Aside from all the obvious other bad things about these idiotic and sadistic laws, is the state going to pick up the tab for all of the c-sections they will be imposing on women? Not the biggest concern here, but definitely a concern when you consider the no doubt significantly greater expense of major surgery being added to an already terribly stressful situation. These people that are more concerned about a fetus than about the woman carrying it are just seriously nuts. I'm 68 and I can't believe this is where we are as a country.

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Quote: "doctors providing emergency care to those 14 or more weeks into pregnancy must “terminate the pregnancy in the manner that, in reasonable medical judgment, provides the best opportunity for the unborn child to survive.”

I'm convinced the people that write these bills live in a fantasy land, they don't live in reality, because there is no reality where a 14 week pregnancy has ANY chance to survive. None. Zero. Zilch. Nor does a 15 week pregnancy, or a 16 week pregnancy,...etc. It's just nonsense. Forced to undergo a surgery (that has far high risk of complications than an abortion, btw) or endure labor and delivery in order to "give the best opportunity to survive" to a fetus that has no opportunity to survive whatsoever! It's madness. It's dangerous.

And I just want to point out that they are doing EXACTLY what the Catholics have succeeded in doing regarding miscarriage care - establishing an alternative "standard of care" that aligns with religious beliefs instead of medical best practice recommendations.

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I'm becoming more and more convinced that we have been undergoing and will continue to be entering into a new dark ages. Taking away women's rights was the tip of the iceberg. For whatever reason, it seems that is what a huge proportion of Americans wants. I'm becoming despondent.

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Voter beware!

tweet: https://twitter.com/highbrow_nobrow/status/1749113223477961020

The Intellectualist


CBS News: Would you sign a national abortion ban?

Nikki Haley: Yes, I am unapologetically pro-life. I have said I am fine with a federal law banning abortion

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Heather Cox Richardson (TDPR) reposted

Biden’s Wins


BREAKING: The Biden campaign just dropped this ad highlighting MAGA extremists attacks on reproductive healthcare. Retweet to make sure the country sees.



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This is a question. What do you think of the analysis in this Guardian article? https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/jan/21/abortion-activists-future-roe-v-wade?

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Good article. Personally, I am expecting an internal fight between those who want to reinstate Roe at least and quickly with those who want no restrictions whatsoever. I used to think Roe and viability was a good compromise for a complicated issue but not so now after seeing what these Republican goons do to exceptions which is that they are not exceptions at all or will be criminalized in the red states. The approach should be abortion is healthcare and not to be touched by legislators.

From the article: "Christensen, who had to travel out of state in 2016 for a third-trimester abortion after discovering a fatal fetal anomaly, said the push for viability was an especially flawed strategy in red and purple states like Arizona, where she lives, because it leaves the door open for hostile legislatures to pass bans criminalizing abortion later in pregnancy."

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“she was screaming—not from pain but from the emotional trauma she was experiencing.”

Wouldn’t that be considered cruel and unusual punishment? And if the fetus is a person then isn’t the fetus trying to murder their mother? So rather than helping the mother defend herself, aren’t they aiding and abetting the attempted murder of the mother? It’s in the point of view.

I wanted to add that I am very grateful that you exist. I'm grateful that you are in this fight, battling for all of us - women, men, non-binary, children, everyone - because we all are being affected by this insanity.

And there's one random point that occurred to me. The anti-choice people will often say that they are doing this to protect women and girls. Girls? GIRLS? It's clear that they are okay with children having babies. They are seriously perverted. Seriously.

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Women cannot control the politics of their State - however Women can & must decide to control which US State they want to LIVE in and where they chose to trust their life & future to!

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I’m envisioning a kind of voluntary mass exodus of women and children like that led by Moses. Wouldn’t that be something? Heading to the Promised Land of free choice. Can’t you just picture it?

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Until we repudiate completely, morally and legally, that a woman's pregnancy does not ever at any stage deserve the status of a person or "unborn child", women will continue to suffer. A pregnant woman's most important relationship with her pregnancy is the one she has with herself and her future. If she wants to give birth, the relationship means one thing. If she wants to have an abortion, the relationship means another. She decides and nobody else has anything to say about it.

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Thank you, Jessica for all this work you are doing for us.

Re your excellent points and this quote you provided“ They know that women are going to die and be harmed, and they’ve chosen to be even more brutal and dangerous,” Sen. Roys says.”

Like you have said, Jessica, non of this is pro life and about saving women’s lives. I will add that aside from the Right wanting the economic benefit of all women staying home and working for free doing all the child care and domestic chores( and worshiping males), there is this other main, glaring reality.

In order for America to become 100% isolationist ( read: no imports from any country), then the country needs a gigantic labor force, so huge that people will work for pennies. Then corporate profits expand like never before because the labor cost is almost zero.

“Who needs cheap goods from China when we can make our own,” says the gluttonous 1%er rubbing his hands in anticipatory glee.

Of course the irony is, without any source of a living wage income, that same labor force will not be buying those super cheap goods. Then again the Right doesn’t care about that end of the equation , the prospect of almost zero labor expense is intoxicating. To them there is no point looking beyond that...

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I love G. Whitmer. Can we have her on the presidential ticket?

Whitmer on reproductive rights:

video: American women are a force to be reckoned with, and we will not back down.

The fight for reproductive rights is far from over, but when we fight like hell to protect our fundamental rights, we can win.


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This makes me nauseous.

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I hate Illinois Nazis,

And Wisconsin Republicans.

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Damned animals and hypocritical human waste

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I realized this is very hard for you

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I just...I can't even. I started crying when telling my partner about this because I'm a woman and I have human dignity, too, dammit. We live in Madison, WI, so they best believe I will be fighting like hell against this.

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