"Abortion is a democracy issue" — BINGO!

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This should be a no-brainer.

A dead woman can not have children. I woman who has had an abortion can -- assuming it is performed safely by trained physicians.

So by forcing a woman to carry a non-viable pregnancy which has a high probability of affecting her future ability to conceive and bear children, the pro-life movement is shitting in its own bed.

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Yeah, like Yeni Glick. Lost her life. Because she should have been offered an abortion --


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Apr 17Edited

I don't know how Kellyanne Conway sleeps at night. She knows exactly what she's doing: feed voters these twisted analyses so they repeat them (like that a 15-week ban is reasonable) without much thought. They know many voters either don't have time to follow all of this or don't understand it fully, so they give them short phrases like "Hillary's emails" and "Hunter's laptop" and "wokeism" and "Make America .... Again"

We see through it. Hopefully she's gone in 2024.

Kamala Harris has to take her on. The "Trump did this" slogan she crafted is a good start. We need more of that pugilism.

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I suspect she sleeps hanging upside down from her talons like the vampire bat she is.

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And yet, Trump is out polling Biden by 10 % among Texas women I heard today on NPR. It boggles my mind.

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Sigh.... That's depressing.

I wonder if they think they can get access to the pills if they need them, even if illegally, so they stay in their political party comfort zone.

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I'd be interested to see the age breakdown among those Texas women though. Probably too small of a subsample to draw conclusions from but still.

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Thank you for your always watchful eye, Jessica. I was going to share this article but I realized I don't like the title-- it is more about the GOP's [cunning] way to establish an "alternative reality." The last paragraph made my blood run cold.

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Unlike most “issues,” on this one the critical swing group are educated women who will not fall for the sugar coating and obfuscation.

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Thank you! I posted hoping that others would also send a letter. You are awesome!

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If I am always looking for nefarious, foreign interference angle for Rs behavior, this article J Bouie discusses the motivation of Rs to behave like they are doing now. They have no winning ideas to gain power, only force and subversion which make them such easy marks for foreign interference.


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I read that. Nice piece.

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"Abortion isn’t just a health and human rights issue—it’s a democracy issue. And Republicans would rather dismantle democracy than let women control their own lives. "

We have to connect the dots. JV is right that it is a democracy issue. And why are Republicans hurting our democracy, not just in this way but others as well? Why are they hurting America and American way of life? We know they are a minority. This is a national security issue as much as a democracy issue. Like Maigret would ask, who benefits? -- who gains the most by dismantling America bit by bit?

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These republican cristo-fascist white men who want the Bible to direct all people, read Exodus 21:23-25 and Leviticus 24:19-21. An eye for an eye. Which means if your ban causes harm to a girl or woman, the legislators who passed these bans get the same harm. How shall this be carried out?

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Good question.

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With malice I hope.

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And ‘extreme prejudice’.

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Here's an interesting angle from the GOP press on the democratic (small "d") end of abortion rights and what it means to Trump's campaign.


From that link:

"Yet to say abortion is something for states to decide, in principle, forfeits the claim that there’s any objective truth in the debate above local feelings.

Abortion-rights advocates also believe their position must be enshrined nationwide — and the evidence of every election since Dobbs suggests they would only win bigger in a national fight.

Pro-lifers stand to lose everything gained in overturning Roe if the struggle gets re-nationalized."

But where is objective truth in all this? Simple. A woman's pregnancy is not a person, it is not a child, it is not even a baby. An abortion is not about killing anyone and the belief that it is has no rational foundation. The objective truth matters and nationally, we should embrace this simple truth and expose the knowledge that compels embracing this truth and rejecting the superstitious hysteria that they advance in our legal system.

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Thank you for sharing this

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Mapping the fourteen State Supreme Court Justices who banned abortions and are up for Retention Elections in 2024 - including two in Arizona.


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Vote them out!!

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Excellent link, thanks!

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Kellyanne is scheduled to appear on Washington Post Live Wednesday, April 24. She is to "discuss to issues driving the electorate in 2024, the politics of abortion in the battleground states and hawse sees Donal Trump's vision for a second term." I have sent in my protest email to letters@washpost.com and have asked all my friends and family to do the same. She should not be given any platform to spew her lies. The Washington Post is supposedly a reputable source. If they go ahead with having her speak, I will be cancelling my subscription. Please write to Washpost demanding to cancel her appearance!

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They used to be but Bezos hired right wing assholes for publisher ( A Murdoch man who worked their tabloids and was involved in their phone hacking scandal.) executive editor who was picked by the previous publisher who was a Reagan Fellow and ran his presidential library. And hired so many right wing writers. They published an article defending the forced-birther idiots in Texas. They are not the same type of paper as the one Ben Bradlee ran.

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I laughed at "how she sees DT's vision for a second term."

T-Rump has no vision ! He'll do whatever Project 2025 outlines and whatever he sees as expedient at the time.

I mean let's take a "normal" subject -- we sat there for 4 years hearing about a better healthcare plan that he said they had / were working on / would work on. It was going to be way better than Obamacare. They were going to repeal and replace.

Never materialized. Why? Because he has no vision, among not having a lot of other things...

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I emailed the opinions editor today, also. And will again before the 24th.

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Thank you!

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I emailed them too just now. They have no business perpetuating and pandering the big lie, all of their lies.....

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I agree with all of you about the Washington Post, as well as the NYT. Both these publications of record are corrupted by those who own them. Journalists are not free to be journalists-both pubs are censored and incomplete.

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Thank you!

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I am in TX and cannot understand why the current TX abortion bans are not getting the same coverage as Arizona. The trigger law here not only bans abortion unless the woman is about to die, it criminalizes doctors with felony charges, $100,000 fines and loss of license if they provide care that someone might challenge. And Texans seem ignorant about the current bans!!!!

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Send an email blast to all the Texas newspapers and writers, journalist.

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If memory serves, Texas was the only state to submit an ordinance of secession directly to the voters. In every other instance it was, in the manner that accomplished the ratification of the Second Philadelphia Constitution, a consequence of gerrymandered conventions

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Christian Nationalism is the wet dream of the defunct Republican Party. They cashed in their “family values and small government” charade for the new and improved American Fascist Party (AFP), wherein they control the vote, the will of their constituencies, and the rule of law.

Adding Dominionism to the AFP, women give up their autonomy willingly. It’s the right thing to do when your greatest earthly ambition is to obey your husband, your pastor(s), and your god.

Charismatic Christianity has become ascendant in the 21st century, and as it replaces traditional Christianity, its women are dutifully following the directives that have led to the current state of politics in America. They believe men know more and better than they do, and their places are always below his.

This is one of the major reasons we are witness to the abolition of women’s rights. It won’t stop with abortion or contraceptives. They’ll deny our rights to vote and to work at jobs once viewed as “a man’s job.” Secondary education will be allowed in the fields of teaching and nursing — you know — womens’ work.

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If you watch any videos of their "worship services", you'll be able to see how deranged and dangerous the Fundies (fundamentalists) are.

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We saw it in action last week inside the Arizona capitol when they were all praying in tongues, the only thing missing was the snake handlers... 🤣

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Yup. Insane.

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Masculine Christianity just like past 2000 years........

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