Thanks for deleting the troll. I always appreciate the comments in this thread because most people are thoughtful and respectful. I feel some pity for those who believe insults are a good way to contribute to a discussion.

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19, summer going into sophomore year of college in the 1990s, BOTH of us were not responsible about birth control, did not want to be pregnant, had no dreams or thoughts of the future other than I DID NOT WANT A CHILD, ever! Discussion with friends, the boyfriend, tried to get to a clinic, had to wait until I was further along, told my mom,, found an OBGYN, got in, had the procedure, mom with me she paid. Dumped boyfriend. One regret I had to rely on my mom to help me when I still feel I should have been able to do it on my own.

Still childless and every day I am grateful.

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Amber Nicole Thurman is so not a statistic. She lives as we speak her name, reminding us that she was a rising star, a devoted mother who wanted the best for her son, had plans for a beautiful life for both of them, and would’ve made a great nurse. I am an RN. I know stardom when I see it. She sparkled. We need people like her!

Let’s take the lessons she has for us, speaking through Kamala. She mattered. She was a fully autonomous human being who made the decisions for herself, as one should do.

Let’s be determined. Let’s speak her name, use our voice, vote, use our power.

For Amber, and for the others out there who should not accept second class citizenship. Let’s stand with them, to elect someone who will act on their behalf to get rid of the vile laws that will engulf all of us if we don’t stop them with a resounding “HELL NO you don’t decide what I do with my body! I do! “, the vile laws that render decisions far removed from reality and leave women broken, sick, and dead.

No, we will not shut up. Not until the day where there are no preventable deaths and where the sidestepping from standards of care is not at risk to become normalized as we see today.

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Reposting a comment I made on yesterday's blog; Jessica is spot on with her powerful observation:

"The punishment for wanting to set your own course in life should not be death."

The Guardian points out this essential: Thurman was murdered because the law is written to punish women if they take any agency in their reproductive health.

"But Georgia’s abortion ban outlawed the D&C procedure, making it a felony to perform except in cases of managing a 'spontaneous' or 'naturally occurring' miscarriage. Because Thurman had taken abortion pills, her miscarriage was illegal to treat. She suffered in a hospital bed for 20 hours, developing sepsis and beginning to experience organ failure. By the time the Georgia doctors were finally willing to treat her, it was too late."


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What a powerful message….to think that we deserve autonomy over our bodies no matter the reason we want to terminate a pregnancy..I’m sure heads are spinning and pearls are being clutched all over MAGA land!

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8 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago

And then we have this:

Jess Piper


Oh my God. The SAVE act would actually prevent some married women from casting a ballot. It would make it difficult for most of us to vote.

The Republicans always joke about keeping women from voting and it looks like they were serious.


Article: https://newrepublic.com/article/186160/republican-war-women-extends-voting-rights

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Why would the GOP want to prevent women from voting?

(Oops! Never mind.)

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Sadly, awaiting the next types of MURDERED SLAVE GIRLS AND WOMEN:

Have we yet seen the first murders of pregnant girls and women who, desperate enough, go for the unqualified abortionist due to the inaccessibility of abortion pills and physicians? Back to pre-Roe days! DEATH BY HEMORRAHGE from punctured or lacerated uterine wall OR DEATH BY INFECTION, BLOOD POISONING, SEPSIS, and (finally) ORGAN FAILURE caused by ignorance about preparing an antiseptic operative field/instruments. This is the result of involuntary servitude of girls and women between puberty and menopause (forced labor of pregnancy in the uterine field - not the cotton field), followed by rape of the vagina (from the inside out - not from the outside in) for forced reproduction of our species vs. for forced sex. Time to stop the wishy-washy language re autonomy and privacy! It's time to understand that we're dealing with female slave labor in the uterine field, followed by raping the female slave for forced birth.

Rape, in general, is the exercise of possession, dominance, and control over intensely personal aspects of a human BEING, examples of which are sexual, reproductive, and mental (often versions of religious doctrines).

Just right for authoritarian clergy, not limited to Roman Catholic and Southern Baptist, who obsess over reproduction. Christianity gets an undeserved bad rap since the idea that "There is a Spirit of Life in The Product of Conception" seems to have started as an invented doctrine by Pythagoras, the great ancient pre-Christian mathematician, who was determined to create a new religion superior to others he was aware of. That Pythagorean idea was absorbed into Christianity, but was not created within Christianity. (Anyone who has a different view of the Ensoulment doctrine, please comment.)

Constitutionally, we have violations of the First and Thirteenth Amendments of that radical US constitution (Western Enlightenment - Self-determination, Individualism, Liberty). Don't expect the pro-Vatican Supreme Court to agree. Would anyone like to spread the basic thrust of this piece (slave labor and rape) into the wider ongoing political argument around the nation?

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The Republican running for NC governor said he thinks women shouldn’t be able to vote and he thinks slaves are just fine, in fact he said he’d like to buy a couple for himself. Poor deluded man. He’s black; he’d be one of the slaves.

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I’m so grateful for Kamala Harris. She is lifting women up and demonstrating her respect for our choices. I had my abortion at 22 a recent college graduate. I am so grateful for Planned Parenthood and my abortion. It was a medical d &c type. It changed the trajectory of my life. Grateful for this space. Hugs and loving kindness to all 🥰🥰🥰

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I find ignoring trolls 🧌 is the best strategy. Don’t feed the fish 🐠

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I thought you said B'bye. Stop trolling me.

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I reported DainyZane. No need for anti-abortion propaganda nonsense here.

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Friends of mine were there. It was somber and important. Thankful for Harris.

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9 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs ago

Good observation/comment from Jessica:

"...But here, Harris spoke plainly about the most common kind of abortion—one that’s done simply because a woman doesn’t want to be pregnant anymore. Because it doesn’t fit in with what she wants, or has planned for her life."

Somewhere for people who don't understand maybe the economic cost/burden of an unplanned pregnancy to single women (and eventually to the state/tax payers) will be explained. But what about the other intangibles like her ambitions and dreams or why does anyone need to know anything? Sex is a normal part of life, shxt happens and women should not have to pay the price for it in any shape or form if they don't want to be pregnant. Freedom!

I just saw Madison rally speech and she included all of this in great detail. The crowd seemed to soak it all in.

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When I was a 19 year old college sophomore I got pregnant. This was back when birth control pills were just recently made available to married women and condoms were kept behind the pharmacist’s counter. I discussed it with my worthless boyfriend and spent a week thinking about how I would support myself and a child. I finally made the decision that I just wasn’t ready. So, think about the symbol of the pro-choice movement. I was lucky. It worked, I didn’t injure myself, I didn’t need a d&c afterward, and was able to have two successful, planned pregnancies. One of my roommates had two illegal abortions and was so scarred she was not able to have children. My sister’s best friend died.

No matter what laws are passed, abortion will never be eliminated. Those laws will only cause pain, poverty, and death. So much for “pro-life.”

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I had one because I didn't want to be pregnant at that time. I had ambitions and dreams of a career. I was married with a wonderful and supportive partner and financially well off at the time. Whatever big/small accomplishments I have to my name today would not have happened if I had ended up with a child then. I feel lucky too that I could live my choice. Women are encumbered in so many ways but we should be left to live a life the way we see fit, period. What is happening in this country, the most sophisticated and perhaps the most forward country in other ways for women, is a tragedy perpetrated on women by an uneducated, unsophisticated, medieval minority. I don't know how people are not seeing this for what it is and not enraged in this day and age. To what century are they dragging us back?

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If witch-finder Alito has his way, the seventeenth.

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The witch hunter “jurist” Alito relied on for Dobbs was from the 17th century. I think most republicans would be aiming for the early 19th, pre-civil war: slaves, women and children as chattel, that stuff.

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I just can't reconcile the two Americas in my mind. The political system is fucked up; electoral college, gerrymandering, electing good people of character everywhere... so much has to be done to regain balance. This one election may not be enough, assuming that we win.

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When I steel myself to look at Fox, I always get a shock. I don’t have anyone in my life who is not liberal so I find it really difficult to comprehend. The north won the war but it’s looking like the south is continuing to win the peace. In my youth, my own father tended to romanticize the pre-civil war south. I think he thought Gone with the Wind was a documentary. Luckily he married my wonderful stepmother who helped him see the truth.

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I came to this country in my mid-20s with my husband looking for intellectual opportunities for me. We were bored in India and the world travel bug had caught us after we lived in Holland for the first year of our marriage. US with its first rate higher education was the place to be. So not having grown up here, I miss out on a lot of context for why certain things are the way they are.

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Welcome! I’m glad you found your dreams here. Cultural references can be tricky. I grew up in a small town in the Midwest where much of the population was of Dutch heritage. That was enough different from mine that it sometimes caused me confusion. Add to that that my mother worked when all my friends’ mothers didn’t, and I often felt like an alien.

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Jinx! great comment!

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LOL! Great minds think alike.

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Kick-ass speech. Finally someone says what they no longer want us to say or even think. F-Them!!!

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“Harris spoke plainly about the most common kind of abortion—one that’s done simply because a woman doesn’t want to be pregnant anymore. Because it doesn’t fit in with what she wants, or has planned for her life.”

I haven’t finished reading but this brought me to tears because that’s my story although different, but yet still the same. This is monumental.

This restores the idea that we cannot be free to pursue the aims of a true democracy where all citizens have the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, even women. And an ill timed pregnancy can derail all of that and condemn women to financial precarious lives.

Thank you Kamala! I really think women are going to save democracy and I love that. I know the race is still tighter than it should be or even would be without the propaganda machine playing dirty. But this shift is fucking huge!

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That was such a great speech in Atlanta! Also the “exceptions” argument grows more hallow because people can now see that it does not work. She had to wait 20 hours for a d/c because she was not close enough to death. Just fucking unbelievable.

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