For a detailed rundown on the Nevada Right to Abortion Initiative, see, Gabrielle Gurley, "Nebraska's Single-Subject Imperative on Abortion," The American Prospect (Sept.5, 2024), https://prospect.org/health/2024-09-05-nebraska-single-subject-imperative-abortion.

Upholding the role of Black women in operating abortion funds and making sure that the conversation broadens to cover all aspects of reproductive justice: Victoria Uwumarogie, "Abortion Funds Are Putting Reproductive Justice into Practice--And They're Being Led by Black Women," essence.com (Sept. 5, 2024), https://www.essence.com/lifestyle/abortion-funds-support?. Black-led abortion funds highlighted in the article include Access Reproductive Care-Southeast, aka ARC Sougheast, operating in Alabama, Florida Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Tennessee, The Abortion Fund of Ohio, and Access Reproductive Justice (Access RJ), the only statewide abortion fund in California.

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Doctor also warns that not having any sex is causes anxiety, depression, and heart trouble.

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I know it’s not much. I’ll be fundraising for Yellowhammer during the debate next week. My goal is 100$. If I was a billionaire, I’d make sure all abortion funds were flush with cash. But I’m not. I’m just a person who mods a political fb group.

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Oral contraception eliminated most of the horrible pain that used to come with my cycle each month. Whatever the side effects, they are safer than pregnancy by a long shot. I am a fan.

Still, we need to ask for new formulations of OCPs that do not screw up women's natural testosterone levels. The pill blocks peak monthly T release around ovulation, and also boosts SHBG, which binds up the T so it can't be used in the body. The resulting deficit contributes to a number of possible side effects not commonly attributed to OCP use, such chronic sexual and urinary pain. So many women suffer due to doctors being clueless and not treating low free T due to OCPs, a condition which can be permanent. I am not sure why T, as a hormone essential to female sexual health, hasn't been included at replacement level doses in at least some of the available pill formulations.

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On that supreme court order, the noted dissents came from Thomas, Son of Sam, and Gorsuch. Which suggests that Barrett, Kavanaugh and Roberts were all on board. Obviously we almost always need two of those three to get any favorable decision, but if we didn't get all three here it wasn't noted.

This is important because one likely outcome of this election is for us to keep the White House but lose the Senate, which would most likely mean we're very limited in what we can do to restore reproductive freedoms (but that it shouldn't get worse?) I wonder (or maybe fantasize) about a situation in which Collins and Murkowski cross the aisle to help fix this, but in reality it seems very unlikely.

So if the status quo stays going forward for at least the next two years, how Barrett, Kavanaugh and Roberts, who signed on to Dobbs, rule on other reproductive health cases, determines how bad things get.

(This is assuming that if Harris wins she's actually allowed to take office, when in reality there's likely to be another insurrection, much worse than the last time.)

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Not so fast, Zach! :) DOJ's indictment yesterday gives me hope (Telegram's Durov's arrest in France). Imagine if the SCOTUS fuckers are somehow seen as doing the dirty work for the Russians or at the very least as anti-American, anti rule of law, the immunity decision, the Thomas guide to Cannon to dismiss the documents case, it all adds up. I hope everybody understands the taint that is even if remotely touched by trump as anti-American.

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Still very very tough to hold both Ohio and Montana, or alternately flip Texas or Florida. Which I suppose is why the Collins and Murkowski thing occurs to me.

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Discrediting the trumpers as paid pro-russian shills is big. I hope that the idea that these guys are at the very least anti-American grifters will percolate to down ballot races.

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My Mom and her friends, all in their 80s, are flabbergasted by the anti-hormonal-contraception propaganda and that young women would buy into it. They say stuff like: “How do they think their parents don’t have 10 brothers and sisters like their grandparents did?” “When my friends and I were brides we couldn’t wait to get our hands on those little pills so our lives would be better than our mothers’.” “Side effects? Huh!Try being pregnant 15 times.” Gives one perspective.

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DuPont’s Oza is spot on about the need for free or subsidized accurate, diagnostic ultrasounds. I escort occasionally at an abortion clinic where even people who wish to continue their pregnancies have paid out of pocket for reliable ultrasounds. Anecdotally, some ObGyns won’t take patients in the first trimester for fear of being “tainted” with what might be a normal early miscarriage.

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I’m dreading the day a grief crazed husband (or partner) decides to exercise his 2A “rights” on those he holds responsible for the death of his wife (or partner). Given the lack of firearms restrictions in states that restrict abortion, disaster seems inevitable.

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Dr. Marie Claire posted a great video on her TikTok account (The Pause Life) explaining why the Louisiana law is a big deal. I think it’s always helpful for obgyns to explain this stuff to people.

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Did you inadvertently contradict what you meant here? (Brackets mine) “The ruling blocks … [[a law that blocked prohibiting]] non-doctors (like midwives and physician assistants) from prescribing abortion medication.” Seems to me it should say “blocks … a law prohibiting.”

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Saying that they are leaving it to the states is just like saying "Women in 22 states are going to suffer and we'll just let it happen. Yawn."

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Because Republicans and religious zealots REALLY DO NOT CARE ABOUT WOMEN. They really don't.

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