How is this post office search legal????? Isn't our mail federal? How can a State intercept a legally prescribed substance in the post office? I am so confused...where is the DOJ here? We now have no right to privacy as far as mail?

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Oct 20·edited 3 hrs ago

Wake the fuck up, people!

This Lincoln Project ad is breathtakingly painful because this is the truth.


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OMG. I just watched it. Speechless...

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Yep. Not fiction, happening now in real time.

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Republicans used to talk about the "nanny state". Project much? This shit is flat out bizarre. We have to turn out to the ballot box and get rid of these dangerous fools. WE ARE ABSOLUTELY NOT GOING BACK...to medieval times. Take that Sam Alito. Gods, what a hideous human.

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Regarding the ballot initiatives, Missouri, Amendment 3 and New York's Prop 1.

There is absolutely nothing in Missori's Amendment 3 on sexual diversity whatsoever. The text can be found here:


However, I'm not sure how New York's Prop 1 can be associated with reproductive rights at all. It is pretty much all centered around sexual diversity and preventing discrimination against anyone exhibiting the same. The best that abortion rights can be hope for here is inclusion under "pregnancy outcomes". The text can be found here:


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Did you see this --- "§ 11. a. No person shall be denied the equal protection of the laws of this state or any subdivision thereof. No person shall, because of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, creed [or], religion, or sex, including sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, pregnancy outcomes, and reproductive healthcare and autonomy, ..."

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I would be even more worried than I am already if I didn't know that despite the havoc caused by the War on Drugs, people who want recreational drugs have convenient access to them.

I've never had kids so was never a soccer mom or Little League mom, but I feel like there really IS crying in baseball if when your kid shows up for a game, the suspiciously-tall other team consists of Major League ringers. The other team is holding the umpire's spouse and kids hostage. And every time a kid on your team gets a hit, an army of lawyers armed with TROs descends on the field.

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I can’t remember where I read it, but some years ago there was an analysis of the testing of contraband sniffing dogs. Essentially, when the handlers knew the answer, their dogs aced the tests; but when the handlers were kept in the dark the dogs performed much more poorly. In other words, dogs aren’t actually as accurate as billed and are probably cued more than we realize. If abortion pills are criminalized like drugs, an already established process for targeting people of color will just be expanded to target women.

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We can't stop the antis from targeting you at Planned Parenthood, but we CAN make sure they enjoy the experience as little as you do. We've been stepping up the abuse lately and on several occasions, have forced them to make one of those stupid prayer circles around a sobbing protester with hurt fee-fees.

There also seems to be less sympathy for their BS from the general public - it's been forever since anyone accused me of going too far with this stuff, something that used to happen fairly frequently. Have people finally had enough of the circus?

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Yes. And the Trump candidacy is really worried about this. Even if they win, the antiabortionists are going to be a real albatross for the administration. Really, you have to ask yourself, if Trump really wanted to apply his presidency in the interest of criminalizing abortion nationwide, why didn't he do it the last time? Remember Mike Pence? He was worse than Vance when it came to abortion.

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Aww, the little religious wingnuts got their feelings hurt? Too f'ing bad.

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Next time I go home to see my Dad in Prairie Village, I'd love to join you in one of your protests.

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We’d love to have you. The clinic in Overland Park can always use people during the week to counter the orange vest contingent that sets up a quasi-official looking “checkpoint” at the entrance to the parking lot and try to flag down cars and distribute anti-abortion literature. The big day is every other Saturday morning - easiest way to find out if it’s a protest day is call Planned Parenthood and ask if they’ll be open Saturday. The KCK clinic can use help on Saturdays too.

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It seems to me that the 3-judge panel in Tennessee got it ass-backwards. The only authority that should be allowed to suspend or revoke doctors’ licenses should be State medical boards, although not without good cause, and providing a life-saving abortion would not constitute good cause. And by extension, State medical boards should be the sole disciplinary authority for doctors, absent actual criminal conduct. Performing an abortion should not be considered criminal conduct under any circumstance, absent fetal personhood laws. It remains a mystery to me why State medical boards and national board-certifying bodies (like for OBGYNs) are not crying bloody murder over the criminalization of medical practice in their states and in the country. I think what would be really key in all of this is for doctors and other interested parties to lobby their state medical boards to put pressure on state legislatures to put an end to the criminalization of doctors in order to stem the outflow of doctors from their states. From where I sit, this is a no-brainer.

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The left should every where and every place defund and defang cops. Take away their toys, prosecute them for the smallest violation. Make it so miserable to be a cop that they quit. They are the jack booted thugs of the trump movement.

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That was the comment I made yesterday, it sounded like bullshit, because the pills are federally legal how could any police dept get the dogs trained to smell them?

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If you don’t know Debbie Nathan’s work, take a look at her author page on Simon & Schuster’s website. She is a longtime social justice warrior:


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Just when you think it can’t get worse. I’ll say this for the forced birthers—they are creative. I’ve come to believe that we have to be more creative as well, and not just let ourselves be stymied by them.

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Creative= big fucking liars!

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WOW. Thank God for you Jessica. None of us would ever know each & every angle they're using to come after women ... when I had questions about .."how can they regulate abortion pills in the mail" I NEVER thought about drug sniffing dogs...holy mutha fvckin shit....

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Dobbs really has been disastrous, mostly for the real, tangible harms that it has inflicted on women and girls, but also all this legal chaos, all these different laws, state by state. It's nuts. We really need federal protections back.

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Jessica, thank you for informing us. I am enraged that the Republicans are going after LEGAL abortion drugs. Kamala MUST win next month, or this country really will become like the Handmaid’s Tale.

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FedEx and DHL and UPS.

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… will be likely be defined as “common carriers” and the same rules will be applied.

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