The leader of a group I'm part of in Texas recommended reading Monica Guzman's "I Hadn't Thought of It That Way," about talking to people with differing viewpoints. I'm halfway through, and here's the thing:

I'm simply NOT curious about reaching out and talking to someone who wants me dead. Can't summon the curiosity. Now is the time to act, and survive, to make a better world for the future, because I have zero expectations of good faith dialogue from the ruling minority, which "others," mocks, and dehumanizes the vulnerable.

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Why should I talk to someone who wants to shoot me or let me die in childbirth?

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Yes. I have nothing but blackout rage for Republicans. Our contempt matters because when it comes to the “culture”, GOPers know something in their bones: they are lame losers. Everything cool in culture is liberal. And it burns them up. The cheesy trashy flag waving they do leaves these monsters hollow. I mean the SCOTUS is going to hand down an insane ruling 6-3 on the NY gun law case and we should pile scorn on them and call them hacks because it’s all we have left. To withhold our consent to be controlled by them. To hate them in our bones for what they allowed to happen to children with dreams. If I ever see Ted Cruz in public I will pour whatever drink I have access to on his head and scream in his face. My wife said that reaction is absolutely not fair because *she* wants to get arrested confronting him and someone needs to bail her out of jail.

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I was listening to Kam Franklin on All Things Considered today and she said a thing that I’d forgotten I’d also realized, which was that the shutdown in 2020 was the first time she didn’t feel oppressed, harassed, or get groped on a daily basis. Because she just didn’t go outside. I remember feeling the same way. I think some of us are really feeling the contrast between what it was like to not have to deal with that shit, even though it meant we were unemployed and lonely. I mean, what kind of world is it when the first time you aren’t oppressed on a daily basis is when the world is falling apart around you? Well, now we’re back in the world and it’s still falling apart and even more so. It’s not getting better. Humanity didn’t take the hint that it was time to try and be better.

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I think that could be a good thing if women took note of that contrast and remember it; it could be an opportunity, because we need to fight back hard now more than ever. But then I try to look for the positive; reality is too depressing otherwise.

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"Civility isn’t important, morality is." FUCK if that sentence doesn't just get to the point in five words.

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Yes. I don't know where we go with it though. The problem I see is that there are (at least) 74 million of these f*ckers in this country. Every day it's harder and harder to see how WE coexist with THEM. And so idk where that leaves us.

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I am thinking of Brett’s family and keeping them in my prayers.

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Totally agree! I have long had a hard time trying to be polite and nice. All that “we have more in common than you realize” yada, yada, yada. BS. It’s all about greed and dominance. Sharing this article.

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Exactly. I can't stay the both sides bullshit. It's so naive

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My rage against Republicans started in the Eighties and just kept growing and growing. I think of them as mounds of rotting fecal matter. A way to flush them needs to be found.

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