I watched Trump’s speech and perhaps I missed bits in between migraine breaks, but I did not hear a single word about abortion or IVF - nothing. As expected, all their plans to further curtail women’s rights will be conducted late at night when no one is paying attention. Make no mistake, their relentless and despicable attacks on trans people exposes just what those plans are.

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I live in Idaho, Boise to be exact, and I was hospitalized due to a lung infection and other issues. I was in St Luke’s Hospital (downtown Boise). I was there about a month and I discovered that a good portion of my RNs and CNAs were so upset about Idaho’s decision with lack of true medical treatment for pregnant women. They, like myself, are suffering because they are unable to understand why?

I’m 68 years old (12 in my brain) cannot see any speck of logic in this. I am venting about this because I can vote but very few candidates that I vote for have made it into our state government.

I love this state but the political climate is quite frightening here.

I love 💕 all of you and am a proud supporter of AED.

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There is nothing to understand beyond the fact that antiabortion activists and legislators view women as less than human. They don’t believe women are capable of making informed decisions about their own bodies and lives. I believe the best thing we can do is have honest conversations with the people near us. Do they want the State (AKA Government) to control their bodies? Yes or no? Spread the word. That is your power!

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Regarding CDC nominee,Weldon is a local physician well known for his role in the Terri Schiavo case. After she suffered brain death,he attempted to intervene against her husband’s right to terminate life support.Weldon tried to use his creds as a physician to dispute her diagnosis.

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"But to misogynists, smart women who push back will always be read as screaming hysterics.'.

This is so true.

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They are chomping at the bit to make life hell for women, because they hate us. Schimel saying that one of the justices “had lost control of her emotions” and was “literally yelling at an attorney” proves that he cannot fathom the outrage we are feeling. Or most likely, he just doesn’t care — and probably ‘gets off’ on restricting the ability of women to control their own health, lives and futures. They love to see our reactions when we are angry, get vocal, or feel powerless.

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I can’t help but read his name as “schlemiel” especially since it means stupid…

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Also Coney-Barret sounding as though she was so sure all of the 1000's of discrete medical scenarios had been taken into account one by one. Quelle surprise!!! @jessica can you talk about how Texas sidestepped these problems with a shockingly common sense modification to their law?

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Of course he will. Trump is responsible for all of this. No other single person did as much to bring this about as he did. It literally could not have happened without him.

Something to keep in mind should you ever consider cutting his voters any slack. Say what you will about the Democrats - and I’ve said plenty - but this wouldn’t be happening if they still ran the country.

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I hope you are right.

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I hope that more OB-GYNs will.choose to leave Idaho and other states that are so anti-women.

And to those women who chose to vote for Trump? FUCK YOU. May you and your daughters bear fatally deformed children whose birth and death destroy you emotionally, physically and financially.

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they've already left two years ago. two labor and delivery units shut down. all the right wing crazies left california and ruined our state. we used to have balance here. but with 2m people we can be bought and sold all day. No one gives a shit about Idaho. Hopefully we will have an initiative on the ballot next year.

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times 1000

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Why any woman chooses to live in, or travel through, one of these anti-choice states is beyond me. We are becoming two countries and it is the fault of the knuckle dragging cretins who only value women who welcome death rather than life.

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Most of the ones that remain were born there, and have family obligations or can't afford to move. The trumpettes think they are special, and it will never affect them.

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Exactly. Thry think that there will surely be an exception for them if they or their daughters have a problem. That's why I hope more OB-GYNs move out of those states.

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Same, they need to realize what they have done. I always noticed that the Forced-birther protestors at my local clinic, when I was doing escort duty, were almost all old men and well past menopause women. People their wet-dreams would never affect.

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I don’t have anything to say other than I am so deeply angry and quite possibly at my limit. I don’t know why this country isn’t pouring out into the streets.

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