
Kamala's rally in Erie just now... superb! she played a clip of trump saying enemy from within, lunatic left, and letting loose military on American citizens. LOL... WTG.

Also, I found out Musk was an illegal immigrant when he first came here... looks like student visa, overstaying and such... illegal is illegal. Revoke his citizenship and send him back. He is not indispensable.

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If you are feeling nostalgic for BC, campaigning in GA for Harris... I always love to listen to him.


"they (MAGA) will be fine if we win but WE won't be fine if they win"

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from July but does not hurt to bring it back...


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Oct 13·edited Oct 13

PSA... if Harris wins and

1) Dems don't win the House, there won't be a smooth certification and peaceful transfer of power (Johnson made that clear in the MTP today if not before);

2) Dems don't win the Senate, all her appointments will be hobbled including any SCOTUS and other judicial appointments, her cabinet appointments and it will be shxtshow.

There was a time under normal circumstances, one would think, I will vote for a Dem president but give the Rs the H or S, no such thing in this election.

It has got to be D all the way down. Vote against every R at every level.

Angela Alsobrooks (MD senate candidate) has a clever ad that shows people who voted for Hogan and like Hogan are not voting for him now because that would give the nefarious Rs their majority.

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13

Dangerous immigrants, no, not the ones trump and his minion are lying about... Axis of evil includes immigrants Musk, Thiel, and Murdoch, as I have been saying for a while on this board, finally in Ad form. Please disseminate because the worse is yet to come if these people win.


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Would you please, if you could, address, who the Pro-choice organizertions are with the most clout and why is it that their voices and messaging isn't as prevalent and powerful as the anti-abortionists? Have we failed to organize a forceful movement?

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The problem is religion and the extreme deference with which it is treated. Pro-choice or any women’s rights organizations have more of an uphill battle because of the misogyny deeply embedded in our society and because those claiming religion always get the benefit of the doubt that their intentions are good.

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I would argue that we didn't organize a movement as such at all. Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of organizations and certainly hundreds of thousands or millions of individuals are being brave, intelligent, skillful, and resourceful doing wonderful work. But there are a lot of gaps and a lot of overlaps and wheel re-invention.

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Tom Nichols from The Atlantic called it. He said millions of people will vote for Trump b/c they want the reality TV show that is Trump play out, and/or they want millions of Americans to suffer in order to satiate their sadism. They anticipate and welcome the carnage.

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While I understand the importance of voters this election cycle to lay the groundwork for nationally restoring access and passing the many state initiatives that are in play I am also finding myself increasingly angry when I hear Trump and other politicians talking about returning this to the voters. Why does anyone get to vote about MY body and MY healthcare? Or anyone else’s, for that matter. There should be only one vote involved - MINE. I am the only person who should be able to make MY medical decisions. I am not hearing this nearly enough? The closest thing I have heard/seen was when Indiana’s ban took effect - I was driving to the airport there (I provide care, including abortion where it is/was legal, in 9 states) was one of Gavin Newsom’s incredible billboards that said “Indiana doesn’t own your body, you do”). I want to hear this from more politicians and voters!

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This, a thousand times!

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“I know, I know. I won’t hold my breath. But without this kind of specificity, the GOP will get away with lying to voters.”

👆yes! Don’t hold your breath. 😔 Keep calling the corporate media for their massive failures and biases! — AND — support *new* progressive media cause the MSM isn’t going to ever really change. They’re owned by Republican billionaires and it shows.

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I am from PA and Ryan McKenzie is awful. I saw him speak at a healthcare legislation conference, where he bragged about the work he's done to "reduce maternal mortality." I wrote his office and described why abortion is part of reducing MM, and he sent back the most petulant response. So my next move was to write to the paper, who posted my opinion piece in the Sunday paper. 🤞here's to hoping he saw me drag him

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At early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, body autonomy and "choice" were often coopted by people who refused to be vaccinated and/or wear masks. Because of course having a piece of cloth on your face is indistinguishable from forced childbearing.

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The SBA-PLA ad is truly despicable. But I also have to wonder who on earth can believe that dispensing abortion medication (presumably because it was requested!) is the same as forcing someone to have an abortion?

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They aren't critical thinking practitioners. The people that are forced birthers are fanatics who want to punish other women.

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Sigh…Dear Republicans: Once again you underestimate women! So, we’ll tell you again.

We are not fooled by your bs attempts to win us over!

As to abortion being a top issue for young women, abortion is not merely a “side issue”, or merely “a woman’s issue.” It is about full humanhood. Making decisions about one’s own body, self determination and having the same autonomy over one’s future as a young man does. It’s about not having someone else decide what kind of health care one gets or cannot get (no one tries to tell men this same thing). It is about having the same possibilities open for a young woman as are open to young men. It’s about not being put in a box by someone else, a predetermined role, instead of having a wide variety of possible roles. Young men are not expected to seek the consent of legislators before getting healthcare, not expecting to have limits placed on their ability to make their own choices, ever. That young women are seen so differently and expected to limit themselves, is unconscionable. I am 60, but wholeheartedly support reproductive justice, healthcare access, and reproductive rights, and I want young women to have more than one suffocating option. Abortion, for me, is interconnected to basic human rights. I will not vote for any politician or leader or policy position that limits choice for one gender while another has no such limitations.

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Beautifully expressed, Anubeion!

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I just want to say this regarding John Devine of the Texas State Supreme Court: I have despised him since he ran against Eileen O'Neill for District Judge in Harris County in 1994 over, IIRC, rulings she made regarding the anti-abortion protests around the Republican National Convention in Houston in 1992. (I was a clinic defender during the RNC in 1992; it was awful.) Anyway, Devine was a Christofascist anti-abortion hater 30+ years ago and he's still one now, and if it finally bites him in the ass and ends his judicial career, it will not be a moment too soon.

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Here's another pretender for you: Cyrus Javadi, running for Oregon House in my district. Check out my op-ed, my one good thing today!


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Great op ed!!! It's so important we do what we can to put the truth out there, especially in local printed press. I appreciate the work you put into that 💙🇺🇸

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Wonderful op ed!

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Regarding the Teen Vogue review on the history of witchcraft and abortion, Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English wrote a book in 1972 called Witches, Midwives and Nurses, which has more recently come out in a second edition. I highly recommend this book.

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Thanks for the rec, perfect season for it!

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