Another thing I heard years ago:

"A conservative believes that life begins at conception and ends after birth."

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Interesting this:

"AAPLOG recommends that in cases of deadly complications like massive placental abruption, women shouldn’t be given an abortion but made to go into vaginal labor in order to deliver “an intact fetal body.”

Is this supposed to happen BEFORE or AFTER the woman bleeds to death??

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The founding fathers owned other human beings, so holding them up as some example of 18th Century enlightenment isn’t going to work very well.

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it’s just astounding to me that the first amendment keeps a state from stopping the thomas more society from lying about abortion reversal, but doesn’t stop another state from preventing a parent from telling the truth about where a daughter can get abortion care. we are in bizarro world.

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Wow. "Extrauterine children" Aren't all actual children "extrauterine"? When birth occurs and you get a baby, isn't it now extrauterine? If you can't actually stick the kid back in the uterus, I think it needs another distinguishing title.

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I cannot wait for “Pro Life” to become a joke term. I personally can’t see the term without thinking of the absurdity of calling yourself “pro life” when your policies are geared towards tormenting the lives of women and girls.

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Let’s just call them murderers.

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It already is a joke to thinking people, they love war, executions, won't help kids who are already born to get free lunch, never vote to pay to help anyone poor, unless they can preach at them. Support assault weapons on our streets, and so on. They are "Forced Birthers". They made up the "pro-life " moniker as a marketing term, it was never the reality.


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The only people who should have any power in relacion to abortion are: the pregnant woman, a Medical person who puts her health and desires first, and her partner IF he puts her desires and health before anything else. “Pro-life”. Is a lie!

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Thank you for your work, Jessica! Please do take breaks when you need them! We can’t do anything when we are burned out and rest and joy are acts of resistance! ✊🏻

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Yeah. Pace yourself. Don't get in your own way.

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The Reproductive Health Initiative for Telehealth Equity & Solutions has published "State Policies Impacting TMAB Access for Medicaid Enrollees," (undated, but I accessed it today), https://www.rhites.org/tmab-map-medicaid=enrollees. In seventeen states, state Medicaid funds are used to cover abortion. In another four states (Colorado, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania) open cases or ballot initiatives would require Medicaid to cover abortion care. The states providing funding for Medicaid abortions are Alaska, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington. All these states allow telemedicine prescription of medication abortion medication over a link providing real-time audio and video. Most of the states allow prescription in audio-only telemedicine. Ten allow the patient's request to be recorded and sent to the provider later.

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