Trump has absolutely no idea about the content of the amendment on the ballot in Florida. None. He knows about the six week law, so he rambled about that - but he has no clue about the amendment.
In the mid 1980s, I miscarried in a restroom while attending a one day work conference. It was early in the first trimester, but it was still an intense experience. It infuriates me that women are being targeted because their bodies, like mine, couldn’t support a pregnancy. I had to have a D and C a couple of weeks later, because otherwise I might have become septic. That too is now subject to outside intervention. I can’t even….
We must remember felon Trump always spreads his lies to agree with the most popular issues and the the felon changes his mind and does not do what he promised. Trump changes his lies to suit his whims unless it puts money in his or his cohorts pockets.
Re the Oklahoma case: as a criminal defense attorney for 38 years, the initial reason they called OSBI is to absolve themselves from any complicity should criminality be alleged. The justification for calling the police could be a doctrine called “community caretaking.” IMHO this relatively recent concept (a few decades) is that there could be some student who needs medical help, so the police must search for them to render assistance if needed. I have seen this concept even getting around the warrant requirement for entering homes. I’m not sure of the stated justifications in the Brittany Watts case but I think it was similar there as the pilice left the hospital and went straight to the home toilet, which they dissembled
Thank you for the insight. This makes for a good example of why liberals and progressives are uncomfortable with the idea of police doing 'community caretaking'. The problem in this country is we don't fund anyone else to do it, so it ends up being left to police. If America is going to insist on doing it that way, recruiting and training and the mission need to be completely different, because right now it attracts way too many people whose main interest is in bullying and using force on others. Whatever happened to 'protect and SERVE'? End rant :)
Ugh! Hate it when I accidentally push send before I’m ready! There’s no way to edit these comments. OK is seems like a pretty far-out Christian Nationalist state, but I’m not sure. I haven’t done enough research on this OK case to find out how advanced this fetus was. I think the visual of a more progressed fetus is partly what motivates this idea that a corpse was mishandled. I don’t think the OK gal has been charged (yet).
I helped support the Montana amendment and I kind of thought that section 2 protected women who needed an abortion after "viability". Or at least most of them. Wouldn't mental health be part of this protection? ..... Thinking about carrying a product of rape to term for example. Am I misunderstanding how this works?
(2) The government may regulate the provision of abortion care after fetal viability provided that in
no circumstance shall the government deny or burden access to an abortion that, in the good
faith judgment of a treating health care professional, is medically indicated to protect the life or
health of the pregnant patient.
b) “Fetal viability” means the point in pregnancy when, in the good faith judgment of a
treating health care professional and based on the particular facts of the case, there is a
significant likelihood of the fetus’s sustained survival outside the uterus without the
Reading that text everything sounds right, but the problem always ends up being who's in charge of law enforcement in a state. If it's legal, but providers are going to be threatened with investigation, because it's theoretically possible they're not complying ('the government may regulate the provision of abortion care'), in practice care becomes very difficult to obtain. Providers can't really operate in an environment in which law enforcement can second guess their decisions.
Fetal viability isn’t a medical concept. If you read the history on the drafting of Roe, the concept was made up by a guy clerking for one of the SC justices. I don’t remember all the details, but it was amazing to learn the concept was just made up, by lawyers.
Doctors won’t perform abortions in a hostile legal environment — and no one can really blame them, there’s a lot at stake: prison, huge fines, loss of medical license if they break the law. But the anti-abortion laws are intentionally drafted with vague language, like “fetal viability” or “to save the life of the mother”, to prevent access to abortion. The laws make doctors afraid to provide women medical care, which their training and experience tell them the women need.
One example of hostile legal environment: In Texas, Kate Cox went to court and got court approval for her abortion, but TX AG Paxton wrote to her doctor and hospitals telling them they would not be protected when the court order expired. Whether Paxton’s opinion would have survived a court battle or not is irrelevant, he threatened prosecution if anyone dared to perform the court-approved abortion in Texas. So Kate Cox had to incur the expense and stress of leaving Texas to get the medical care she needed.
The example I just gave is one of the reasons I say Republicans keep moving the goal posts. It’s why we need to change the law and not just reinstate Roe but improve on it so there really is (as the SC wrote on its Casey ruling) “no undue burden” on women’s reproductive rights. It must be unambiguously clear that women make the decision and are entitled to accurate medical information to use in making that decision.
Clearly the existing abortion bans do not work to protect women. They aren’t intended to protect women.
It’s why I believe we need: abortion on demand and with apology. It just works.
Once again, I have to wonder if we are going about this all wrong. Maybe we should be sending all of our menstrual products to the police stations for forensic testing. After all, surely the police know what to do with potential “fetal remains”. I’m so sick of these people. Time to rub it in their faces. Literally.
The chilling effect of criminalization for college students (among so many others) is terrifying. For more info on Oklahoma’s approach to the prosecution of women themselves (a law explicitly permitting such prosecution in OK was just repealed in 2022) and for a hypothetical where we play out the potential investigation of potential abortion-related conduct on a College campus - check out - Oklahoma (pp. 67-70) and college campus hypothetical (pp. 78-82).
He’s walked it back again and says he’ll be voting against codifying abortion rights in Florida and of course he’s pro-life, people must have misunderstood him.
I imagine he either had no idea the measure was even on the ballot or, if he did, he had only the vaguest idea of what it was. The man is a moron with just enough charisma and feral cunning and, of course money, to have grifted his way through life. Until running for president his crimes were just enough under the surface that he got by. Now, with the bright light of national politics shining on him, he can’t hide any more. He’s running scared. He thought he had the election all sewn up, but then President Biden stepped away and he’s facing a much more formidable opponent. It couldn’t happen to a more deserving person.
How can anyone say that trump didn't say how he's voting on the florida abortion measure? He said he's voting for it and then said he's voting against it 24 hours later. Both on tv!
Thanks for reporting this Jessica, and for, as always, taking one for freedom and democracy. I hope that after the (very hopefully, good results) election, you'll allow yourself as much of a mental health break as you want or need. This is rough stuff.
And pardon me if this part is offensive to anyone, but fuck that school and fuck its administration and fuck whoever reported the fetus to the authorities.
No arts education in schools = no development of empathy. If these kids had empathy, they wouldn't narc on their classmate.
Thanks Jessica once again, I am flabbergasted on how the media is taking a pass on this flip flop of Trump and Vance. I also think it is very astute to call BS on fake anti-abortion outrage directed against Trump.
The mainstream media continues to astonish me with its terrible judgment. Have you guys seen Under the Desk News on TikTok? This person is brilliant and calls out the media eloquently. I hope their platform grows exponentially. xo
I feel so sorry for this university student. I feel like the university’s response also reflects a widespread level of ignorance/blindness to the reality of pregnancy and miscarriage. Women miscarry into toilets. This includes college aged women who have to use communal toilets. It may involve feces (this was reported frequently in another case, as if people don’t understand that bodily contractions pushing fetal tissue/a fetus wouldn’t also push out other materials). There have been countless miscarriages - and I’m sure medication abortions - into school toilets and the response should only be to make sure the student has the healthcare/assistance she needs, not a potential jail cell.
Exactly. My first pregnancy ended in miscarriage while I was waiting to see the OB. I was told by her staff to use the public restroom down the hall. There was no toilet paper and the toilet wouldn’t flush. I can only imagine what the cleaning staff thought when confronted with a toilet bowl full of blood. I couldn’t see the fetus but when I went for the D&C, the OB didn’t find it inside me so it was most likely in that toilet. It’s very common to miscarry into a toilet. Very.
I could easily imagine a young women having a miscarriage in the toilet, not knowing what to do, maybe not wanting to flush, and then being found by a dorm mate who doesn’t understand and calls the police. This makes me think we need stickers in the bathrooms about miscarriage realities/resources, just like the rape and human trafficking and abortion resource stickers.
A maternity wing closed. One month later, a young mom died when she couldn't get care.
This may be behind a paywall. If so, I apologize.
Trump has absolutely no idea about the content of the amendment on the ballot in Florida. None. He knows about the six week law, so he rambled about that - but he has no clue about the amendment.
In the mid 1980s, I miscarried in a restroom while attending a one day work conference. It was early in the first trimester, but it was still an intense experience. It infuriates me that women are being targeted because their bodies, like mine, couldn’t support a pregnancy. I had to have a D and C a couple of weeks later, because otherwise I might have become septic. That too is now subject to outside intervention. I can’t even….
We must remember felon Trump always spreads his lies to agree with the most popular issues and the the felon changes his mind and does not do what he promised. Trump changes his lies to suit his whims unless it puts money in his or his cohorts pockets.
Re the Oklahoma case: as a criminal defense attorney for 38 years, the initial reason they called OSBI is to absolve themselves from any complicity should criminality be alleged. The justification for calling the police could be a doctrine called “community caretaking.” IMHO this relatively recent concept (a few decades) is that there could be some student who needs medical help, so the police must search for them to render assistance if needed. I have seen this concept even getting around the warrant requirement for entering homes. I’m not sure of the stated justifications in the Brittany Watts case but I think it was similar there as the pilice left the hospital and went straight to the home toilet, which they dissembled
Thank you for the insight. This makes for a good example of why liberals and progressives are uncomfortable with the idea of police doing 'community caretaking'. The problem in this country is we don't fund anyone else to do it, so it ends up being left to police. If America is going to insist on doing it that way, recruiting and training and the mission need to be completely different, because right now it attracts way too many people whose main interest is in bullying and using force on others. Whatever happened to 'protect and SERVE'? End rant :)
Ugh! Hate it when I accidentally push send before I’m ready! There’s no way to edit these comments. OK is seems like a pretty far-out Christian Nationalist state, but I’m not sure. I haven’t done enough research on this OK case to find out how advanced this fetus was. I think the visual of a more progressed fetus is partly what motivates this idea that a corpse was mishandled. I don’t think the OK gal has been charged (yet).
Someone told me that if you hit on the three little dots at the bottom of your post, you can edit it.👍🏻
I think you can edit on the website but not the app? I've had the problem too :)
I helped support the Montana amendment and I kind of thought that section 2 protected women who needed an abortion after "viability". Or at least most of them. Wouldn't mental health be part of this protection? ..... Thinking about carrying a product of rape to term for example. Am I misunderstanding how this works?
(2) The government may regulate the provision of abortion care after fetal viability provided that in
no circumstance shall the government deny or burden access to an abortion that, in the good
faith judgment of a treating health care professional, is medically indicated to protect the life or
health of the pregnant patient.
b) “Fetal viability” means the point in pregnancy when, in the good faith judgment of a
treating health care professional and based on the particular facts of the case, there is a
significant likelihood of the fetus’s sustained survival outside the uterus without the
application of extraordinary medical measures.
Reading that text everything sounds right, but the problem always ends up being who's in charge of law enforcement in a state. If it's legal, but providers are going to be threatened with investigation, because it's theoretically possible they're not complying ('the government may regulate the provision of abortion care'), in practice care becomes very difficult to obtain. Providers can't really operate in an environment in which law enforcement can second guess their decisions.
Fetal viability isn’t a medical concept. If you read the history on the drafting of Roe, the concept was made up by a guy clerking for one of the SC justices. I don’t remember all the details, but it was amazing to learn the concept was just made up, by lawyers.
Doctors won’t perform abortions in a hostile legal environment — and no one can really blame them, there’s a lot at stake: prison, huge fines, loss of medical license if they break the law. But the anti-abortion laws are intentionally drafted with vague language, like “fetal viability” or “to save the life of the mother”, to prevent access to abortion. The laws make doctors afraid to provide women medical care, which their training and experience tell them the women need.
One example of hostile legal environment: In Texas, Kate Cox went to court and got court approval for her abortion, but TX AG Paxton wrote to her doctor and hospitals telling them they would not be protected when the court order expired. Whether Paxton’s opinion would have survived a court battle or not is irrelevant, he threatened prosecution if anyone dared to perform the court-approved abortion in Texas. So Kate Cox had to incur the expense and stress of leaving Texas to get the medical care she needed.
The example I just gave is one of the reasons I say Republicans keep moving the goal posts. It’s why we need to change the law and not just reinstate Roe but improve on it so there really is (as the SC wrote on its Casey ruling) “no undue burden” on women’s reproductive rights. It must be unambiguously clear that women make the decision and are entitled to accurate medical information to use in making that decision.
Clearly the existing abortion bans do not work to protect women. They aren’t intended to protect women.
It’s why I believe we need: abortion on demand and with apology. It just works.
Once again, I have to wonder if we are going about this all wrong. Maybe we should be sending all of our menstrual products to the police stations for forensic testing. After all, surely the police know what to do with potential “fetal remains”. I’m so sick of these people. Time to rub it in their faces. Literally.
Just like the "periods for Pence" campaign, back when he passed that awful law back when he was governor!
I remember making donations to Planned Parenthood in Mike Pence’s name. It was a gimmick but it was delicious.
I think I love you!
The chilling effect of criminalization for college students (among so many others) is terrifying. For more info on Oklahoma’s approach to the prosecution of women themselves (a law explicitly permitting such prosecution in OK was just repealed in 2022) and for a hypothetical where we play out the potential investigation of potential abortion-related conduct on a College campus - check out - Oklahoma (pp. 67-70) and college campus hypothetical (pp. 78-82).
Jessica, how are pro-choice people getting citizens in Nebraska to know which amendment is the right one to vote for?
He’s walked it back again and says he’ll be voting against codifying abortion rights in Florida and of course he’s pro-life, people must have misunderstood him.
I imagine he either had no idea the measure was even on the ballot or, if he did, he had only the vaguest idea of what it was. The man is a moron with just enough charisma and feral cunning and, of course money, to have grifted his way through life. Until running for president his crimes were just enough under the surface that he got by. Now, with the bright light of national politics shining on him, he can’t hide any more. He’s running scared. He thought he had the election all sewn up, but then President Biden stepped away and he’s facing a much more formidable opponent. It couldn’t happen to a more deserving person.
How can anyone say that trump didn't say how he's voting on the florida abortion measure? He said he's voting for it and then said he's voting against it 24 hours later. Both on tv!
Thanks for reporting this Jessica, and for, as always, taking one for freedom and democracy. I hope that after the (very hopefully, good results) election, you'll allow yourself as much of a mental health break as you want or need. This is rough stuff.
And pardon me if this part is offensive to anyone, but fuck that school and fuck its administration and fuck whoever reported the fetus to the authorities.
No arts education in schools = no development of empathy. If these kids had empathy, they wouldn't narc on their classmate.
Thanks Jessica once again, I am flabbergasted on how the media is taking a pass on this flip flop of Trump and Vance. I also think it is very astute to call BS on fake anti-abortion outrage directed against Trump.
The mainstream media continues to astonish me with its terrible judgment. Have you guys seen Under the Desk News on TikTok? This person is brilliant and calls out the media eloquently. I hope their platform grows exponentially. xo
Facing A Republican Abortion Ban? Estimate Your Costs for Out-Of-State Care With This Calculator.
I feel so sorry for this university student. I feel like the university’s response also reflects a widespread level of ignorance/blindness to the reality of pregnancy and miscarriage. Women miscarry into toilets. This includes college aged women who have to use communal toilets. It may involve feces (this was reported frequently in another case, as if people don’t understand that bodily contractions pushing fetal tissue/a fetus wouldn’t also push out other materials). There have been countless miscarriages - and I’m sure medication abortions - into school toilets and the response should only be to make sure the student has the healthcare/assistance she needs, not a potential jail cell.
Exactly. My first pregnancy ended in miscarriage while I was waiting to see the OB. I was told by her staff to use the public restroom down the hall. There was no toilet paper and the toilet wouldn’t flush. I can only imagine what the cleaning staff thought when confronted with a toilet bowl full of blood. I couldn’t see the fetus but when I went for the D&C, the OB didn’t find it inside me so it was most likely in that toilet. It’s very common to miscarry into a toilet. Very.
I could easily imagine a young women having a miscarriage in the toilet, not knowing what to do, maybe not wanting to flush, and then being found by a dorm mate who doesn’t understand and calls the police. This makes me think we need stickers in the bathrooms about miscarriage realities/resources, just like the rape and human trafficking and abortion resource stickers.
That’s a good idea.