
So it’s official: It’s LEGAL to murder pregnant women in medical distress by withholding lifesaving abortions.

Here’s a link to the Supreme Court if you are inclined to let them know what you think about that:


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The ones who need to push their beliefs on everyone (the life bullies) are sounding ridiculous and more and more literally insane. Maybe trying to tidy their pathetic lives up and making themselves “look good”.

To compare a rape victim to a hit man! You are stooges and dangerous to women everywhere.

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If Missouri is currently collecting income taxes and money from the income taxes is paying pregnancy crisis centres, then allowing taxpayers to donate their tax equivalent to pregnancy crisis centres in lieu of taxes is just a big bamboozle. The same money is ending up in the same place, just skipping a step (which lowers the total taxes received by the State and, I don’t know, but maybe that triggers an increase in federal funds that comes from taxes forwarded from wealthier blue states. Unless their taxes are reduced in the process, people are getting no benefit. If they think they are then more fool them.

My idea of a pregnancy crisis centre would be a permanent structure which provides free medical care, whatever form that took. It would be for women and their children up to school age, including follow up care for any long term care needed, e.g., hearing or sight, autism spectrum, dental care. You get the picture?

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Yet they accuse Democrats and pro choice people of indoctrination.

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There's a bit of bright news today from Cobalt, an organization which helped pass Colorado's amendment last November, which enshrined access to abortion without exceptions - and including funding - in the state constitution. Cobalt announced today that the amendment received a majority of the vote in every congressional district in the state - even Lauren Boebert's district! Note that in Colorado, a proposed amendment must receive 55% of the vote in order to pass, and this amendment received 62% statewide. In Boebert's district, the margin was 157 votes.

This proves Jessica's repeated point that most voters support abortion rights, regardless of political affiliation.

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I would boycott these states but it only hurts the people that depend on their jobs, not the cretins that run the gop. It's a dilemma...

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The idiots won’t teach sex ed because they say it’s the parents who should decide what should be taught to their kids, yet they force this crap upon the public school children! Cause you can damn well bet Bill Lee won’t allow it to be taught in the charter schools he’s championing!

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I am really angry and frightened for women in states such as Idaho and Alabama. The maternal morality rates are going to skyrocket.

The forced birthers hate us and want us dead.

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The cruelty to women is worsening. Incomprehensible. Disgusting. Makes me so angry, and I'm WAY past childbearing age, but my daughter and other women are not, and they deserve protection, birth control and CHOICE.

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Yes, they do.

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Re: the indoctrination in "science" K-12, how are they divorcing this "information" from sex education? Makes no sense. Is the embryo going to be immaculately conceived?

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This is bullshit. They can spend all the public funds they want on their side but our side is barred from receiving such funds. This is the kind of thing wars are fought over, and rightly so. Equality NOW!

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