I'm really looking forward to the book launch event at NYU Law School on Monday! Should the Substaquistas attending figure out how to say Hi to one another?

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Melania Trump is simply a modern day Eva Braun!

She does not care about women or children Americans or democracy or freedom. She pretty much could have married any wealthy man that had integrity and honesty - but she chose the worst wealthy man in the country- that was a deliberate decision by her........ Because she shares the exact same viewpoints that Donald Trump does.

It is a complete fucking lie that she is pro-choice.

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Such a transparent thing to do. How do any of these people sleep at night?

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The Calvin Klein ad!!! Yes! I knew it reminded me of something, but couldn’t remember what. Jessica, you’re far too young to remember young Brooke Shields in that famous ad (sadly, I’m not!)

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I felt sorry for Melania for winding up in a green card marriage to Teflon Don for a long time.

Even though I know she almost certainly had very little to do with the writing of this book, I don't feel sorry for her anymore.

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I never felt sorry for her, she knew what she was doing and went into this eyes wide open. Sure, she may have believed that he would lose to Clinton and her cushy life as a Trophy would go on, but I have no sympathy for her.

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Kudos on your interview on Chris Hayes’ show! I signed up for this newsletter when I first saw you on his show. I’m glad to see your book getting the attention it deserves.

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We aren't fooled, nor impressed.

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She has a book to sell so after years of hiding out on yachts she has launched herself back into the spotlight (which her publicist may have insisted on, lol). Definitely not fooling any of us and I think fewer Republicans are book buyers and readers so… 🤷‍♀️

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@JessicaValenti great job on Chris Hayes tonight!!! Such a nice surprise. Received my pre-ordered copy of your book today, can’t wait to get into it. 😊👊🏻

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I don’t really care, do you?

I don’t. I don’t care one whit about what Melania says, writes/dictates, or even what she actually does think.

She is not running for President. She may have influence with her fly by night husband or she may not. Irrelevant. Read Project 2025. That you can trust. And it should make your hair stand on end.

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The WaPo yesterday ran a fatuous piece by Karen Tumulty about an "unbroken" line of GOP "pro-choice" first ladies.

Thr GOP has pulled this stunt before, and the media ought to call their bluff.

It does not matter whether Barbara Bush, Laura Bush or Melania Trump personally believe that women should make their own decisions about their lives.

What matters is that George H.W. Bush cynically and deliberately chose a conservative mediocrity in Clarence Thomas for a seat on the SCOTUS.

What matters is that George W. Bush and Donald Trump deliberately nominated conservative judges to the federal judiciary in order to further a far right political agenda.

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Hmm let's see... the porn star married to the rapist who killed women's bodily autonomy is promoting a book, and throws this out there for the rabid news media.

There isn't a single publishable word that I can say about her . I wonder if she has picked out her favorite golf course to get buried in- just in case she also accidentally gets pushed err- falls down the stairs...what a waste of immigration papers she is...

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The only good thing about her announcement was it pissed off Kristan Hawkins. Otherwise, Melania is a self-serving hypocrite. Worst First Lady ever. She doesn’t care at all about this country other than what she can extract from it.

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I used to reserve judgment on Melania. Not anymore. Consider yourself judged, Mrs. Trump 3.0.

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She married him, therefore she's fair game.

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And stayed married…everyday of a marriage is a choice.

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For her it is. Unlike many women in this country she has the financial means and power to have complete agency over her life and then stays. That’s even worse.

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I guess I’m a bit delusional, but my reaction to this is that she’s thumbing her nose at her husband and the MAGA anti-abortion folks. Isn’t this a betrayal by her, a wife going against her husband, and a husband running for president, no less?

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No, because she is a vapid, selfish, woman. She does not GAF about other women. That requires empathy, of which she has none. Remember her tacky coat saying she didn't care, going to visit the children in cages separated from their parents at the border?

"CNN requested an interview with Melania Trump. Her book publisher asked for $250,000 in exchange."


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Jessica, you would know better than I, but how easy is it to insert something in a book just before publication? I don’t doubt that this is a ploy, but I doubt that it was just thought up recently. In other words, I agree with criticizing the ploy but not with criticizing the timing. And spouses don’t always agree—look at Kellyanne and George Conway (of course, they eventually divorced) and James Carville and Mary Matalin. I personally could never be married to anyone with whom I was so incompatible on political issues, but apparently, some people manage it. And contrary to what somebody said in the comments, I don’t think Melania wanted Donald to be president at all—her preferred milieu is the fashion world of NYC, or barring that, Mar a Lago. I don’t think even DJT originally wanted to be President—he just wanted to raise his profile in order to make more money, but then the power became addictive, and now it’s a matter of staying out of prison. I think he was as surprised as anyone when he got elected in 2016, and at least initially, dismayed.

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Melania was all in on the Birther conspiracy against Barack Obama, they are two hateful peas in a pod.

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