A superb digest though almost indigestible. Thank you, Jessica, for your stamina, reporting and analysis.

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I get so enraged reading Jessica's reporting that today I almost stuffed a whole box of Wheat Thins down my throat. But here's what I just will not stop screaming about: Republicans moving the goalposts and Democrats playing defense. This is how we decided to call our movement "pro-choice"—defensively against the "pro-life" mantra plastered everywhere by the anti-abortion/anti-woman minority.

Can we stop this insanity already? STOP USING "PRO-CHOICE." Period. Just stop. It doesn't work, it never worked and, most importantly, it does not describe what our movement is about. WE'RE "PRO-WOMAN/PRO-ABORTION RIGHTS."

ARE THESE CAPS COMMUNICATING MY RAGE? BECAUSE I'M SCREAMING. Please tell me I'm not screaming into the void.

You say "pro-woman/pro-abortion rights" isn't catchy, is too long, too much of a mouthful? Well, get over it. WE have to define the moral high ground, take it, plant the fucking flag...and that flag says "Pro-Woman/Pro-Abortion Rights."

About me: 69 years old, lifelong feminist, M.A. Feminist Therapy, focused on abortion rights for the last 15 years. Widow. Stepmother. Grandma. Cat mom. Local in-your-face feminist, equal opportunity insulter, Crone of Anarchy...

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How about "anti-compulsory pregnancy"?

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I have used “forced birth” and this seems to have caught on with some people, but it’s an “against” message which, IMO, doesn’t carry momentum forward like a “for” message. However, I do like calling individuals who oppose abortion “forced birthers.” Again, let the opposition get tarred and feathered with the anti-abortion mess happening in the states while we take the moral high ground FOR women, for women’s rights, for our human rights.

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You're not screaming into the void. I hear you. Your cat probably does too, and is scared because it knows you're unhappy. For the cat's sake. toss down some treats and give some hugs and pets.

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Operation Fire & Brimstone update: Kevan and New Hope Christian Fellowship appear to have parted ways. A few weeks ago, one of the members of the host congregation (not one of Kevan’s flock) attacked one of our protesters, tearing the sign from his hands and leading to a pushing and shoving match and the police being called. We suspect Kevan took his people elsewhere or at least changed his start time, since there was no sign of them last Sunday either at their usual start time or in the evening.

With this apparent success under our belts, today we moved on to Phase II - Clifton Boje. Cliffy’s just coming off a six month restraining order barring him from Planned Parenthood after my sister successfully charged him with assault and battery when he foolishly pushed her one morning. He’s been back with a vengeance the last few weeks so our intel people tracked him to the church where he’s the musical director and we paid him a visit this morning.

It was glorious. We caught them completely off guard and let them have it. After yesterday morning’s fiasco at Planned Parenthood where we were grossly outnumbered, it was nice to end the weekend on a high note. The first video shows me and my sister holding the line against ~40-50 nutjobs, and another 20 or so arrived shortly afterwards. We were really happy when another Defender finally showed up an hour later, bolstering our numbers to three vs. sixty or so of them.

Second video is this morning’s action. Needless to say, they were NOT happy about us being there. As usual, we made it clear that as soon as Cliffy stops harassing patients at Planned Parenthood, we’re gone, never to darken their doors again.



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I've apparently seen too many of your videos. I recognized you right off. What is your sister wearing? I still haven't figured her image. Really cool that you have Intel people.

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My sister's the one who says "Honko for Wonko" at the end of the first clip. I'm behind the camera in both, so I don't appear in the clips.

Here's one of my sister and I being interviewed by KC Clarity.


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Well... so I can recognize your sister. Have to figure what u look like in a clip. Now I also know what she was saying 😀

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The idea is to valorize women who die so their fetus can live—because Republicans know that post-Roe maternal death rates are going to skyrocket, and they want to make that as palatable as possible. Pretty fucking dark.

Very,very fucking dark. Just awful.

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I appreciate very much the work you do. But why do major networks and their shows give trump a platform to lie outrageous lies like he did on MTP today (about abortions, Democrats, and everything else)? The only way to counter him is to not give him a stage, instead shun him, call out his insane lies. We are in a crisis as a country and when will these media mfers learn to adapt and fight for what is true and what is right? Media which made Al Gore sighing in a debate a problem, don't know how to deal with this criminal?

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The problem is the sickness has spread too wide. It's 40+% of the country, and mainstream media (and most other businesses too) refuse to write off 40+% of the country, even though the Republicans love to hate them anyway. So they have no idea what to do. It can't be solved by neutral, objective arbiters because no one accepts that any such thing exists in this country anymore. If you don't "both sides" you're picking a side.

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I am afraid you are right about people not knowing what to do and the sickness having spread too wide. I mean think of the people who elect Boebert (or whatever her name is) or MTG or any of their male counterparts. You have Raskin (my rep) on the one hand and Boebert and other buffoons on the other. trump went about systematically corrupting everything he touched and his ultimate prize was corrupting SCOTUS which he did. How easy was it! Get Kennedy out of the way and get lucky with RBG's passing. Jan. 6th should have been an embarrassment and it is which is why they try so hard to lie and rewrite it. They are afraid the majority will catch up but for every step we take forward, there are several that these compliant actors if not outright accomplices push us back. 2024 it is and it has to be a referendum on GOP, wholesale across the country and nothing less.

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You're correct on bobert. I think for once mitg was onto something 🤔 and we should call her 'that little bitch'.

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The sad thing about that is the media owners want the lies and the controversy. The fish rots from the head, even CNN which is now owned by a republican who is so vile al Gore referred to him as "Darth Vader ".

“I would like to see CNN evolve back to the kind of journalism that it started with, and actually have journalists, which would be unique and refreshing,” he said. Then he suggested a model: “Fox News, in my opinion, has followed an interesting trajectory of trying to have ‘news’ news, I mean some actual journalism, embedded in a program schedule of all opinions.”

Malone’s comments didn’t resonate much beyond a couple of places: At Fox News, which responded with glee, and inside CNN, where they sounded alarm bells.


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They do have one good thing. Jill Filipovic usually has a piece on their weekly opinion email.

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They fired most of the ones I liked, and promoted that awful Kaitlin Collins , who is a Tucker Carlson ex-employee, she smirks every time she has to say Pres. Biden's name.

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I'm not overly fam

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I'm not overly familiar with her, but Carlson is definitely a super ass, so I can imagine...

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CNN just did a fact check on air about Trump’s speech last night.

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