Jul 15Edited

And bravo Emily Busch !

And why it's not front page news re women being flown out for CARE is just mindboggling!

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" These same abusers would also be given the freedom to travel across state lines to stockpile dangerous chemical abortion drugs to bring back to a life-affirming state.”


Here's how "life-affirming" her state of Mississippi is on guns. One of the worst --


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Cannon threw out trump's FL case. SCOTUS on down, judiciary is compromised. Rule of law was the crown jewel of American democracy and it is under assault. #VoteBlue up and down and everywhere.

(connecting the dots...) trump appointed Cannon at the last minute to the jurisdiction he moved, and Thomas the most corrupt fucker on SCOTUS gave her a hook on a topic that was not even on the table for the immunity case in his sole concurrence (and we are made to think that was there no coordination) ...

How about that Indian origin wife of JD Vance? Shameless for sure.

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huh, who knew Jockey the underwear people were also christian fascists? Propublica has some news about Hobby Lobby and Jockey. Couple of times I have been at a Jockey store, there was some indoctrinating type broadcast inside the store disguised as supporting our troops which I thought was unusual and made me uncomfortable. Now we know who they are.

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What will be done when all our rights have been taken away? Who will organize a response? Is that even possible?

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I am very concerned that after the assassination attempt, Republicans will plea for unity in this country. We will not have unity under Christian-Nationalism. They can dream on!!

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Thanks for sharing Emily Busch's story.

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This all is so terrible. Hope the Dems can win and prevent Project 2025 from being the new thing. Great story on one group working real hard to stop a fair election in ProPublica today: https://www.propublica.org/article/inside-ziklag-secret-christian-charity-2024-election. I'm going to start fighting back by not buying Uline or Jockey products any more.

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The U-line guy and his wife are some of the worst people, funding the insurrectionist candidates and if there's anything bad for the country they are funding it, as is the guy who owns Home Depot, same with the CEO of AT &T (I dropped them as a provider because they funded the Further right than Fox OAN.)

"A Reuters review of court records shows the role AT&T played in creating and funding OAN, a network that continues to spread conspiracy theories about the 2020 election and the COVID-19 pandemic.

OAN founder and chief executive Robert Herring Sr has testified that the inspiration to launch OAN in 2013 came from AT&T executives.

“They told us they wanted a conservative network,” Herring said during a 2019 deposition seen by Reuters. “They only had one, which was Fox News, and they had seven others on the other [leftwing] side. "https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-oneamerica-att/

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Are you an anti-abortionist? I have a question for you. Are you the same people who will take food out of a child's mouth when they reach school age and have no money but are hungry? Is it possible the GOP Republicans are using our children as an experiment, not unheard of in our history? The Republicans appear to want to see what happens when you withhold food from starving school-age children. What are the effects on their physical and mental stability? It sounds similar to the experiments the Nazis performed on family members in their concentration camps from 1933 to 1945, who they called undesirables. Not using the National School Lunch Program, in my eyes, shows me you are cruel, ruthless, selfish, and a mentally ill bully experimenter.

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The face that the travel ban is on the ballot is actually something of a win. They have an effective and determined group working there (with a little help from Texas Christians for Reproductive Justice) that stopped the city council from passing an ordinance. Twice. We are coordinating billboards on the main highway in and out of New Mexico—Keep Amarillo Roads Free and Travel Bans Oppress Christians (including a web page that says they oppress everyone). I hope anyone who can pitches in when we get the funding mechanism set up in a couple of weeks.

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This needs to be reported much more because fighting unconstitutional legislation and winning is like preventing a murder; no one notices and no one recognizes the dodged bullet.

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That’s ’fact.’ Have got to start reviewing before posting.

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For cindy hyde-smith to call Mississippi a "life-affirming state" when it has the highest or one of the highest rates of infant mortality is honestly just a sick, scary joke. Unbelievable, the awfulness of these people.

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My gripe: the otherwise sympathetic report from the US Senate refers to "more than 23 million women of reproductive age—one in three—live in one of the 18 states with an abortion ban currently in effect." [report cites a White House briefing paper; the full WH quote is here].

There are not 18 states with abortion bans; there are FORTY FOUR states with abortion bans. A ban at 22 weeks or 22 weeks or "viability" is still a ban. Not counting these later gestational periods as bans totally gaslights the need for abortion at later stages of pregnancy. The numbers may be small (but growing, thanks to barriers to obtaining care) but those women still need and deserve access to care.

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I think they're using "ban" to mean "absolutely no abortions," not "abortions that are permitted only subject to unfair and scientifically unjustified limitations."

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There is not a single state that allows "absolutely no abortions". https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/us/abortion-laws-roe-v-wade.html

There are 14 states with "almost no exceptions"; 7 with gestational limits (6, 12 15 weeks); 3 with blocked bans (22 weeks or viability); and the rest with bans at 21, 22, or "viability". So, yeah, what 18 states were they referring to, and what exactly does "ban" mean? For me: ANY restriction on abortion: 44 states.

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You're right, I should have been more precise.

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Excellent point

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Excellent point, and why it’s so necessary to not just settle for reinstating Roe. Women shouldn’t have to beg for their lives at any point in their pregnancies.

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Canada is looking good. No law. None. Leave women alone.

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The Virginia amendment process is so tedious. Assuming retirements / special elections don't screw things up with the slim Dem majorities, both chambers will pass something in the next session in 2025.

But then they'll have to do it *again* in the next session in 2026 or 2027 - after the November 2025 House of Delegates elections : so the Dems have to hold the state house for one more cycle - then it's on the ballot (and will pass easily once that happens.)

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Jemelle Bouie made a really good tiktok about the gop softening their abortion stance bs. He points out that the 14th amendment, one of the reconstruction amendments, is also supposed to remedy sexual/reproductive slavery. And here R’s are twisting it totally around to enforce sexual & reproductive slavery.

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The link to Maria Cantwell’s report doesn’t seem to work, just as an FYI. Would love to be able to click to that.

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I think this is it.

I found the prologue to the report a but dispiriting because all the woman senators called for reinstating Roe. I hope that’s just shorthand for getting government out of women’s bodies. Roe was inadequate and women shouldn’t have to beg for an abortion at ANY time in a life-threatening pregnancy. I also don’t think we should allow Catholic hospitals to deny women care when suffering miscarriages, ectopic and molar pregnancies. Just restoring Roe won’t address any of those things.

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🎯Yes, we need government entirely removed from medical decisions.

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Bit, not but 🙄

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Thanks, Paul! I didn’t know that.

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We will get that fixed, thanks for the heads up!

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In Beverly Hills, "... an anti-abortion group successfully pressured city council members." What happened? Was there a vote and who caved? Did anyone cave or was the majority at the city council on board?

Like so many things in Blue State California, I wonder what else the Beverly Hills City Council agreed upon.

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