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I hope in the next debate when he says leave it to the states and let the people vote Harris points out that whenever he people try to put it to a vote the republicans are working very hard to keep it off the ballot, to rig the wording to confuse people… doesn’t seem very “it’s up to the people” to me.

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So glad Harris spoke about how an unexpected pregnancy can wreck your life. It 's not just our bodies we want to control. We want to be able to decide what we will do in life. Men can do that; why not women????

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LOL, watch this! Celebrities usually do this type of interviews while promoting their movies. KH on Wired Autocomplete. It is great.


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Unearthed audio of JD Vance: “I certainly would like abortion to be illegal nationally”


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I will just put this here: trump has started to talk about crypto more. It is Musk/Thiel wet dream for America through their puppet Vance and in a nutshell it is some egregious plan to replace the dollar. It is as bad as P2025. Look for a history on this from Dave Troy and a couple of others -- mainstream media/press won't save us. I must admit I don't understand all of it and think how can this come to pass in America. But Dobbs happened and trump happened once and as a R nominee again now maybe poised to win even.


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Hey buddy, out of the gate you’re coming from the position of *advocating* for women to have their kids dismembered in their bellies at any time for any reason. So MAYBE consider the remote *possibility* you might not be the most super duper reliable judge of other peoples’ morality— you just think that since you are fine with the most horrendous things “they” must be SO MUCH WORSE. But they aren’t worse— virtually nothing on the planet is worse than dragging a healthy child out of a woman’s belly and executing them—except murdering them inside of her and then carving them up to get them out—while she lies there completely conscious of the entire nightmare because Planned Parenthood “compassionately” suggested general anesthesia was unnecessary and would just extend her time there— and NOBODY EVER ONCE SUGGESTED GIVING THE CHILD THEY ARE BUTCHERING SOMETHING FOR THE PAIN. And they mysteriously allege that there is no connection between abortion and depression. Imagine. Because I know of two women personally that took their own lives after years of addiction that they specifically attributed to their late term abortions. Coincidence?

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I teared up seeing that. Seriously. It's never been said by a candidate this directly before.

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IMPORTANT…EXTREMELY IMPORTANT Jessica, I just read a piece about the SAVE act legislation that the Trump party is trying to push through with the issue of shutting down the government. I had no idea that almost any woman who took her husband’s name at marriage will be at huge risk of losing their voting rights if this is passed. This is huge and as a devoted NY Times reader, I did NOT know this. Clearly this is important for the mess you are trying to fix about abortion rights. Women and their votes in danger! Here is a link to the excellent piece I just read on Medium. The author is very well informed and a huge supporter of women’s rights. The SAVE Act Suppresses Voting Rights for Most Married Women by Author, D. Denise Dianaty

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I read this, too, in Thom Hartmann’s newsletter (link below). He estimates it would keep 90% of married women from voting because the new voting law would require the name on a woman’s birth certificate having to match the name on her adult i.d. MSM has not covered this!


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You didn't leave a link. I looked up the SAVE act and could not find any wording about women losing voting rights if they took their husband's last name.

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Ali Velshi reposted

"Velshi" on MSNBC


"What we've found with the ID laws is basically they suppress the vote," says @Thom_Hartmann of legislation like Speaker Johnson's #SAVE Act. "34% of married women would have a real struggle coming up with the kinds of ID that are necessary in order to register to vote." #Velshi


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My understanding is that you have to be able to prove your citizenship in the name you use to vote and there are a limited number of documents that will work. If your drivers license or picture ID name is different from the one on your birth cert you have to produce legal documentation of changing it. If you have a passport you just use that as proof of citizenship; if you don’t, it’s more complicated.

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I changed to husband's last name at age 22 when we married, kept the name after divorce, at the age of 69 changed name completely--first, middle, last (to my maternal grandmother's maiden name) in order to avoid an abuser in prison for murder.

Cost $2,000 (estate attorney charged this and included changing name on estate documents as well, nice man) and a year and a half of work changing name on all accounts, getting REAL ID, passport, name change with Social Security (2-hour hold), etc. Have the name change legal documentation for proof.

Adjusting to a world made for violent, domineering males is a lifelong endeavor.

Women should keep their original birth names if they marry. I did not want my birth name as my parents were controlling. Didn't like in-laws either. It was nice to finally have a name that was independent of toxic families.

These American right-wing cretins are totally unconstitutional criminals who are upset that all others are no longer under their rule. It will not end well for them, but in the meantime they are causing a lot of preventable suffering.

Got this quote in my morning inspiration today, which applies to so much of the USA, "bullynation." As an introvert, I have always struggled with bullies in every aspect of my life. And that's what the U.S. right-wing and MAGA are doing--bullying the rest of the nation.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Living in harmony

Harmony does not mean everyone is in agreement. Harmony exists when no one is attempting to force his or her opinions on others.

Harmony does not require everyone to be the same. Harmony thrives where people respect and tolerate the differences that give so much richness to life.

Harmony cannot be achieved by brute force. Harmony prevails when every individual understands, on his or her own terms, that it is the most effective way to live.

Harmony does not come about through intimidation or scolding or threats of punishment. Harmony is reached through understanding and cooperation.

Harmony cannot exist where people are interested only in what they can take. Harmony is built through a willingness to give.

Harmony comes not by being weak or by surrendering one’s most treasured principles, or by the cowardly attempt to control others. Harmony is the domain of those who are confident enough in their own lives to allow others to peacefully flourish.

— Ralph Marston

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I'm grateful I didn't change my name when I got married for many reasons, but this reason I never anticipated.

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I understand SAVE was just defeated but…they won’t give up on this, clearly. And there is not enough info out there, especially in mainstream media, about what SAVE can do to women’s voting ability.

The fact that the danger to women is openly buried by blaming it only on (the lies about ) immigrants voting is another example of how low these people will stoop.

Frankly, legislation resembling SAVE will hurt women in any country that might enact it.

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Troll has been here for 24 hours claiming everyone in AED just wants all sorts of fantastical nonsense because we’re sUcH bad dumb people *tsk tsk*.

For a palette cleanser here’s something I love, it’s the “Alt-Right Playbook” series which helps me when I get tempted to engage with bad faith trolls and bots. https://youtu.be/wmVkJvieaOA

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7 mins ago

·edited 4 mins ago

I suggest everyone look up Lawrence O'Donnell's excellent commentary this past week on what the "life of the mother" exception really looks like. A 12 year old girl who has been abused by her stepfather since the age of five: does she look up the law? Find a way to get to the courthouse to prove her claim? Does she provide documentation? Does she even understand she's pregnant and what that means? Does her desperate mother believe her, or prioritize her husband's support over an "hysterical" 12 year old? Exceptions are a sham!

I couldn't find the clip this week of Lawrence's explanation of his mother, after bearing five children, having to prioritize the termination of a pregnancy for her own life, and the welfare of her children. Lawrence broke down in tears. Not because of the choice she made, but the fact that no longer can women make that choice in privacy, between herself, her doctor, and her family. We have gone back almost 100 years. But it's worse: now women face prison or death for having an abortion or a miscarriage in 20 states (and frighteningly, more to come.)

I'm planning on writing a post on dKos. I wanted to find Lawrence's clip before I wrote it, to no avail. I was born in 1950. My community was full of young, hopeful couples. Many, sadly, experienced miscarriages. I believe the number is 25% of early pregnancies result in miscarriage. Never was that a crime. Women called their doctors, went to the hospital, got a D&C to make sure there was no tissue left festering to cause sepsis. It was not a crime, it was a sadness. And the women in my neighborhood were healthy enough to start families because of this simple procedure.

As I reached adulthood, reproductive health was one of the rights we fought for in the late 60s and early 70s. So women could do what was best for their future, their families. Vice President Harris was bold to make the speech she made - it was honest, and it stripped the veil from the hypocrisy and power-hungry monsters and fake Christians who think they have a right to make us subversive. How effing dare they!

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This is the speech I have been waiting for a national politician to make for 20 years. Neither Clinton could, Obama couldn't, goodness knows Biden would never. We fiddled around with apologetic, euphamistic language for decades and still got our butts kicked. Time to fight back.

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BK4FL: anyone still listening - tomorrow in Brooklyn a fundraiser for Florida's ballot measure in Sunset Park starting @ 3:00.

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Don’t feed the trolls

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The woman who coordinated the escorts at our local clinic always said, “there are no good abortions or bad abortions, only the abortions women choose to have”.

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Harris' Madison WI speech last night... abortion comments start @17 and @20. This is hitting home for the lunatic trump, he is tweeting crazy stuff in all caps at women.

"Preventable" that is the takeaway and it was prevented even before Roe. Women had access to D&C and other healthcare for miscarriages and complications. So we are worse off from even before Roe.


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