The Repelicans think denying women basic human rights will give them votes when the majority of the populations does not agree. It's like doing away with Social Security when so many in the population need it to have decent lives. I conclude the stupid party is as crazy as they come. That doesn't mean I think we don't need to fight them until the party no longer exists.

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I think it's just that the anti-abortion industry has the party by the balls. Even if Republicans wanted to support anything remotely less extreme, they risk alienating a substantial part of their donor base.

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The Republican candidate for president is almost certainly going to be Trump or Taliban Ron, and neither one of them can win, whether we renominate Biden or find someone better. There are probably Democratic candidates who could lose, but, unlike the Republicans, we don't nominate our extremists for high office.

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It was finally warm enough that I could hang out at Planned Parenthood for a couple of hours yesterday morning. It's been so cold the last few months I couldn't really do much except stop by for brief visits most weekends.

There were few enough anti-abortion protesters and enough of us that we could easily drown out the preaching from the "sidewalk counselors" who yell at women walking from their cars to the building. MYOB, you nosy busybodies.


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"...and women will be less inclined to seek it out online or elsewhere."

Risk going to jail to get abortion pills or BIRTH A WHOLE ASS HUMAN BEING and raise a kid in abject poverty for the next two decades. Hmmm what would I choose? 🤔

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I clearly remember thinking that jail would be preferable to the desperate hell of sleep loss we had with my daughter the first few years. Constant waking through the night is the way they break people!

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It is literally state torture. And doing it with a baby you didn't want is what makes it particularly sick. But at least you always have the option of trafficking them through the state or a Christian adoption agency 🙄

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You are funny!

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