Your work is so good and thorough, I wish it wasn’t behind a paywall so the masses could read it and I could share it. I appreciate the fantastic advocacy you’re doing. Thanks!

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Those bills in Texas and Iowa seeking to ban pro-choice websites... how about we amend those bills to also apply to sites selling guns or any pro-gun site?

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The renaming of abortion so they can fool themselves into believing it’s really not an abortion is also found within the Catholic Church. As they define an abortion of a ectopic pregnancy not as an abortion but as “removal of the tube”. The mental gymnastics the forced birth movement put themselves through defy all logic.

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Afaiac abortion medication should be sold over the counter.

I hope the initiative passes in Ohio. A bit worried because the referendum in Michigan only passed less than 57-43, and Ohio is a much redder state. Pro-choice might (somehow) get more support than the amendments do?

I think anti-abortion propaganda should be illegal, so I think states like CA and NY ought to ban those kind of websites, and let their citizens sue ISPs in violation. And sue any credit card company that processes donations to anti-choice organizations.

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I have long thought the North should have let the South leave the nation. That would have greatly reduced the troubles and woes this nation now struggle with. The women of the South could have come North somehow to have better lives. (There might be a novel in this thought.)

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Stopping teenagers from leaving the state (with the intention of stopping adults, too) is just a rebranding of the Fugitive Slave Act. More evidence this is a blatant violation of 13a. It is super ironic that they're calling this "human trafficking" when they're literally weaponizing the law to force women into reproductive slavery.

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Thank you for the hard work that you are doing.

Lest anyone think that the Republicans/religious nutcases will be happy with outlawing abortion (to be followed by contraception, etc.) in red states, they are coming for it in blue states, too. Remember, the Orange Asscactus appointed a lot of judges all over the country.

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