Why do GOP Republicans want to be known as liars, deceitful, ignorant, and bullies? This type of attitude creates false fairytales that hold no truth or value and do not help to solve the current problems America is experiencing or find an ethical, trustworthy President.

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I don't think they consider that. It would take a level of empathy and introspection, to actually take the time to learn about people and see exactly WHY pro choice people feel the way they do. Strategically, it would be smarter for them to do that research. Instead, however, their nastiness hardens pro choice people against them. If they're that biased, and frankly, that stupid, then they get what they deserve: Continued hard opposition in numbers that will only grow.

Interestingly, if a man seeks a vasectomy, which is a minor surgery, no one says anything. One might consider it contraception from a certain point of view. Yet is anyone from the Right trying to prevent this to force men to be fathers? Nope. But they are planning on trying to ban contraception for women.

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Or jerk off. Out law blowjobs.

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"I live in Texas, son. Make my day." My favorite response to being threatened.

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Thank you Jessica and Grace. As is often noted, returning to the past is not the answer. Allowing gender/reproductive rights through federal law is not good enough. Indeed the current constitutional protections that should have been enough were deemed inadequate by idealogues. Nothing short of an overtly worded constitutional amendment will grant all gender identities and reproductive capacities on the spectrum a full franchise in American rights. And in that case, we should also share fully in the responsibilities to that American system.

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In order to vote for that amendment, it has to be part of the platform. I, like so many, am a single issue voter now.

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I agree, that must get done, but it’s going to take many yrs, maybe decades to get a constitutional amendment. Democrats must learn to play the long game just like the Republicans have played it over the last 5 decades. We must work to flip state legislatures, get liberal judges, state AGs & Solicitors General in place.

That is what The Federalist Society & the Heritage Foundation have been doing.

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12

trump and GOP do their dirty nefarious things but the media wants to crucify Biden. Last night, I liked Biden's reason for staying in the race -- he has done phenomenally well and he is eager to finish it with a second term. Only he can be truthful to himself and others about what he can do. Also, the way the media is treating him is elder abuse and ageist and disrespectful to the office. A tweet I agree with said if you want dynamic and athletic young man, go watch a movie.

This tweet below says he is resentful of Obama and his minions. Yeah, I also want to know why Obama and his minions are throwing such a deep wrench into all of this now - ingratiating with the media (and oh, Hollywood) because it is their cash cow? Also, Biden was passed on in favor of Hillary in 2016 because of Obama's people stealing the primary from her in 2008 -- actions have consequences and the Ds were forced to nominate her in 2016 for their sins in 2008, {the ideal solution in 2008 would have been Obama as VP to Hillary but of course, he and his enormous ego would not agree}. Now, Biden's accomplishments in just one term are dwarfing whatever Obama did.

Alex Thompson


Despite repeated WH denials of any Obama-Biden tension and the public bromance display, Biden friend Joe Scarborough says: "Joe Biden is deeply resentful of his treatment under not only the Obama staff but also the way he was pushed aside for Hillary Clinton"

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Biden was not passed over, in 2016, he declined to run because his beloved son Beau died of Cancer. He was devastated and retired from public life to heal.


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the tweet is saying that Joe says Biden feels that that he was pushed aside for Hillary.

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I helped gather signatures for the ballot measure in Montana and last week we had a zoom meeting among Montanans Securing Reproductive Rights & volunteers. We were given the head’s up that they expected legal challenges to follow but DAMN, Christi Jacobsen (our Secretary of State) truly outdid herself here 🙄🙄🙄. A huge irony is also that 2 other ballot initiatives are going through this “inactive elector” bullshit too; those ballot initiatives are about IMPROVING THE ELECTORAL PROCESS in MT.

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Ugh, how do you even keep up??

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Regarding my post in yesterday’s blog earlier today about Arkansas abortion ballot initiative - AFLG has released a statement. They should be covered by a 30 day cure process, but … it’s AR, so 🤷🏼‍♀️

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In short, the Sec of State office has had the list of paid signature gatherers and the state had even shared that list, along with the list of volunteers, to the Family Council after an FOIA request. Family Council doxed the 70 volunteers, but not the paid signature gatherers. Some are reporting that the Sec of State should have told the AFLG they had a 30 day cure period, rather than the action he took. When the AFLG worked with Sec of State staff at the Capitol the night they turned in the signatures, forms were provided for them to fill out. No mention was made of this required list. Good lesson learned for anyone dealing with AR or any state, for that matter, in the future. 🤞🏻

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Well, after November 5th, they don't have to pretend to care anymore :(

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There was actually some good news in Kansas the other day, and what struck me in reading about it was that one of the justices said they were in fact a following the will of the people in rejecting the 2 cases that were challenging the state’s abortion law. I almost did a double take! Did anyone else catch that?

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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, with cosponsors Barbara Lee (Cal.), Rashida Tlaib (Michigan), Bonnie Watson Coleman (NJ), Delia Ramirez (Illinois), Maxwell Frost (Florida), Ilhan Omar (Minnesota), Jamaal Bowman (NY) and Jasmine Crockett (Texas) introduced articles of impeachment against Justices Thomas and Alito. The resolutions call for the Justices to be impeached, tried, removed from office, and disqualified from holding further office. There are three articles of impeachment against Thomas: failure to disclose gifts, refusal to recuse himself from cases in which his wife has a legal interest, and a similar article about cases where his wife has a financial interest. The two articles of impeachment against Alito are refuse to recuse in cases where he was biased and failure to declare gifts. As AOC points out, the justices swore to "faithfully and impartially discharge and perform their duties" and to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States. The press release is available at https://ocasio-cortez.house.gov/media/press-releases/ocasio-cortez-introduces-articles-against-justice-thomas-and.

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It has zero chance of actually happening with the current house with the slim Republican majority & Holy Mike as Speaker, but I absolutely admire them for forging ahead anyway.

If we elect enough Democrats to take control of the House & Senate, then it can move forward.

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I sent AOC some money, AIPAC will target her too.

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To be fair, one product of Republican sabotage of the work of Congress is that a lot of showboating can go on, with legislators taking credit for introducing crowd-pleasing bills that they're never going to have to figure out how to implement because they'll never get a vote, much less get passed.

It says a lot, though, that there was very little comment about justices refusing to recuse themselves in cases involving the guy who appointed them. Perhaps the feeling is that Republicans have no sense of loyalty so they wouldn't be expected to favor the person who gave them a lifetime plum job in the first place.

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The Society of Family Planning announced a funding opportunity for research on science-based abortion and contraception that is just and equitable. The $75,000 grant is to generate evidence on health and economic outcomes on the population of Dobbs. The deadline is September 12, 2024, and there is going to be an informational webinar July 18 at 5pm Eastern Time. See https://mailchi.mp/societyfp.org/announcing-a-new-funding-opportunity?e=7356751a5d. The RFP is available at https://societyfp.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/2024-Health-and-economic-outcomes_RFP.pdf.

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And then the Arkansas AG just rejected the submitted signatures 😫

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What the AF??!! Religious conservatives, extremists are horrible people

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And why isn't that a felony...? He should be treated as a criminal...

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*secretary of state

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Jul 11·edited Jul 14

Eh gads, I hate that effin bitch Sanders: "the pro-abortion left is immoral," while she signs into law bills that weaken child labor laws and refuses money for school lunches, after she defended kidnapping children from their parents, while her rotten party forces women to bleed out in hospital parking lots and forces little girls to give birth to their rapist's babies....I would punch her and her dickhead secretary of state. Lordy, that article enraged me.

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Yes, and her dad is (at the very kindest take on it) child molester-adjacent, as he was the one who covered for Josh Duggar sending him to a pedophile state trooper for counseling (how not to get caught). The trooper got caught and is in jail. He knew of two abusers and only thought to cover for them.

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Whole family is gross. Honestly, our side isn't pure (people everywhere are flawed and human), but their side is full of ugliness.

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Yes, we are far from perfect. But a serial lying sister, dog torturing brother, too, hopefully most of us don't have that. Animal torture is usually a serial killer tendency.They are a truly horrible family and that is just what is publically known.

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"[P]eople telling petitioners, 'I'm going to find you and kill you' tells us everything we need to know that the anti-abortionists are panicking.

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11

Culture of life! /s

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Yeah, these are the pro-life folks. I’d laugh if it wasn’t so dangerous… DOJ needs to start arresting, charging, and incarcerating (very publicly) these demented people making threats.

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*Credible threats. (They *are* credible threats of violence. We have no reason to doubt their sincerity.)

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The anti-abortion fanatics couldn’t care less about women or babies. They just want the accolades that will be delegated to them for acting on the their patriarchs’ behalves. The pastors will exalt their meritorious service and their political party will award them with generous recognition. And that’s what this is about. It’s what women do…the difficult work of supporting their husbands, their faith leaders, and ultimately their god.

If they truly believe all embryos should remain in a female vessel until forty weeks have passed, then they also must believe that each baby born deserves to be raised in a wholesome, nurturing environment. Throwing a box of diapers at a teenage mother and forcing her to commit to raising her child in their Christian church isn’t laden with love and support. It’s coercion.

I sincerely hope there are plans being developed which will mitigate at least some of the abortion obstacles we’re facing should the trumpublican party be elevated to superpower status within this country. Otherwise, women here will be forced to live without any rights going forward. As they did in the past.

Our only opportunity to end the Tale of the Handmaids takes place on Roevember 5th,

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They really just parrot what they are told to. Which is the women are sluts who must be punished for having sex. They are some nasty judgmental biddies. They don't want to support all the little burdens they are forcing pregnant people to bear. Hell the men are contributing through rape and incest. It's all about power and getting the flock to vote.

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We created this interactive map of Abortion Ballot Measures with links to local groups. It includes the details of the Republican politicians for those congressional districts so it's easier to know who to hold accountable with a click.


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Thanks for your hard work! Incredible the lengths these so-called "right to life-ers" will go to!😤

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