today a client of mine told me that some boys at her children’s high school are yelling “your body; my choice” at girls https://substack.com/home/post/p-151352227?source=queue&autoPlay=false

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Such a very important article/series. Thank you.

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good point!

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Yep. And how she is sent home from her job....

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I already got my iud, right when roe was overturned. They will not control me! But my iud kinda sucks, my period is really heavy and crampy, but it is the cost of freedom, and I will bear it 😃 by the time it is no good my fertility will be a fart in the breeze. 12 years it’s good for!

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And, I will say, for the 8000th time that Margaret Atwood’s handmaid‘s tale is just completely fucking prophetic

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I *always* think of the scene in the show, where June can't get her birth control filled because she's just stuck on customer service hold forever. It feels so innocuous, except that's exactly how this will play out.

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.....Which the Pro-Compulsory-Pregnancy and Who-Gives-a-FatF%#@-If-You-Die Crowd use as an Incel's Wet Dream Procedure Manual.

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Love that comparison!

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I just have to say, as a psychologist who works very very frequently with children who suffer from fetal alcohol syndrome disorders that not telling women about the dangers of drinking alcohol during pregnancy is totally different from the other kinds of things that are being warned warned about. I really really hope that you don’t see drinking alcohol in any amount as benign to anyone who would like to have a child, or have a child adopted. No child should should have to live with fetal alcohol syndrome for the rest of their lives.

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Here is the difference between the two sides. Pro Choice or now known as Reproductive Health Rights advocates would talk about fetal alcohol syndrome as part of a healthy pregnancy and lifestyle, without using it to either ban contraceptives OR to put young women in jail for miscarriages because they drank alcohol: which is already happening.

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Great article Jessica.Thanks

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OK, I understand misogyny. It’s been “The Year of ….”

Plus, I guess those extreme hetero male legislators must have partners who buy into it, because they certainly don’t intend to go without sex. Or maybe the partners aren’t hetero. Or are prepubertal.

But where are the rest of the men?

Speak up !! Please!!

Dating? Your pick-up line will have to change from “your place or mine” to “how about a fun game of pregnancy roulette.”

Married? You do have sisters, partners, and daughters, right??

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Plenty of women (unfortunately) aren’t just okay with it, they’re the orchestrators. Look at Ginny Thomas.

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Controlling reproduction is their chosen method. But I believe the goal is always cheap labor and higher profits. Controlling reproduction means a disempowered workforce. And a disempowered workforce is how they exploit, control and profit off of all the world's resources. Including human ones. Especially in the care economy.

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The Fifth Circuit has decide against the 2016 FDA expansion of mifepristone. Not unexpected, but still deeply infuriating.


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Next stop is Brett Kavanaugh, where these things are always decided. To quote Depeche Mode, "I think that God's got a sick sense of humor".

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"After all, what better way to force women back into the kitchen than by ensuring they’re forever pregnant?"

Who are they putting back in the kitchen? When I read that statement I inferred you mean rich women, and mostly white women? Historically all poor women particularly poor women of color have had to have their babies and work in menial low paying jobs. So are they trying to make poor women poorer and to have wealthy women have more babies? Controlling women is the goal, but are they trying to also make this a race issue and a class issue? Or is there just so many layers that all lead back to control?

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I think it's inherently a race issue and a class issue. Conservatives haven't been shy that they don't like jobs going overseas and want to incentivize companies to keep operations in America. How can we stack the school to prison pipeline for cheap prison slave labor if there are less kids in school? Or worse, the same amount of kids, but with better funded schools so they can actually escape the cycles of poverty?

Wealthy white women are wanted to be back in the kitchen, and so are middle and upper middle class white women. Poor white women are barely thought about, and for everyone else, they want us back as slaves. I don't think they've really hidden that.

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brilliant as always, Jessica. Thanks!

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Another example of how right-wing media inserts false messaging which then gets picked up by ALL media is the pervasive lie behind “hearbeat bills.” No matter how many times OB/GYN’s say “There. Is. No. Heartbeat. At. Six. Weeks.”, the next coverage by NYT and ABC, etc, etc says “state X just passed a Heartbeat Bill”….as if there is a beating heart in a clump of cells the size of a grain of rice. On and on and on.

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I get angry over Heartbeat bull crap too. Damn ultrasounds.

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Excellent work Jessica and spot on. Thank you 😊

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