Jessica, do you know about the book, Motherhood in Bondage? An incredible compilation of letters to Margaret Sanger by desperate men and women asking for her to give them advice on birth control. It was only available to the wealthy at that time. There is no other thing that I know of that could have the powerful effect on people regarding the possible loss of contraception.

I believe it is out of print and last I looked there were no more used copies available. If you are unaware and want to see it let me know. I have an extra copy.

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Thanks for all you do, Jessica. I’ve been haranguing Jen Rubin at The Contrarian to have you on as a guest but so far without success or response. If you think this would be valuable perhaps you can reach out to her. Just a thought. We are all facing the rise of fascism in America and misogyny is the very foundation of fascism: if a dictator can suppress, oppress and enslave over half of a population, the rest is easy so they always start by banning abortion and birth control and making sure women are not empowered. Here is a link to a recent excellent analysis of the relationship between misogyny and authoritarianism in modern democracies. Very eye-opening.


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Thanks, as always, Jessica. I am now a monthly supporter of All Options.

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Donated ✔️ and that’s the only money I’m spending today.

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Regarding what is happening in Indiana regarding birth control,I’ve mentioned before DeSantis twice vetoed $$ for long-acting,reversible hormonal contraception for low-income women at the request of Fl Conf of Catholic Bishops. And this happened several years ago! I was shouting it out at the time that bc was next.People thought I was being dramatic.This week a fetal personhood bill was filed….from the sponsor of our draconian abortion ban.

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Not reputation, I meant republican, no help from auto check.

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Lucas Schubert does have a punchable face and so much more. How about slamming an iron skillet to his head? How in the hell were these men raised? And seeing that the Idaho town council is all men, gd, that makes me so angry. I think women should make our own militia, including our own s***pers. The wild west laws about making it illegal to travel roads, MY GOD, what the hell is happening in this country. It's hard to recognize what the U.S. has become. Reputation men are mean and medieval. Why not just do away with all females? I guess all their problems will be gone. Republicans have no ethics at all. If I could leave America, I would. Sad, so sad, but FIGHT, GODDAMN IT!!!

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They need females to make sons. Anything without a penis is disposable to these venal cretins.

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How were these men raised? By morally repugnant, faux Christian parents

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I am wondering whether the US is going to become the kind of country where people need permission to leave. If that is a concern, I wrote an article to address the options called A "Plan C" for Catastrophe.


It seems that women of child bearing years are in danger of being trapped in the USA. It is one reason my daughter is going to University abroad. A friend of hers is transferring to Germany where my daughter is going next year because her parents are worried for her sexual and reproductive safety in the US right now.


John Howard an American expat also wrote an article on going to university in Europe more generally and gives information on studying in several countries.


He did an update too.


What is attractive about Germany is that it is tuition free for anyone in the world that can get in, but other countries often have relatively low tuition.

For women past university there are many other options which I mentioned in my first article, and for girls under the age of 18, there are International Boarding schools, some of which cost less than a University Education, and often offer financial aid.

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The number of women voluntarily choosing sterilization is increasing in parts of the U.S.

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I had a friend who chose to have her tubes tied after she had 2 children, when she was 28. Then, when she remarried she wanted to have more children and it was not so straightforward to get them untied. She got pregnant with twins after that and lost them both. So, wonder what ages are doing this. In any case, the options are getting narrower and narrower for women in the US.

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The idea that what is happening now is transporting women back to a nineteenth century society is both true and untrue. A large segment of women around the world were disregarded and abused history tells us. I didn’t live then so maybe I am wrong, but I feel that what is going on today is much more consciously mean and more oppressive even than then.

Andrew Tate, wanted by the U.K for human trafficking and sexual assault, is on record as saying females are hardly human. Trump has arranged his and his brother’s release from Romania and now they are in Florida. Even de Sanctus doesn’t want them there. This is the guy who has been grooming young men to actively rape women. That’s a whole lot of hate being directed at us. At least in the 19th century there wasn’t a hate women meme being spread around the globe at nano-speed on social media.

So much destruction of normal behaviour, moral codes, health and welfare, financial stability, education, caring and kindness cannot be just an an unintended by-product of trying to “fix” government and the “Deep State”. It can only be a deliberate plan to destroy America. And again I am back at Putin, thinking thar destroying the Great American Experiment will magically solve all his paranoid problems and make all his dreams come true.

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The idea that what is happening now is transporting women back to a nineteenth century society is both true and untrue. A large segment of women around the world were disregarded and abused history tells us. I didn’t live then so maybe I am wrong, but I feel that what is going on today is much more consciously mean and more oppressive even than then.

Andrew Tate, wanted by the U.K for human trafficking and sexual assault, is on record as saying females are hardly human. Trump has arranged his and his brother’s release from Romania and now they are in Florida. Even de Sanctus doesn’t want them there. This is the guy who has been grooming young men to actively rape women. That’s a whole lot of hate being directed at us. At least in the 19th century there wasn’t a hate women meme being spread around the globe at nano-speed on social media.

So much destruction of normal behaviour, moral codes, health and welfare, financial stability, education, caring and kindness cannot be just an an unintended by-product of trying to “fix” government and the “Deep State”. It can only be a deliberate plan to destroy America. And again I am back at Putin, thinking thar destroying the Great American Experiment will magically solve all his paranoid problems and make all his dreams come true.

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I’m married to a good man. I have male friends who I would trust to never behave like that. When I was a librarian I would see men who were gentle, loving fathers. And then there are the others. A combination of entitle white males who weren’t treated as they felt they should be and now they have a platform with others like them

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I think they didn't have to do that back then, because there was absolutely no threat of women having a say in anything. So I (try to) look at it as a good news, bad news thing.

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The Tate brothers are trying to control the narrative falsely claiming case being dismissed and under the Biden admin.

Our Fl Gov was not informed of the Tate brothers arrival.Should be interesting as he continues to lose power in the “freedom” state.

“We've yet to be convicted of any crime in our lives ever, we have no criminal record anywhere on the planet ever, our case was dismissed on the 19th of December in Romania under the Biden administration, and our prosecutor recently decided because we have no active indictment in court to let us go and return," Andrew Tate told reporters.”


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I made a nice donation to All Options. Damn these religious extremists. This administration is worse than even I imagined it would be, & I read Andra Watkins for 10 months before the election, where she explained exactly what the Christian Nationalists wanted to do. We have already arrived at the point of a president defying a federal court order!! This is horrific & the end of the rule of law.

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Andra prepared us well….

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I’ve read that Bejarana is a voice actor for Audible. If that’s true, I wonder if they’d be interested in knowing about this incident.

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I fear in time every female in USA will be returned to the late 19th century, where they had no voice of their own, no job outlook, having to perform when her male declares what he wants, relying upon a useless rhythm method, and should she get pregnant the problem is hers because that’s what god created women for!!!

I look out on the horizon and what I’ve just said I truly fear is what’s gonna happen!

After my daughter died in 1978, I have no use or belief in a god or anything similar, but if the cosmic can produce a miracle now would be the time to shine the light on all those lying, bible quoting, back stabbing SOB’s, trying to imprison women to their models of what THEY say you should be!

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Yep, Denny, right now would be the time for the bolt of lightning.

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The New Testament of the Bible very clearly tells us that WE are that “bolt of lightning”. You wouldn’t judge medical science by what JFK,JR. says, so why judge all religion by what a bunch of religious quacks say?

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