Not sure if you listened to the whole hearing in NH or just during Senator Whitley’s comments but the arguments from the Republican Senators were incredibly hypocritical and maddening of course hearing Senator Carson speak of …this misinformation needs to stop! There is no mandate for a transvaginal ultrasound in this bill! And the fear mongering needs to end today!….was incredibly frustrating!!!!! The misinformation that spews from their mouths on so many topics including the soon to be sports ban they will pass to ban trans girls from playing in sports on their team in middle and high school, is incredibly hurtful and sickening!!! The facts provided by the Dem Senators during that hearing were amazing! Advocates we can all stand by!! And sadly and maddeningly, NH will continue to go this way with a 14-10 majority in the Senate😡😡😡

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This is the Republicans’ attempt at re-establishing the Scarlet Letter “A”. You know the one from the Puritans in the mid 1600s? The one that branded the woman and her child as untouchable garbage while the impregnator continued with his life? yeah, THAT one.

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I had an abortion in 1993. I reached out to the clinic to ask them if they still had my info. I was worried because who knows how far these morally-bankrupt people are willing to goto punish women. I was told they keep records for 10 years and then they are destroyed. That's how stressed out and worried I am about women's privacy.

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I’m sorry to hear that. I’m glad your clinic was able to let you know they destroy their records. I had an ectopic pregnancy at 18 that Al ost killed me. I was well past 6 weeks, not that I knew I was pregnant. Every time I’m forced to travel through a Texas airport (and now a Florida airport, the state most of my family lives in), I wear my Choice shirt and the whole time I’m thinking, sometimes just screaming out in frustration (you don’t want to get stuck sitting next to me at a food place in DFW) “you would have let me die!” To quote Louise, “You know how I feel about Texas.”

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Hi Jessica, I'm a Texan and have noticed an uptick of women on Reddit posting asking if they should go to the ER or tell their gynos that they've had a miscarriage or think they are miscarrying. Is there data on miscarriages and if these laws have caused an increase in miscarriages? It's terrifying for these women. I can see how this data might also end up including women who have had miscarriages and deter even more women from getting very necessary care to prevent further medical complications.

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That’s really scary and it hurts people who want to become parents, too. Sometimes you can stay pregnant with intervention. I had spotting early on, got some progesterone shots after an ER visit that helped stop a miscarriage and kept my pregnancy. In the forced birthers obsessive efforts to catch people having elective abortions, other people’s pregnancies become bycatch in their nets, along with many pregnant women and girls of course. Fucking BYCATCH!

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Just when I think I can't be further horrified . . .

Shame and fear: the timeworn tools that have always been used to shackle women.

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Anyone else notice Rokika’s office number on the bottom of his request? Just a quick (or not) phone call politely clogging up their messaging might slow him down… just saying. 317.232.6201

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Project 2025 consistently uses the phrase "abortion is not healthcare" for a reason. If they can divorce abortion from healthcare, HIPPA doesn't apply. They can conduct much more invasive surveillance.

I wrote about how the CDC would surveil all pregnancy outcomes here: https://project2025istheocracy.substack.com/p/project-2025-how-christian-nationalist

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HIPPA? This is a violation of the patient privacy act

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I was so busy reading the article headline as, “killing confidently“ that I totally missed your typo. But once you pointed it out I had a great laugh, which is the cure for what ails me. You keep me going.

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You offer daily clarity to what makes me blind with rage, a typo ain’t gonna change that.

As for this punch at confidentiality, it reminds me of a witch hunt, a la The Crucible. Shame, punishment, robbing women of autonomy and putting us in our place. What a tired, old playbook.

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The term “private parts” is used to teach children that they have authority over their bodies, to say “No” if someone tries to touch them without their consent. They are told to tell an adult and they will be protected. Is a ten year old going to be told that is a lie because the embryo from a rapist has to be measured by a vaginal ultrasound? I have agreed to have vaginal ultrasounds for medical reasons to assess my condition. Even then it is an invasive test by its very nature. If I was told that the procedure had to be done so that a picture of my private parts could become public record, that would make it a whole lot more invasive and abusive. These people have their brains glued in place, and it is a very bad place.

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I'm envying these prospective jurors who have a chance to stand in front of TFG in that NYC courtroom and say something...

I'd say: "Can't be impartial. He subjugated women. My daughters are afraid to be pregnant in America." Best dismissal I'd ever have!

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" Rokita claims that the terminated pregnancy reports [TPRs] aren’t medical records, and that they 'do not belong to the patient....Like death certificates, TPRs are public records open to public inspection for the purposes of government transparency,' he writes."

So there you have it. The woman doesn't exist at all. She has no agency and these aren't medical records for HER. The fetus has the agency, though I don't know how it can be a "death certificate" if fetal personhood isn't on the books in IN? Or is it?

These people are like bloodhounds, thirsty to punish women.

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If these public records are death certificates, then they can publicly record the “death” of cells in or out of a woman’s body. The patient in this case is the dead cell mass, fetus, etc (depending on stage of pregnancy). So why would there be any connection to the human person that, I don’t know, “discovered” the death? I was treated for. a parasite I got in Mexico. I’m not sure if I need to report the death to my state’s AG or to the government of Mexico, since it was a citizen of their country. I’m being ridiculous for a reason. It’s ridiculous!!!

I live with so much anger that I wish I could still get pregnant just so I could self-abort on Rokita’s doorstep.

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Your typo gave me a little chuckle despite this horrendous topic. Daily the Overton Window gets shoved over to the far right. It’s amazing the work that you do!

No one here faults you over this! ❤️

This news is incredibly disturbing and needs to fuel the anger over these bans.

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has anyone heard of HIPAA?! Jesus christ!

P.S. It was meant to be!! (the typo).

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The typo in the subject line made me laugh so hard. What a release! We need it. :-)

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