So, this Hydrick guy thinks women should be testing for pregnancy every month as soon as 10 days after possible conception in order to be able to get your abortion by 6 weeks. So, you have to take a pregnancy test before you even missed a period? That is just stupid. What about the women with irregular periods? It's the same issue over and over and over. Dudes with law degrees should not be making decisions about women's health.
Wait, she still got pregnant with an iud? That is like my worst nightmare, I thought I was in the clear as I also have an iud. I looked into getting my tubes tied, but was met with resistance from my primary care doctor. She flat out told me that iuds are 99.9% effective, and getting fixed would be overkill. Fuck her, I live in Florida. I am making another appointment like today.
I'm going to post this here if anyone has any helpful ideas, and if you take the time to read this, thank you in advance. I will comment occasionally on Nate Silver's substack and when talking politics I of course mention abortion a lot. There is a reply to me from someone who's there a lot who is definitely not on our side but not a troll either. I get testy with any challenges on anything related to abortion, and I did my best. But I didn't feel fully prepared and informed when he then said "Kermit Gosnell". I remembered the name and the case right away, but does anyone know what kind of patients he was seeing and why? Wikipedia has a lot of information on his misdeeds, but doesn't really answer that question for me. Obviously I oppose all restrictions on reproductive health care, but when someone says Americans support bans later in pregnancy, I normally respond the way I did here, and I realize that I don't feel confidently skilled enough to know exactly what I should say when someone subsequently challenges that.
Personally, I think Kermit Gosnell is what happens when you don't have easy to access abortion care for women. Desperate women went to him. If there had been other options, they would have taken them. Also, one bad actor shouldn't mean no one can do late-term abortions. There are pill mills out there; that doesn't mean doctors should be banned from prescribing opiates to patients who need them. Kermit Gosnell was awful. There are always awful people who will break the law. That doesn't mean you stop others from being able to do the procedures or stop women from having access to legitimate providers.
Just one other quick comment, more of a general statement really; I want to thank all the beautiful sexy men that subscribe to AED and support reproductive freedom for women. Sometimes the posts from us women might be insensitive or derogatory towards men, we do not mean it that way. This topic of abortion is not women versus men. For me personally I just get riled up really easily when I see all these male politicians trying to control my body. You men here are not them. We know that. ❤️
Today was a good day for democracy in general. It was lovely seeing the egg on Maga Mike's face in the failed vote to impeach Mayorkas. And Trump failed with the Appeals court. It's nice to take some wins when they come along.
Not to mention depending on the oral pill a women is on, they may even have a monthly cycle.... so NO.... they would not know that soon. It's laughable male judges and politicians are telling us how our parts work. They barely know the g-spot or clit and vagina vs uterus. Pisses me off every fuckin day! Can you imagine a world where women ruled men's bodies. I think NOT.
And the "6 week heartbeat" fake science has been debunked in MANY articles written by REAL doctors. Not one article in the New England Medical Journal was written by a judge or lawyer or politician.
Thank you for bringing our attention to Project 2025. You are right, we need to be shouting from the rooftops about this agenda. The podcast RePros Fight Back just did an episode on this conservative project, and it is terrifying. I am now going to go to your Substack and read everything you have written on this subject.
The anti-abortion zealots are objectively awful people - from the cruel liars at the "crisis pregnancy center" to the condescending jerk of a judge. And they are passing objectively terrible laws that treat women like silly brood mares who can't think for themselves. We're literally fighting for our humanity. Gods and goddesses, I HATE these peope.
I'm so upset about what Ms Shelton went through in Fucking S.C. !!!To the goddamned Supreme Court of the United States, the fucking right wing part, are you happy with the turmoil and ugliness of the republican party, and the cruelty that you unleashed on women and girls? GODDAMN you. May karma hit you and YOUR family hard!! You have put women and girls into the jaws of hell. To the Maga republican politicians that are writing the bans, shame on you. May you receive the ugly karma that you deserve. God damn you.
I don't usually wish ill on people, but I wish NOTHING but ill on pay-for-play-thomas, inquistor-alito, selfish-gorsuch, beer-boy brett, and the handmaid. I hope they SUFFER.
Yeah, me too. kavanaugh and barret both have young daughters. But of course if it's their daughter's life that's threatened by a catastrophic pregnancy, they'll just go to a private clinic and get it taken care of. I don't know how they sleep at night with the hell they have unleashed on women.
I meant perhaps they would suffer in some manly way, the daughter should not suffer for the fathers idiocy, I always suspected he was perving on his softball girls team he coached. There are so many horror stories about coaches sexually abusing girls. WaPo was full of them.
He was perving with those girls. In his hearing for the Supreme Court nomination, he named every girl on the team before he introduced his wife and daughter.
Yes, showed his priorities...You have a good eye. It was just one more awful thing in the Kabuki theater that was his hearing. But all I could think of was, who is protecting these girls from him? Leopards don't change their spots. Maybe the parents don't care because he has power,and his daddy is rich?
As more ugly stories of abortions denied get published, the women of this country are growing angrier and more determined to undo this crime against us. Cathy, you spoke this anger we feel to perfection! Thank you!
❤ About time! On Tuesday morning, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit unanimously rejected Donald Trump’s claims that he is immune from criminal prosecution for life for acts he took while president.
There was a time in our recent history that women said “okay” to whatever men decided for us. That time has passed. We got educated as many of us burned our bras. We decided we are equal to men, even if we still have to fight for that recognition.
But we aren’t going to let them win on this one. Our bodies don’t belong to men or legislation. We are not vessels to provide men their legacies.
It’s going to take time and a fire that will burn indefinitely inside those of us who believe we must right this wrong. And we will realize success only after denying theocratic Republicans the power they require to keep us held as hostages.
You must be familiar with the Seven Mountains Mandate and/or the Joshua Generation. The Fundamentalists have been building God’s army for at least a generation — complete with promise rings and purity vows (like Mike Johnson’s daughter).
I heard about them before, but I forgot how deranged they were. Talk about aberrant behavior. If there is a God, he, she or it needs to smite them ⚡⚡⚡.
Although I understand planned parenthood’s position that a 9 week ban is better than a 6 week ban, isn’t this the kind of thinking that allowed abortion restrictions to tighten even before Roe was overturned? Doesn’t that kind of thinking assume that if we “compromise” then the GOP will be satisfied and stop going after our rights? Haven’t we figured out that the GOP is insatiable and they will never stop until there is a nationwide federal abortion ban with no exceptions? The GOP is like a group of terrorists- women’s reproductive health terrorists. You never win when you negotiate with a terrorist.
Hope that didn’t sound snarky. We hear you and agree wholeheartedly. Whenever people talk about a “reasonable” 15 weeks, our first response is that dictating womens health is never reasonable. We haven’t stopped fighting for full abortion rights - we’re just hitting it from all possible angles.
No one is trying to compromise. Instead, we’re fighting for every inch of ground we can. As mentioned by Taylor in the article, allowing abortion to 9 weeks means the difference in at least 50% of our patients receiving care versus only 10% at 6 weeks. Since the SC Supreme Court has allowed the law to take effect, these lawsuits are our only short-term options. We’re also working to get Congress to codify Roe and to defeat all the Republicans in the SC legislature at the ballot box. Hope you’ll join us in this multi-pronged fight.
This case strikes home because I did my residency training in Charlotte, NC, and we treated many poor South Carolinians for whom SC’s deficient medical care “system” was a failure, not just for reproductive health but other public health measures like TB screening. I saw TB cases in the 1970s that were medical history in the rest of the country - TB meningitis, infantile TB of the spine - because rural poor South Carolinians had no public health to speak of. Likewise, we treated complicated pregnancies, ectopic pregnancies, pregnancies requiring abortions for fetal malformation or demise presenting from SC because that care was unavailable right across the border from us. Things were terrible then and Republicans have made them even worse now - you could at least get a first term abortion then after Roe and a couple of years later EMTALA stopped most transfers for lack of private insurance or excessive melanin.
Iud's cause ectopic pregnancy? Can't these fake pregnancy crisis centers be charged with practicing medicine without a license?
So, this Hydrick guy thinks women should be testing for pregnancy every month as soon as 10 days after possible conception in order to be able to get your abortion by 6 weeks. So, you have to take a pregnancy test before you even missed a period? That is just stupid. What about the women with irregular periods? It's the same issue over and over and over. Dudes with law degrees should not be making decisions about women's health.
I am very curious as to how a doctor can remove an IUD and not remove the embryo at the same time?
Wait, she still got pregnant with an iud? That is like my worst nightmare, I thought I was in the clear as I also have an iud. I looked into getting my tubes tied, but was met with resistance from my primary care doctor. She flat out told me that iuds are 99.9% effective, and getting fixed would be overkill. Fuck her, I live in Florida. I am making another appointment like today.
I'm going to post this here if anyone has any helpful ideas, and if you take the time to read this, thank you in advance. I will comment occasionally on Nate Silver's substack and when talking politics I of course mention abortion a lot. There is a reply to me from someone who's there a lot who is definitely not on our side but not a troll either. I get testy with any challenges on anything related to abortion, and I did my best. But I didn't feel fully prepared and informed when he then said "Kermit Gosnell". I remembered the name and the case right away, but does anyone know what kind of patients he was seeing and why? Wikipedia has a lot of information on his misdeeds, but doesn't really answer that question for me. Obviously I oppose all restrictions on reproductive health care, but when someone says Americans support bans later in pregnancy, I normally respond the way I did here, and I realize that I don't feel confidently skilled enough to know exactly what I should say when someone subsequently challenges that.
Personally, I think Kermit Gosnell is what happens when you don't have easy to access abortion care for women. Desperate women went to him. If there had been other options, they would have taken them. Also, one bad actor shouldn't mean no one can do late-term abortions. There are pill mills out there; that doesn't mean doctors should be banned from prescribing opiates to patients who need them. Kermit Gosnell was awful. There are always awful people who will break the law. That doesn't mean you stop others from being able to do the procedures or stop women from having access to legitimate providers.
Thank you, that gives me some ideas.
Just one other quick comment, more of a general statement really; I want to thank all the beautiful sexy men that subscribe to AED and support reproductive freedom for women. Sometimes the posts from us women might be insensitive or derogatory towards men, we do not mean it that way. This topic of abortion is not women versus men. For me personally I just get riled up really easily when I see all these male politicians trying to control my body. You men here are not them. We know that. ❤️
That's a very kind thing to say; thank you on behalf of the men here! :)
Today was a good day for democracy in general. It was lovely seeing the egg on Maga Mike's face in the failed vote to impeach Mayorkas. And Trump failed with the Appeals court. It's nice to take some wins when they come along.
and the Israel aid was voted down. All that took some Republicans voting against MAGA. I felt hopeful at the end of the day.
Thank you for sharing, I missed the first thing.
Not to mention depending on the oral pill a women is on, they may even have a monthly cycle.... so NO.... they would not know that soon. It's laughable male judges and politicians are telling us how our parts work. They barely know the g-spot or clit and vagina vs uterus. Pisses me off every fuckin day! Can you imagine a world where women ruled men's bodies. I think NOT.
And the "6 week heartbeat" fake science has been debunked in MANY articles written by REAL doctors. Not one article in the New England Medical Journal was written by a judge or lawyer or politician.
Yep, the "heartbeat sound" is made by valves opening and closing, which don't exist at six weeks depite the Charlotte Lozier liars.
Gotta hand it to my home state. Always a national embarrassment.
Thank you for bringing our attention to Project 2025. You are right, we need to be shouting from the rooftops about this agenda. The podcast RePros Fight Back just did an episode on this conservative project, and it is terrifying. I am now going to go to your Substack and read everything you have written on this subject.
The anti-abortion zealots are objectively awful people - from the cruel liars at the "crisis pregnancy center" to the condescending jerk of a judge. And they are passing objectively terrible laws that treat women like silly brood mares who can't think for themselves. We're literally fighting for our humanity. Gods and goddesses, I HATE these peope.
I'm so upset about what Ms Shelton went through in Fucking S.C. !!!To the goddamned Supreme Court of the United States, the fucking right wing part, are you happy with the turmoil and ugliness of the republican party, and the cruelty that you unleashed on women and girls? GODDAMN you. May karma hit you and YOUR family hard!! You have put women and girls into the jaws of hell. To the Maga republican politicians that are writing the bans, shame on you. May you receive the ugly karma that you deserve. God damn you.
I don't usually wish ill on people, but I wish NOTHING but ill on pay-for-play-thomas, inquistor-alito, selfish-gorsuch, beer-boy brett, and the handmaid. I hope they SUFFER.
Just wish the damage they have done, to boomerang back to them.
Yeah, me too. kavanaugh and barret both have young daughters. But of course if it's their daughter's life that's threatened by a catastrophic pregnancy, they'll just go to a private clinic and get it taken care of. I don't know how they sleep at night with the hell they have unleashed on women.
I meant perhaps they would suffer in some manly way, the daughter should not suffer for the fathers idiocy, I always suspected he was perving on his softball girls team he coached. There are so many horror stories about coaches sexually abusing girls. WaPo was full of them.
He was perving with those girls. In his hearing for the Supreme Court nomination, he named every girl on the team before he introduced his wife and daughter.
Yes, showed his priorities...You have a good eye. It was just one more awful thing in the Kabuki theater that was his hearing. But all I could think of was, who is protecting these girls from him? Leopards don't change their spots. Maybe the parents don't care because he has power,and his daddy is rich?
As more ugly stories of abortions denied get published, the women of this country are growing angrier and more determined to undo this crime against us. Cathy, you spoke this anger we feel to perfection! Thank you!
❤ About time! On Tuesday morning, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit unanimously rejected Donald Trump’s claims that he is immune from criminal prosecution for life for acts he took while president.
Check today's Law Dork by Chris Geidner for more info. He's on substack.
There was a time in our recent history that women said “okay” to whatever men decided for us. That time has passed. We got educated as many of us burned our bras. We decided we are equal to men, even if we still have to fight for that recognition.
But we aren’t going to let them win on this one. Our bodies don’t belong to men or legislation. We are not vessels to provide men their legacies.
It’s going to take time and a fire that will burn indefinitely inside those of us who believe we must right this wrong. And we will realize success only after denying theocratic Republicans the power they require to keep us held as hostages.
If you hope to end this nightmare, vote blue.
"We are not vessels to provide men their legacies." GREAT sentence. I hope you don't mind my stealing it.
You phrases a concept I’ve had trouble articulating PERFECTLY!!
Feel free to use that one, Jan. It’s something that doesn’t yet seem to be discussed, but has much to do with enlarging the family.
Don't even get me started on the whole "full quiver" notion. Aargh.
You must be familiar with the Seven Mountains Mandate and/or the Joshua Generation. The Fundamentalists have been building God’s army for at least a generation — complete with promise rings and purity vows (like Mike Johnson’s daughter).
So gross.
I heard about them before, but I forgot how deranged they were. Talk about aberrant behavior. If there is a God, he, she or it needs to smite them ⚡⚡⚡.
Although I understand planned parenthood’s position that a 9 week ban is better than a 6 week ban, isn’t this the kind of thinking that allowed abortion restrictions to tighten even before Roe was overturned? Doesn’t that kind of thinking assume that if we “compromise” then the GOP will be satisfied and stop going after our rights? Haven’t we figured out that the GOP is insatiable and they will never stop until there is a nationwide federal abortion ban with no exceptions? The GOP is like a group of terrorists- women’s reproductive health terrorists. You never win when you negotiate with a terrorist.
Hope that didn’t sound snarky. We hear you and agree wholeheartedly. Whenever people talk about a “reasonable” 15 weeks, our first response is that dictating womens health is never reasonable. We haven’t stopped fighting for full abortion rights - we’re just hitting it from all possible angles.
No one is trying to compromise. Instead, we’re fighting for every inch of ground we can. As mentioned by Taylor in the article, allowing abortion to 9 weeks means the difference in at least 50% of our patients receiving care versus only 10% at 6 weeks. Since the SC Supreme Court has allowed the law to take effect, these lawsuits are our only short-term options. We’re also working to get Congress to codify Roe and to defeat all the Republicans in the SC legislature at the ballot box. Hope you’ll join us in this multi-pronged fight.
Thank you for highlighting what is going on in our state!
One more resource for folks not listed:
This case strikes home because I did my residency training in Charlotte, NC, and we treated many poor South Carolinians for whom SC’s deficient medical care “system” was a failure, not just for reproductive health but other public health measures like TB screening. I saw TB cases in the 1970s that were medical history in the rest of the country - TB meningitis, infantile TB of the spine - because rural poor South Carolinians had no public health to speak of. Likewise, we treated complicated pregnancies, ectopic pregnancies, pregnancies requiring abortions for fetal malformation or demise presenting from SC because that care was unavailable right across the border from us. Things were terrible then and Republicans have made them even worse now - you could at least get a first term abortion then after Roe and a couple of years later EMTALA stopped most transfers for lack of private insurance or excessive melanin.