The real issue is when Students for Life will be putting on their jaunty waders and going down to wastewater treatment plants with their tiny nets to fish out the microscopic zygotes they claim are people.

Texas Christians for Reproductive Justice will be supporting the Texas Republican Party’s platform that advocates teaching the Bible. We’ll actively instruct children that (1) the Christian Bible is not against abortion and (2) that the most serious sins Jesus mentioned were not feeding the hungry, not taking care of the sick, not inviting in immigrants and not visiting Texas prisoners and finding out they’re dropping dead on a regular basis from lack of air conditioning. We will condemn, though, their plank to execute women who have abortions as government sponsored murder, a violation of the Ten Commandments.

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People are moving out of Austin. Abbott says that is because they are fed up with the progressive politics. I beg to differ. People are fed up with him and the fact he is making Texas unsafe for women. I live in Lubbock, a very conservative part of conservative Texas. Large evangelical churches call the shots by turning out voters and throwing lots of money out there. That's how we became a Sanctuary city for the unborn not because a majority of the people wanted it. People here in Lubbock are moving out of state because they have had enough. I prefer to stay and fight.

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Mexico has a first female president! We could have had that in 2008. No, the bros and the young women in their misplaced confidence said, 'woman but not this woman' and now we have a 6-3 SCOTUS and Roe gone. I keep thinking if Hillary would have made Roe safe because she read Alito right.

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Are the women from the TX lawsuit now going to sue the hospitals/doctors for malpractice because they are not following or understanding the abortion laws since everyone thinks they are well written and need no clarification?

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These Republifascist forced birther lawmakers who project their homicidal ways onto women are going to drive women (and anyone else wirh a uterus--transmen & nonbinary people) to murdering them. I want nothing less than their heads on pikes.

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I got invited to the Senate hearing by Patty Murray’s office so I’ll be there! Flying to DC tonight! I’m excited they’re inviting content creators to cover it—Dems are starting to understand the new rules of engagement and I’m here for it. If anyone wants to attend in person you can email me and I’ll send you the google sign up form Murray’s office is using to hold a block of seats. You still have to wait in line to get in but I think you’re guaranteed a spot if you sign up by EOD Monday. Hijesscraven101@gmail.com

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How exciting for you! Hope the hearing will be live streamed , I’ll watch for it.

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There's 100 million women ready to vote and they ain't thinking gop. All we have to do is show them we got their backs and they'll come out.

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The right to interstate travel, like the former right to abortion, is not an enumerated right, such as the Second Amendment's right to bear arms. That puts it presumptively at risk of being reversed by the Gang of Six. I imagine it would come down to a "balancing test" weighing the newfound interests of states in limiting or prohibiting abortion against the burden on interstate commerce. With that formulation, interstate travel for abortion is de minimus compared to the vast volume of interstate commerce. Ergo, states win and can keep women imprisoned in state if they so choose.

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Yes but even if it was enumerated *those same people would still undermine abortion rights*.

They follow textualism when it achieves their ends and abandon it when it does not suit them. They honor precedent when it suits them and abandon it when it does not. They are flying J6 flags and flying in billionaires private jets and *laughing at us.*

We are going to have to deal with SCOTUS corruption. There’s no way around it. The only way to protect abortion is (1) better laws AND (2) better people.

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Well, yes, there is some amount of smirking going on with the textualism approach. The current size of the Court matches the number of circuit courts of appeal. There are now more. Time seems ripe.

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I'm still giddy.

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha DONALD TRUMP IS GUILTY AS FUCK ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha oops I mean how terrible for GUILTY AS FUCK DONALD TRUMP

— Jeff Tiedrich (@itsJeffTiedrich) May 30, 2024

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Tiedrich haiku

ha ha ha ha ha

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

ha ha ha ha ha

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All the abortion attacks center on sex. So I'm reposting from my FB page, because this whole debate comes down to controlling women's sexuality because that is the ONE thing that can drive hetero men to lose their ability to think.

In a culture that only allows women to have power from their sex, sexuality, and sexual availability, yeah, not getting pregnant as a result of sex means that women can use the potential of the poon tang to get what they want without getting pulled into a familial relationship where the man is the one who provides, and thus controls.

Put on the war paint, gimme those duck lips, push the bootie right into the camera lens...yeah, I saw the sculpture...this will allow you to Get What You Want. (Another lie to be deconstructed at another time. Pretty women don't have it better, they have it different, y'all.)

So here we go with punishing you for being female and pregnant. You gonna use what you actually have available to you to get what you want? Well, okay then, I hope you wanted...a kid. Oh, and even if you are in a relationship that is sanctioned by the social construct, and you have a problem with your pregnancy? Like it's not viable and maybe life threatening, or it's the fifth kid you can't afford, or you are really sick and need meds etc that are incompatible with pregnancy? Tough toucans, honey. You used your sex!!!

Gods forfend you get pregnant while doing something as unthinkable as enjoying yourself. You enjoyed your sex!!! How dare you!

Limiting reproductive freedom is a means to control women so we can't use our sexuality outside the boundaries of approved behaviors, mainly to reproduce and give a man sons. My mother thought this was the ultimate thing a woman could do - ensure a new head of the male dominated family dynasty. Boy howdy do we see this storyline repeated throughout the world.

It's not about the fetus, it's about power. Power over women. Because if we ever get control...

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I just watched Barbie again, boy that America Ferrera monologue is powerful and so true. If you haven't seen the movie it's recommended for all ages and sexes.

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If we ever get control...we might burn down the patriarchy. (Thanks to a comment on Vice Rhino, where he notes the decades-long resistance to allowing girls to join the Boy Scouts and--horrors!--learn how to make fires.)

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We had better do so for the planet, and all life on it!

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So very, very true.

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Yes to all of this, very well explained. Thank you for posting. I've always suspected men must harbor resentment of women's power over them of sexuality, because I don't know how else to explain such deep misogyny. I wish I knew how to get men to just accept it without reservation. Maybe it's something we as a culture don't talk about enough.

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