I love you so much.

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I'm late to this comment thread, but Pete Buttigieg articulated this quite well on Fox. https://www.salon.com/2022/07/11/pete-buttigieg-shuts-down-fox-news-grilling-with-defense-of-kavanaugh/

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I've pointed out elsewhere that "Peaceful Protest" has never really been a *thing* and it's some carefully crafted propaganda we're taught in K-12 that it in fact is.

Slavery didn't end because of protests, it ended after a bloody civil war and a president being assassinated.

Civil Rights for African Americans didn't come around because of restaurant sit-ins and bus rides: those were met with baton and attack dog, dynamite and firebombs all under the watch of the police, and ended in the assassinations of two civil rights figures - it was the three months of riots afterwards that got results.

Even Suffrage - what is considered the most "peaceful" of movements in the United States wasn't entirely peaceful: women were imprisoned and starved - while violence wasn't promised *here* the Suffragettes of the United Kingdom were bombing government buildings and officials' homes at least twice a week for almost four months - the UK even deported their problematic figures *to the United States*

Gandhi's little walkie happened after decades of famines and revolts in India, resulting in tens of millions dead, similar "terrorism" being carried out against British officials and as far as Gandhi's adherents? Hundreds were being outright killed during protests. It wasn't until 17 years after his little walkie that another mass shooting by the British resulted in a massive mutiny in the Royal Indian Navy - which heavily recruited from locals who were discriminated against even in these positions - and the English were afraid it would spread to the police and army who likewise recruited locally.

Raise the Pitchfork and the Torch, there is work to be done.

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Bravo! Ruth Marcus really disappointed me with her column.

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Abigail Adams, March 1776:

“I desire you would remember the ladies and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors. Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the husbands. Remember, all men would be tyrants if they could. If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice or representation.” AND WILL NOT HOLD OURSELVES BOUND BY ANY LAWS IN WHICH WE HAVE NO VOICE OR REPRESENTATION

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We have a political system that doesn't respond to what the people want, and in fact often goes in the opposite direction. I don't know that it can be fixed anymore from inside the system, and it seems that's what the apologists are going for? Because they fear the alternatives?

I don't know how Americans are going to respond to this. I sure as hell hope we don't just sit down and take it.

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Protesting in a way that comforts the oppressor isn't protest at all, it's complicity.

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"No one ever changed the world by being nice." Caroline Criado Perez

Republicans should never be spoken of with anything other than complete contempt. Just call them Filth Killing America or something like that. Be creative.

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It is a frailty on the right that goes unnamed. They are afraid of feeling states - don’t let the white kids feel any guilt or shame or sorrow learning about the history of racism and enslavement, don’t let the talking heads stoking hatred be challenged because It might embarrass them, don’t let any Right-wing propaganda spouting person feel any discomfort ever. Their emotional comfort is more urgent to protect than any of those actual vulnerable humans - children included (desantis and the student) - they see as Others. What is more fragile than that? Im a therapist and the way I work with people is directly the opposite of that. We can’t live in avoidance of feeling. We have to learn to HAVE uncomfortable feelings so we can learn from them and then leave room for them to pass along which they always do. Without allowing for the full spectrum of feeling we don’t get even the good ones. Our life is limited directly by our efforts to avoid experience. So honestly, I see right wing aligned folks as being unwell and the bigger the wig the more undone they seem to me. Wish I could help.

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Kavanaugh a perfect example the way he completely lost it during his hearing. And then at the same time, can you imagine if a woman acted as he did? SMH

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Yes. Seems to me they have no empathy for anyone other than themselves, so I'm honestly not sure what they're feeling, when asked to consider the horrors they are inflicting on others.

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I really think people are forgetting how insane he behaved at his hearing. He literally screamed that he was going to exact revenge on liberals. He was a disgraceful hatchet man for Ken Starr who along with Laura Ingraham and others actually spearheaded a harassment campaign against the Clintons and their associates. I can’t think of a more reprehensible operative than this bottom dwelling scavenger in a black robe. I hope he chokes on his next steak and his server just laughs and walks off while he turns purple. Also this distinguished man is a credibly accused rapist, heavy drinker, liar and a gambler. So you know a real hero of civility and decency.

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The worst part is that we've had to hope his obvious lack of morals and principles might enable him to be more moderate in his jurisprudence, as opposed to the "true believers" on the court.

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I love your writing Jessica. Republican elected scum (like Taylor-Green) support shooting prominent Dems & harass a kid (Hogg) on the streets wanting stricter gun laws, then gets “promoted” by McCarthy. I say we have to beat them at their own game. The Democrats must get significantly more aggressive in making policy and doing what’s necessary to keep the GOP out of office thereby limiting their ability to appoint judges… especially like Supreme Court hacks that have been appointed over the past couple of years. Fuck them!!!

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Yes. All of this. Thank you for saying this so clearly, and I hate that it needs to be said. I mean civility?? Civility is what we're concerned about?!?!? Just nauseating.

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