I feel like there is not enough outward righteous anger on our side. In addition to saying they are weird and mocking them for their stupid 'cat ladies' ideas, we need to start using words like 'preposterous', 'not in my America', 'how dare they!' and so on.
#VoteBlue everywhere, that is one way to express our righteous anger.
Yes, I am sure. I don't know what expression it will take when it is explicit and outward but letting the MAGA movement and more importantly trump and his minions in all states go on for this long ought to be a surprise and a shock to everyone, even those not paying attention to politics. 'Not in our country, we will not let whatever this is, happen here' -- that should be foremost in every one's minds. Hopefully, that the Dem side has sorted out now, we will vote in large numbers and have a landslide. When trump and his cronies refuse to certify elections or do other shenanigans, I hope people everywhere will say, nope, not in our backyard.
They've already target IVF. They tend to be anti-vaccers, because the more gullible buy the argument it is not in the bile, Ultra-orthox use a similar con.
If anyone knows >>> Is there an update from Jessica's article last week on the investigation (harassment) of the woman that suffered an early term miscarriage in Georgia ? Apparently the police were questioning her.
Wow! I absolutely love that billboard: "everything's bigger in Texas including infant mortality rate". I bet the Republican politicians and Governor Greg Abbott are completely pissed - fuck them! Next, the Texas legislature will try to make these type of billboards, op-eds and advertisements in newspapers illegal.
Reading about these women hurts, even though I do not know them. It also brings up memories of the many women I knew personally before Roe (I am 74 years old) who suffered physical and long lasting emotional harm from abortions done without proper medical help. I also remember how hard it was to travel to other states for an abortion immediately following Roe. It was a terrible time then and it is a terrible time now.
Since June of 2022, I have now turned down THREE very lucrative job offers to practice in Texas. No way I'll risk my entire career as a maternal-fetal medicine phyisician to be arrested and have a felony conviction, just for giving standard OB care.
The first offer I told them "not until you get a new governor and attorney general" and the other two I flat out told I won't risk my career to work in that state
Past is prologue and history repeats itself in red states. And this totally predictable trend will continue in restrictive states until the women in those states throw them out of office.
And now pharmacies in San Diego, California are refusing to fill prescriptions for misoprostol. https://www.kpbs.org/news/health/2024/06/25/she-had-a-miscarriage-and-says-a-california-cvs-wouldnt-fill-a-prescription-to-help-her
I’d like to square up with Erin Hawley.
Who-oh-who will protect the ladies from wild-oat-sowin' Pete Buttigieg...
I feel like there is not enough outward righteous anger on our side. In addition to saying they are weird and mocking them for their stupid 'cat ladies' ideas, we need to start using words like 'preposterous', 'not in my America', 'how dare they!' and so on.
#VoteBlue everywhere, that is one way to express our righteous anger.
Yes, I am sure. I don't know what expression it will take when it is explicit and outward but letting the MAGA movement and more importantly trump and his minions in all states go on for this long ought to be a surprise and a shock to everyone, even those not paying attention to politics. 'Not in our country, we will not let whatever this is, happen here' -- that should be foremost in every one's minds. Hopefully, that the Dem side has sorted out now, we will vote in large numbers and have a landslide. When trump and his cronies refuse to certify elections or do other shenanigans, I hope people everywhere will say, nope, not in our backyard.
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Arthur Delaney 🇺🇸
I asked Tim Walz about IVF politics in February.
"My wife and I used Mayo Clinic reproductive services, and my daughter Hope was named Hope for a reason," he said.
"Because married for eight years, no children, wanting children. We got Hope because of this type of stuff."
Tim Walz! I noticed his talent months ago and he will do well.
Watching the kids in this video makes me tear up every time. He is the perfect antidote to all the cruel/weird stuff coming from trump/vance ticket.
tweet seen:
Andrea Junker
Harris/Walz will give fourth graders free lunches, while Trump/Vance will force them to give birth. — It’s as simple as that.
And what medical procedure will they go after next? Ban vaccines because it is the almighty’s will that people suffer and die?
They've already target IVF. They tend to be anti-vaccers, because the more gullible buy the argument it is not in the bile, Ultra-orthox use a similar con.
The overall effect of demoralization to all medicine will have a profound effect on healthcare.
If anyone knows >>> Is there an update from Jessica's article last week on the investigation (harassment) of the woman that suffered an early term miscarriage in Georgia ? Apparently the police were questioning her.
This is the interactive map from Guttmacher on abortion laws in all 50 states
Thank you UK for the billboards in Indiana. ~Cheers
Wow! I absolutely love that billboard: "everything's bigger in Texas including infant mortality rate". I bet the Republican politicians and Governor Greg Abbott are completely pissed - fuck them! Next, the Texas legislature will try to make these type of billboards, op-eds and advertisements in newspapers illegal.
Yes, they will because they always choose oppression as the cure to information.
Every death without a name is in vain.
It sure is - I would like to see the family members come forward, hire an attorney, contact one of their reproductive organizations
They may not even realize that is an option.
Very true
Reading about these women hurts, even though I do not know them. It also brings up memories of the many women I knew personally before Roe (I am 74 years old) who suffered physical and long lasting emotional harm from abortions done without proper medical help. I also remember how hard it was to travel to other states for an abortion immediately following Roe. It was a terrible time then and it is a terrible time now.
And the forced birthers want it that way!
Since June of 2022, I have now turned down THREE very lucrative job offers to practice in Texas. No way I'll risk my entire career as a maternal-fetal medicine phyisician to be arrested and have a felony conviction, just for giving standard OB care.
Assuming you gave that reason to the potential job offers, what Was their response?
The first offer I told them "not until you get a new governor and attorney general" and the other two I flat out told I won't risk my career to work in that state
Excellent response!
Good for you….hope there is a mountain of such responses; the whole situation is so disheartening
Past is prologue and history repeats itself in red states. And this totally predictable trend will continue in restrictive states until the women in those states throw them out of office.