We mapped twelve Abortion Stories From Casualties In The Republican War on Women. inspired by Jessica's post.


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CNN carried Biden's statement on reproductive rights live for a few seconds and went to commercial! MSNBC seemed oblivious, nothing on it.

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My concern with the Biden ad is how it relates to a fetus with medical problems. I have seen so many comments on anti abortion pages asking if Biden ALSO supports abortion if nothing is wrong with the fetus.

I am hoping that they will follow this up with another ad supporting abortion for any reason

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I have a question regarding anti-abortion legislation. I am a physician in Florida.

I am wondering if it is possible to charge or sue legislatures in various states for 'Practicing Medicine without a License' when they pass anti-abortion legislation?

It is my opinion that they are passing legislation that affects medical practice in very negative way. Most if not all of them have no medical experience or knowledge.

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I’ve been wondering about this as well, and am happy to hear a doctor ask the same question. I think the AMA, with their deep pockets, should launch a case. I wish I had lawyer friends to advise. We can’t just keep reacting to each case individually.

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Are we waiting for nice weather to do this here? I am always amazed at how these European countries assemble large throngs of people in protest.


Terry Reintke


This is Berlin today. Calling for resistance against the Far Right.

All around Germany, people took to the streets in the last days.

History tells us:

We cannot wait until it is too late and Fascists are in power.

We have to stand up to them.




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I asked this on another substack I am part of ( Wonkette). It is full of very sarcastic people but the comments were spot on. It seems we have reached such a state of apathy that we only get upset if eggs/ gas go up in price or if there is a shortage of toilet paper. Sadly i think this is very true of at least 50% of the population.

We are also terrible at organizing large scale protests. How many knew that there were women's marches this past weekend?

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From today's post by Heather Cox Richardson on her "Letters from an American"


"The common story is that Roe sparked a backlash. But legal scholars Linda Greenhouse and Reva Siegel showed that opposition to the eventual Roe v. Wade decision began before the 1972 election in a deliberate attempt to polarize American politics. President Richard Nixon was up for reelection in that year, and with his popularity dropping, his advisor Pat Buchanan urged Nixon to woo Catholic Democrats over the issue of abortion. In 1970, Nixon had directed U.S. military hospitals to perform abortions regardless of state law, but in 1971, using Catholic language, he reversed course to split the Democrats, citing his personal belief 'in the sanctity of human life—including the life of the yet unborn.' "


The New Yorker also has a look at the history of abortion:

"Another reason for Restell’s popularity was her unusual boldness. Despite the high demand for abortion, practitioners were usually secretive. Contraceptives and emmenagogues were advertised in newspapers, but the bulletins tended to be written in code. One professional rival of Madame Restell, a midwife who called herself Mrs. Bird, marketed 'Female Renovating Pills.' Others were so cautious that they used asterisks in place of the letters for words like 'menses,' 'pregnancy,' and 'abortion.' The idea was that savvy women would read between the lines. Restell did not play these word games. In an ad from May, 1839, she advised readers of the Sun that her 'FEMALE MONTHLY REGULATING PILLS' were an effective treatment for all cases of 'stoppage of the menses . . . from whatever cause produced.' She also noted that she could be “consulted with the strictest confidence.” Readers had little doubt as to what she was selling.


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Thanks for the links. I had not heard if Restell. RIP

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I read the New Yorker article. For the demographic the Dems need to reach (educated suburban women), the blonde mom doctor will play way better than poor Ms. Alvarez, who had serious underlying health conditions and did not (for understandable reasons) take her meds and limit activity. Sad but true. Also, even without Texas’s horrible law, Ms. A might not have received proper treatment from the Catholic hospital that was the only one accessible to her.

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That’s right: The Catholic hospitals have to be dealt with, too. This new substandard “care” is the crummy treatment that Catholic hospitals have gotten away with forever. And Catholic hospital chains are buying up hospitals at an alarming rate.

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I'll say it again and again. Any Democrat can beat any gop anywhere as long as the Democrat hammers on Dobbs all day every day. Back away from it and lose.

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Just made the mistake of reading this interview about the heritage foundation and project 25. Suffice it so say, “family policy” and concerns about the birth rate seem to be central to this, as I know folks here have been saying. Just gave me chills: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/21/magazine/heritage-foundation-kevin-roberts.html

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i have been trying to get people to pay attention to Project 2025. The ones who have perused it seem to think that it will never be allowed to happen

When i point out that many people thought the overturning of Roe would never happen they stop chatting with me

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Without immigration they can't make up for the falling birth rate. But since they can't get white/blonde people from Sweden to emigrate, and are afraid that they will be overrun by brown and black folks, this is their solution, forced birth from majority whites right here.

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This is so.

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That ad with Dr. Dennard is a great start. Her demographics addresses the people we need to peel off to get even more support. She is white, rich, beautiful/blonde (a lot of Republican women may relate to her better) and a doctor to boot. She knows exactly what is happening or going to happen with the fetus being an OB/GYN herself. And if she had this much trouble to get a medically necessary abortion, what about other mere mortals with even less resources, that is the subtext. Credit to her for coming forward with her story.

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I hope she was nursing her four month old at the time as she was during the hearing, that was so powerful a nessage.

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The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services says an Oklahoma hospital did not violate federal law when doctors told a woman with a nonviable pregnancy to wait in the parking lot until her condition worsened enough to qualify for an abortion under the state’s strict ban. Jaci Stratton .

Just stumbled on this. Crap!!!

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What bullshit, that is obscene.

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Apologies for the off topic but DeSantis dropped out! YAY now I just have to deal with his greediness as gov for a few more years.

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tweet seen:

Bradley P. Moss reposted

Santiago Mayer


Ron DeSantis should be forced to carry his presidential campaign to term

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Oh, priceless!

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On Friday in DC they held the annual anti-abortion march my friends and I call the March Against Women’s Lives. It got sympathetic coverage with 3 articles in the Washington Post and at least on in the NYTimes, when I have found no coverage of Thursday’s Senate hearing in either paper. Religious schools bus in hordes of teenagers for this event and poorly supervised boys in red hats think it’s hilarious to yell misogynist crap at the women they pass on the sidewalk. It frustrates me how much deference the media still gives these people and how they still allow them to wrongly claim the moral high ground.

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WaPo's executive editor is a right-wing woman, who is no friend to democracy, or reproductive rights in general. She has debased a once great paper beyond belief. I take this abomination very seriously as I adored the WaPo from the time they gave us the "Pentagon papers."

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great to see you here EFN

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You too love!

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They finally put the link to the hearing at the very end of an election “horse race” article about Biden expanding abortion & contraception protections in the Post

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It has been depressing to watch the steady deterioration of the WaPo since Bezos bought it.

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I “don’t” hate to say it - but friendly doctors can provide you monetary figures for the what these forced pregnancy goons are demanding, such as the c-sections and the increased child poverty rate, the increased rate of abandonment. Romania refused to let women get abortions and enforced their law with their secret police - much as the MAGA utopia would love. The result was nightmarish. I remember the overrun orphanages as a result of people giving up children they were unable to afford to feed. There are pictures available to show Americans what this forced pregnancy bs produces. The MAGA forced pregnancy dream is a human “puppy mill”. It has nothing to do with Jesus Christ’s teachings of being a “Good Shepherd”.

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You have described their wet-dreams perfectly they call it a "Maternity ranch". WaPo did a fluff-piece on it, and they had to close the comment section because everyone called them on how disgusting it was normalizing the forced-birth agenda.(I dropped my subscription over it.)


The madman Nicolai Ceacesescu did get what he deserved, but was allowed to ruin a decades worth of people's lives, in the meantime.

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I'd like to see a fancy, pants lawyer push an initiative that defines a developing embryo as the personal property of the womb housing the embryo.

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