It sounds so ridiculous that I hope people will look it up. Also, I think we have proved that women and men who support bodily choice are smarter than this. "Oh, the AG said it's bad, I'll just do what he says." It's insulting.

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I wonder if his comments can be used in court? He’s mischaracterizing other religions in a public forum under the guise of AG. That seems germane.

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I'm from Missouri. This is the kind of thing Bible belt people think. My uncle and aunt from rural MO did. It's beyond belief these people have such outsized power. We have to vote out these backward-thinking state legislatures.

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If there is one thing we have learned about the Republican style, it is to reverse the narrative to get a better approximation of the truth. Lying about someone being evil is an evil thing to do.

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Since we’re preparing our own suit here in Texas, it’s good to know that they will likely pull that nonsense here.

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Offering a bit more clarity on this issue since I have the unfortunate experience of growing up in his world.

The “it’s Satanic” talking point is designed to do 2 things: 1. Strike fear horror terror wailing and gnashing of teeth in the hearts of people on his side; 2. Have a bunch of liberals go, “Oh, those people are kooks. Nobody believes that, so I can pay attention to other, saner things.”

Lots and lots and lots of Americans actually believe abortion is a war between the One True God and Lucifer himself. They hear this constantly from their pulpits and echo chambers. On the left, we have to come up with meaningful rebuts that take this seriously.

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It is difficult to imagine what rebuttal might have traction. Do you have any thoughts about that? It is difficult to dislodge a belief rooted in tribal identity and cemented with sexual shame and fear of hell. Maybe if more of their leaders could be de-programmed, they would be the ones to reach their followers? Sting wrote: "They go crazy in congregations; they only get better one by one."

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Our rebuttal doesn’t matter for them. Nothing is going to change them until/unless they decide to change individually.

Our rebuttal needs to reach people in the middle who might go one way or the other. What will make them reject the Missouri AG’s bullshittery? What will motivate them to vote blue? I don’t know the answer, but that is the group this needs to target. It might be more horror stories of pregnancies gone wrong. It might be looking for Missouri stories specifically, because those homegrown stories tend to have more impact. (“Oh, I know that person or somebody in their extended family.” So it feels more immediate and real.) Those are my spur-of-the-moment ideas.

We cannot do anything to change what I call assholes. Our constitution guarantees the right for people to be “fill-in-the-blank-with-your-definition-of-asshole.” We have to beat them at the ballot box. And we have to find a more constructive way to communicate, which is not, “I am going to force you to behave this way because anything else offends me.”

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Yeah, 2) is what we have to guard against. But sometimes what I wouldn't give for a 'rapture' to get these people out of our world. Sigh.

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I grew up hearing about the rapture weekly. So I understand how deeply ingrained it can be. I’ve been writing about it on my IG. They don’t believe in climate change because rapture. They are full-throated supporters of the nation of Israel because rapture. America isn’t mentioned in the Bible during the last days, and they will destroy their own country because rapture. They only have like 25 more years for it to happen according to their latest predictions. So Zach, maybe you won’t be disappointed. 😂

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That whole concept is so batshit-crazy, it's not even in the bible, at least not the one I read, cover to cover, trying to figure out what the fuss was all about.

My favorite meme is a parody of a chick tract with a guy picking up a pair of pants off the street which is littered with clothes,. The man says: The rapture happened we've been left behind." A beautiful girl is jumping for joy in the background saying "Yipee! all those religious whackos are gone!"


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Talk about a guy not fit for office.

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“Could it be….SATAN????” ⛪️👵🏼

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Satanic panic is so '80s. Not sure about Satanic Temple, but isn't Church of Satan LaVey's old group? As I remember they were mostly libertarian beliefs, and founded by a (pretty good) con man, so if anything you'd think they have more in common with Republicans :)

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The satanic temple is not linked to the church of Satan, they are non religious. Their seven tenets are secular and the third is prochoice

One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason.

The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.

One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.

The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own.

Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs.

People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused.

Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.

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Yeah, that actually sounds fairly similar to LaVey's philosophy as I remember it, even if the two groups have no connection. They certainly would be appalled by the Christian fascists. I would have thought that originally their beliefs wouldn't have fit well with welfare state type policies or social engineering, which would distinguish them from mainstream liberal/left groups, but they may have evolved on that over time if their primary motivation is rebellion against right-wing Christianity.

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The Church of Satan seems good. They are non religious, pro abortion, and pro trans. Plus their 'temple ' is pretty cool 😎 looking.

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