Way before Dobbs, I used to be the Education Director of a Planned Parenthood Affiliate. Part of my job was to train and coordinate a corps of volunteers to send into high schools to teach the contraception lesson piece of the sex ed curriculum. For any who may not know, the way sex ed works in most American high schools is they bring in a medical professional like a doctor or nurse to talk about fetal development, a public health official to talk about STD’s etc. The actual teacher is not expected to be an expert on any of this. This system has many advantages—the students get better information, better answers to their questions, and meet the people associated with the places they might go to for various types of healthcare. We always tried to send male-female teams in to emphasize their joint responsibility for pregnancy prevention. So not allowing places that provide abortion to teach is drastically lowering the quality of the sex ed American teens are getting.

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I’d like to know—is there a list of qualifying non-profits (environmental, Planned Parenthood, etc) that you can give to in Missouri and earn a tax credit, and they’re just trying to add CPC’s to the list? Or are CPC’s being uniquely designated for donation=tax credit? Because the latter has got to be unconstitutional, no? (I’m not a lawyer)

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Picking up Plan B every time I visit Costco - Over the counter without a prescription - costs about $6.50. And stockpiling it for young women who need it. You can get two max at each visit. The pharmacists at Costco don’t bat an eye when I request it. Consider doing the same wherever you are. 💙 With love from a 70-yr-old Crone

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And give them to your daughters. Tell them to let you know if they need more and if they are hesitant to do that, tell them they can just say they gave them to a friend and you won’t question them about it.

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Also, if your insurance company provides you with an OTC card, you can probably get the pills at no cost to you. But not at Costco—in my experience, if you show up with an OTC card, they look at you like you’re from another planet. Go to a chain pharmacy like CVS.

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And walk your pills right over to a Planned Parenthood clinic. Don’t wait for some imaginary teenager to show up at your doorstep—let the professionals distribute them. Or to a college health center or similar facility where young women might go if they’re seeking morning-after care.

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Their plans are broader than reproductive health care too. CPCs are their model for all social services. They're destroying everything we have now, with the plan being that people who need help will have to go to the Christian Nationalist cults (which are now getting all our tax dollars). People are going to have to get really angry, or we're fucked.

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Yesterday, attacks and firings at the department of education. They want to privatize all schools (AKA make them white/Christian). A goal since the 70’s. Abortion and education have always been one and the same fight. Sad sad country we live in:


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Pregnancy crisis centers are Gilead made flesh.

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Definitely! I bet there’s a good deal of coercion going on there. Who would have thought?

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I have fantasies about applying for senior jobs in companies like these which I'm overqualified for simply to destroy them from the inside out.

Check out this job at Bamboo Health: https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/4127659799

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Bamboo Health has a lot of PE investors. We have to drill down and find out who these misogynistic companies are, who finances them, what other companies they fund, and expose them. The only thing finance and #CINOs understand is money. Period. (#CINO is my follow-up to RINO and means “Christian in Name Only”. Speaks to pretty much everyone running things in DC. )

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It will be the usual right-wing assholes like the Koch "Machine", U-line office supply guy, and his hideous wife they supported all the insurrectionist adjacent candidates who refused to certify the results of Biden's election.

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Not about this post but good news: PHOENIX — March 5th, Arizona 15-Week Abortion Ban Permanently Blocked Under Arizona Abortion Access Act - a Maricopa County Superior Court judge permanently blocked the state’s ban on abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy


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Frankly I would like to see even more OB-Gyns leave states that ban abortion. If womtn who want to become pregnant cannot find a practiser who can care for them, to F'ing bad.

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Today, when I read the title, I cursed out loud.

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