Care Pills To Heroin. Which state has banned abortions with no exceptions for rape nor incest? Has one of the highest rates of pregnancies from rapes? Now is equating pregnancy care medication with heroin? Which party governs this state? Check this map.


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Living in Texas I have to deal with the people like Skop and it is soul wrenching. People are ready to give up and leave because they don't see any light at the end of the tunnel. What hurts the most is the cruelty of.these supposedly Christian people who are making policy in Texas. I am just waiting for the first woman to die, while these radical, hypocritical people play the American people with their phony research, their fake concern for life and hatred for women. I'm tired and disgusted. Don't forget Mark Lee Dickson and Jonathan Mitchell as enemies if women's health.

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The republicans roll out Skop every time they need an "expert" on their side. The fact that she is the only one they can find says a lot. So, what does Dr. Skop do when her patients are bleeding out, but the fetus still has a heartbeat? Oh wait, she isn't practicing anymore, so she isn't going to have to violate her Hyppocratic oath by not providing the standards of care in Texas.

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She probably had her license pulled for malpractice.

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The Texas Tribune has posted an detailed look at Skop's appointment. Particularly egregious is that she replaced a community advocate member based in a rural area. Not only is Skop anti-abortion, she is also from San Antonio.


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Thanks for this!

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Happy to share!

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Bush I gave us Thomas and Bush II gave us Alito... I feel dirty typing their names.

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That Ingrid Skopp is a piece of work. I’d like to see a post dedicated to her history. I heard that after she got booted out of a reputable organization, she ended up at Charlotte Lozier only to be dissed recently by Supreme Court justice Amy Cristina Barcelona.

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OMG, check out this video in the link from 1986 CNN's Crossfire, Frank Zappa being prescient:


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From the National Academies on Science Engineering and Medicine (NASEM): New webinar series! Join @NASEM_Health on June 7 & 12 for a discussion on how public and private financing, institutions, and systems shape access to #ReproductiveHealthCare services. Register here: https://ow.ly/GKfe50RPB1a #ReproductiveHealth #HealthEquity

There are two webinars in the series, on June 7 and June 12, both from 12-1:30 Eastern. The first part focuses on coverage and limitations on funding for reproductive health care-and strategies to make care more accessible. Part 2 focuses on the effect of insurance on reproductive health care.

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May 23·edited May 23

Alito has been exposed as a politician in ([pseudo]christian) robes. Dobbs was his FU to the majority who wanted Roe in tact, his payback for the 2020 election not going his way, along with his doppelganger Thomas. Remember the leak of Dobbs decision and the various theories of who did it and why... I think the theory that he did it and it was to get whoever that was not board to force them on board sounds about right. As Senator Whitehouse would say, SCOTUS has been captured by the fundamentalists and nutcases. The question is what are WE, the sane and the rational people going to do about it.

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Not really so Christian.

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Those who scream it that loudly, never are.

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The quote from the doctor about nobody thinking they need late abortions really stood out to me. Every woman who is pregnant or wants to become pregnant in an abortion state should be asking her doctor: how is your ability to provide me standard care, care to preserve not only life but my physical well-being, constrained by our states law? How am I going to get care if things go wrong? How far will I have to travel? Do you have colleagues out of state you can refer me to? And what’s going to happen if there’s no time for me to travel. Will you be forced to let me sit and rot? This is very real to me as I contemplate a pregnancy in NC, which bans abortions after 12 weeks. It’s terrifying.

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I live in NJ. I outright asked my gyno's office when I booked checkups for me and my 20-year-old daughter if they were a pro-choice, pro-humanity doctor's office. I never had to ask that, and being in NJ we are safe for now. But it's imperative. You're so right, and how gross that we have to ask these questions now!

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Jessica, as usual, SO MANY good links and information! But I have a question, I don't understand this statement:

"Right now, two million American women live in a “double desert”: a county without abortion access or maternal health care." But none of the women in states with abortion bans have abortion access, so isn't this really about lack of access to maternal health care? In other words, the statement seems to dismiss or ignore the lack of abortion access where there IS maternal health care.

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Big missed opportunity in Georgia for supreme court. 2 justices running unopposed! John Barrow did real good job against Pinson. Sorry he lost. Not enough people voting and/or paying attention!

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Texas has slipped the reins of time and returned to the medieval epoch. Now if only an intrepid time traveler would see to it that Abbott and Ken Paxton and Dan Patrick and their minions had never been conceived.

My heart is broken for that family - and for what? Their wanted child was dead.

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No matter how bad I think it is, it's inevitably way worse. At this point I am relying on voters to do the right thing, because politicians sure aren't going to.

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In case you missed this news yesterday (as I did):


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All good, glad the DOJ is going after them. But this happened in June 2021. Why did it take so long to bring this suit???

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I had the same thought…

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^^^ The Justice Department sued two antiabortion groups, Citizens for a Pro-Life Society and Red Rose Rescue, claiming they blocked patients’ access to Ohio clinics in 2021.

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They need a 3 mile anti protesting radius....in all directions, including sky!

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Regarding the Louisiana bill making abortion meds controlled substances, if the proposed law is modeled on laws about controlled substances, such as opioids, this is what it could mean. Patient information such as name, address, date of prescription, meds prescribed and quantity given and pharmacy used will be documented in a sate data base. The data based could be accessed by any licensed health provider or pharmacist in the state. Louisiana could expand the types of people who can access this private health information.. Imagine if they decided that all Louisiana tax payers have a right to this “public” information. Many states currently allow health providers in other states to access their controlled substance (ie- opioid) data bases. Imagine if Louisiana did that with their abortion med data base.

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Hard not to think about an invisible hand guiding all this destruction but that would be tinfoil territory. Still, it is hard to fathom the direction the Rs are taking with abortion, they seem to want to burn it all to the ground, but why and to what end? Does it even matter that we figure out who or what is driving this? #VoteBlue

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The people behind Project 2025. Andra Watkin’s has a substack all about it. She’s on this one too. The Heritage Foundation published it on their website. It’s the billionaires and Christian Nationalist and (Opus Dei’s in the background) plan for our country.

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Right, Project 2025 is what we know and see. I want people to dig deeper and find the culprits, the ring leaders and name them. Their plan for the country is to turn it into a Christian analog of Iran. Their plan is to turn the country into Russia, China, and worse, North Korea. But America that they have come to enjoy and prosper with won't be that America anymore if their plan comes to fruition.

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It will be the usual suspects: "Uihlein has been a Republican donor for decades, and increased his political giving after Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. He has been a longtime donor to Republicans who share his ultra-conservative views."

The Adolph Coors owner, The CEO of AT &T, several fossil fuel guys, The Koch Machine, plus some unknowns like the billionaire who just gave Leonard Leo the biggest trust fund ever, to use as he sees fit,




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