sure, as long as someone else does the day-planning, sleep-training feeding and cleaning and diaper changing, they're fine with spending more time with their kids.
Thank you Jessica. You provide another example of those who are unable to connect the dots. He along with many others are dangerous in their opinions. They continue to fuel the fire of hate. The weight of all this madness is a heavy one to carry.
sure, as long as someone else does the day-planning, sleep-training feeding and cleaning and diaper changing, they're fine with spending more time with their kids.
Thank you Jessica. You provide another example of those who are unable to connect the dots. He along with many others are dangerous in their opinions. They continue to fuel the fire of hate. The weight of all this madness is a heavy one to carry.
Plus they're also the men who use the custody "bias" against men as a reason why feminism isn't needed.
“everything to do with sexist self-importance” YES