After all who WOULDN’T want a depraved baby killing sadistic psychopath Marxist in charge of the Nuclear Arsenal—what could possibly go wrong—DEFINITELY FOR SURE make baby killing the crucial deciding factor in choosing the next person with the ability to bring on the extinction of our entire species. BRILLIANT.🎉🥳

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Is there a watch thread tonight?

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10

People! 'sane washing' has finally made it into the mainstream and NYT in 2024. I was talking about this in 2016! about how Katy Tur and others paraphrase what this lunatic says into something acceptable. Now maybe they can deal with all his lies and flip flops about abortion including the utterly preposterous 'babies are killed after birth.' Frankly, why are not people exhausted by this man and the evil he has brought on this country in the last decade?

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You halfwits are obsessed with having innocent human beings dismembered, how stupid and disgusting can you be? You’re worse than Nazis— infanticidal women are roughly equivalent in attractiveness to morbidly obese coprophiliacs.

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wow, impressed at the big words. Must be AI. Put a sock in it.

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These attacks on ballot measures are sickening. I don’t know how these people can live with themselves!! I’ll be praying for Missouri tonight because the state Supreme Court will be ruling in the morning on their appeal 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

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Right? I mean it’s like they actually think that infanticide is evil and that innocent human beings should be protected from sadistic monsters who are so depraved they will fight and lie for the “right” to murder their child in the third trimester because there is nothing so thrilling for a psychopath than the psychosexual thrill of inflicting psychological agony on the father of the child he had so much love and hope for. That is when he experiences just how catastrophically mistaken he was when he made the of ever even speaking to such a lunatic. Women who are prone to infanticide are signaling that they are evolutionarily unfit mates that should be avoided by all men.

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I hope the GOP dismantling of abortion initiatives in many states acts as a wake-up call to vote ALL Republicans out of office - not just Trump.

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Here's a link to Jess Piper's substack for an on the ground look at the dirty tricks in Missouri to keep abortion away from voters:

"We gathered the signatures we needed to put abortion on the ballot and submitted them to the Secretary of State who certified them, but here’s the thing: I live in Missouri, and our lawmakers do not respect the will of the people. Missouri Republicans have tied our hands and kept us from good governance with a trifecta. A supermajority. But we have one remedy we have repeatedly turned to: The citizen-led petition. And that’s what we have done again to reverse our total abortion ban."

"Republican lawmakers and their handlers know that bodily autonomy and the right to an abortion are issues that will win on the ballot. These same folks have tried different methods to keep voters from having the option of voting on abortion."


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I'm sorry to do this here, but I am a paid subscriber, and I can comment on my laptop, but not on my Android. It keeps asking me to upgrade to paid. Can someone please tell me what I need to do? Many thanks.

And Jessica, again, your work is astonishing in scope and content. Thank you for what you do!

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When you click on the comments ballon, and get the comment page, be sure to sign in on that page as well. You might see a sign in link on the comments page, if not, and you see your profile pic, then you are already signed in and you have a different issue. Hope that helps.

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The woman crying personifies the angst felt through out the country and the reaction from KH is what we need right now. Policies and work will follow any Democrat elected. We just have to stay away from the current Rs running everywhere.


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Kamela Harris said she supports laws that would protect doctors from prosecution who refused to give life saving care to a child who had survived the murder attempt at the abortion clinic. You people don’t understand that you are in the grips of a mass psychosis. The only time mothers think of killing their children are when they are mentally ill or they are criminals.

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Take your ignorance and stupidity elsewhere.

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The only ignorance and stupidity is evolutionary dead ends like yourself who are too dimwitted to understand that your offspring are human beings. But by all means PLEASE DO get an abortion EVERY time. One day the species will finally get rid of all of the bloodlines of hateful maniacs through you psychos aborting yourselves into extinction.

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Take your ignorance and stupidity elsewhere.

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Here's yet another dirty trick by the anti-forces: stealing patient data from real reproductive clinics. It should be noted that Massachusetts is currently running a strong public awareness campaign against faux crisis pregnancy clinics, and yet women's health information was stolen, allegedly by one of these "clinics".


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I suppose it is no wonder that people so brutally dimwitted they don’t even see their own children as human beings can’t see the breathtaking imbecility of calling a place where babies are killed and dismembered A “REPRODUCTION” CLINIC. 🤷🏾See how that works? When you KILL a baby girl or boy, he or she can’t grow up and “REPRODUCE”. And if you are so intellectually challenged you are incapable of not getting pregnant even though there are TWELVE different forms of birth control AND the morning after pill? OBVIOUSLY nobody should be having sex with you. If you are the kind of person who will hire some idiotic ghoul who doesn’t understand the simple concept that as a doctor they are supposed to DO NO HARM, and they murder your perfectly healthy child in your belly and call it “Reproductive Health”even though there is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON to regard killing a child BEFORE birth as any LESS heinous than killing them AFTER they are born when, in fact, in many important respects, it is MUCH WORSE and indicates a catastrophically unfit mate who, in either case, every man should avoid. I wonder if it is sinking in with women yet that the reason so many men are not pursuing American women is because a lot of us are horrified by the incredible cruelty and stupidity of women who hate their own children enough to want to kill them BEFORE they are even born. Every man I know except one who is a depraved criminal himself will not call a woman or see her for another date if she announces that she approves of infanticide.

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Because of you, Jessica, we are Well Aware. But we don't have your contacts on the Hill. Get Patty to put this under the right noses!

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Well said! Please share on your social media!

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I have to admit that I haven’t always read the updates on ballot initiatives for the last few

months because I find the attacks on this process actually so depressing that I can’t really cope. But I am grateful for this summary - it is, as expected, horrifying and enraging. I hope someone can get these talking points to Harris stat.

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Yes! and back to the states means mini dictators like DeSatan running rough shod over our rights and creating enormous chaos and misery. I hope she takes this opportunity to say 'elect good people at all levels.'

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I would love to see women denied medical care in their state due to draconian abortion bans to sue their governor and state legislators for practicing medicine without a license, because that is what these mini-Mussolinis are doing.

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Yeah, “Draconian”. You have 12 different types of birth control and the morning after pill but you’re in a rage because there are places you can’t on a whim have your near term baby executed and dismembered and their remains surreptitiously “donated” (in exchange for “contributions”) to multibillion dollar corporations to convert into consumer goods like cosmetics or used for research to make medicines and therapies they will sell to make huge profits. But that’s DEFINITELY not “selling murdered babies”— FIRST all NOBODY calls them “babies”—that would require some honesty, intelligence and, god forbid, COMPASSION🙄. Beside nobody is “profiting”—except, sure, the “doctors” and the “nurses” and the pharmaceutical corporations ARE “making money” but it’s not like it’s a giant conspiracy to get vulnerable mothers to think of the innocent human lives of their own healthy offspring in their bellies as subhuman “things”unworthy of any dignity or compassion so they can be brutally dismembered in her belly by someone who gets paid to do just that—which WOULD be sort of like make her party to an assassination but since she called her offspring a “fetus” now somehow it’s “reproductive health care” to NOT reproduce and kill her little girl who will also NOT reproduce. But you changed the word “baby” to “fetus” so, hack away. But it IS your baby. And you don’t have to kill them. And you KNOW if they could talk they would beg you to let them live. And You know as well as anyone with a brain that human beings raised their children for thousands of years in absolutely brutal environments with giant predators roaming free and the only thing they wanted was for their beloved kids to not die. In every state in the USA we have programs to pay for child birth and for a mother’s and her child’s medical bills completely as well as provide housing and social welfare benefits so she and her baby will get the shelter and food and healthcare they need. It’s never “easy” to raise children but people who act like they MUST murder their children because of the “hardship” are just trying (unsuccessfully) to cover up their hard heart. So stop acting like you are getting “ripped off” when you never had to get pregnant in the first place if you just had an ounce of compassion, let alone “fight” for the “right” to a late term abortion. One last thing—advocating for “abortion in general” in the first place, without addressing the many aspects that are absolutely criminally imbecilic is depraved but PROMOTING ABORTION TILL THE MOMENT OF BIRTH AND ASSERTING THAT HEALTHY LATER TERM BABIES THAT SURVIVE THE MURDER ATTEMPT AND CAN LIVE INDEPENDENTLY FROM THE “MOTHER” SHOULD HAVE EMERGENCY CARE WITHHELD LIKE KAMELA HARRIS SAID?—That right there is pretty obvious evidence that what is ACTUALLY going on is sadistic psychopathology—which is what Serial Killers have—but at least they only unnecessarily kill people they don’t even know—SOME WOMEN GET MULTIPLE LATE TERM ABORTIONS. 🤷🏾 And, contrary to the constant lies you people who could care less to check are true or not in the first place, a tiny percentage of late term abortions are for medical reasons—the bulk of them are for the same reasons women get earlier abortions—inconvenience. And for the mathematically challenged, since the biggest baby killing states, (New York, California and New Hampshire) don’t report abortion data the estimated 1% claim about late term abortion could be as high as 3 percent of 1.2 MILLION abortions and that would be 36 THOUSAND babies that could have survived but were brutally executed instead. But even if it is one percent of a million that is still TEN THOUSAND VIABLE, INNOCENT HUMAN BEINGS BEING HEINOUSLY FUCKING POISONED AND DISMEMBERED AND *THAT* IS REALLY WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO CLAIM YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO BUT YOU ARE ALL SO INSIPID AND TWISTED YOU THINK NOBODY NOTICES HOW YOU NEVER ONCE ADDRESS HOW HORRENDOUS WHAT YOU ARE PROPOSING IS. Anyway, filicide by a father or mother after child birth is an insane crime and evidence of mental illness but carrying a child into the third term and executing them before BEFORE birth that is Nazi level shit and it involves medical (so called) professionals and government ghouls and we have a MOTHER running for President who is so sinister she says not only is late term abortion fine but if the baby survives they should be killed anyway. What in the fuck is wrong with all of you?

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As a retired surgical assistant, so would I.

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“Mini-Mussolini’s”? Are you joking? 🤣 Mussolini said fascism would be better termed “corporatism” because it is the perfect merger of corporations and the state—that and their tendency to use the legal system to facilitate their psychopathic desire to enslave and murder innocent people who were defenseless for PROFIT is remarkably similar to LOBBYING TO GET LAWS ENSHRINED IN STATE CONSTITUTIONS TO GUARANTEE LATE TERM ABORTION, AND TO PREVENT EMERGENCY CARE FOR CHILDREN WHO SURVIVE THE MURDER ATTEMPT, WHILE SUBSEQUENTLY WHITEWASHING THE FACT THAT THE “DONATION” OF INFANT REMAINS FOR RESEARCH IS RECIPROCATED BY CORPORATE “DONATIONS” IN KIND IN THE ORDER OF TENS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS WHILE THE RESULTING PROFITS FROM MEDICINES ARE IN THE BILLIONS… COMBINE THOSE GRIM IDIOCIES WITH THE FACT THAT, FAR AND AWAY WOMEN OF COLOR AND THEIR OFFSPRING ARE THE MAIN VICTIMS OF YOUR BELOVED GHOULISH INDUSTRY OF DEATH AND TOP ALL OF THAT OFF WITH THE UTTERLY BANAL BANTER OF YOU RANK AND FILE STORMTROOPERS WHO ARE SO PSYCHOTICALLY DELUSIONAL WITH SELF RIGHTEOUS CONTEMPT FROM YOUR COLLECTIVE ENGAGEMENT IN THE MOST VILE CULT OF ATROCITY POSSIBLY IN THE HISTORY OF HUMANITY THAT YOU DON’T SEEM TO BE CAPABLE OF GRASPING THE REPUGNANT HYPOCRISY OF CYNICALLY POSTURING ABOUT “FIGHTING FOR WOMEN” CAUSE YOU ARE SUCH A MISOGYNIST YOU CAN’T SEE THAT HALF OF THE HUMAN BEINGS YOU REFUSE TO RECOGNIZE AS HUMANS ARE GIRLS. Anyway you folks are checking all of the Nazi boxes yourselves— 🤷🏾 And by the way, “DO NO HARM” is the FIRST order for medical professionals and if you can’t see how it is THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF DOING NO HARM to tell a black woman her unborn daughter isn’t even a human being worthy of dignity and respect and actually you “support her decision to terminate the consequences of intercourse” TILL THE MOMENT OF BIRTH NO LESS—which means killing her child and “donating “ her remains—clearly Abortion ideation is so destructive to ANY common sense understanding of human morality and decency that you can’t see the Abortion Industry for what it is—a racist, misogynist hate crime not just against humanity but first and foremost against women and its followers are so brutally hard hearted they would would make an ice cold Nazi monster like Eichmann himself blush. I wonder if that’s why people say that the real definition of a misogynist is a man who hates women as much as women hate each other.

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I think she's going to hammer on Dobbs hard. I hope so.

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