Quite frankly I have decided that one reason that the Catholic Church is so anti-choice is that their priest need more children to abuse.

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There ought to be no such thing as an anti-abortion group with 'mainstream credibility'. State governments doing their bidding are murdering women all over this country.

As bad as Trump is, the people controlling him are much, much worse. Trump is a charlatan who only cares about himself. But the people using him for power care very much about hurting the rest of us, which they believe their god commands them to do.

Hitler's contemporaries thought he was a clown too. There comes a point when the killing can no longer be discounted or ignored.

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So excited - Vi, who used to be one of my roommates, got Dazi and I tickets to go with her to see Margaret Atwood tonight at Unity Temple on the Plaza!

Originally at the library, tickets were gone in less than 60 seconds, so they moved it to Unity. The additional tickets lasted less than two hours, but Vi managed to score three for us since she works for some event outfit.

Sitting here listening to a violin/cello duo serenading us while waiting for Margaret to arrive.

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Why do they care? Why does anybody care about what other people do in their own lives? It just baffles me, why they feel so strongly about American women and their pregnancies. It’s so obviously about control, and women that participate in it are really offensive to me. I drove by a yard that had a sign that said vote no on 4 , (I have yet to see a single yes on 4 yard sign, I want one, but they are charging 30$ a piece for them) amendment 4 is our abortion initiative. Why?! I am a 36 year old woman and I already have 1 child a son from a previous relationship. I met a really great man and I have been thinking of having another child. But what a gamble to take right now, if there are any problems they will literally let me die here in Florida. This sucks, my biological clock is ticking, and I am older everyday.

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Thanks Jessica. I hope Harris and her team are aware of this. The Catholic Church and Christian Nationalists. But the Catholic church has lots of money and old deep pockets. Glad I’m not Catholic anymore.

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If our press scribblers had a scintilla of your interest in the power of words, they wouldn’t write three fourths of what they do and replace it with political analysis Orwell would be proud of.

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Jessica - I am so grateful to you for all the hard work you put into educating us, which you need to do because mainstream media has failed us repeatedly. While I find the information presented today, very disturbing, I'm not the least bit surprised, and anticipate that this news will be amplified around the world because of the work you have done. I look forward to the arrival of your book and will continue to pass around your Substack to friends. In solidarity for those of us who give life to the world.

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I hope dannfelser rots in hell. What an evil woman.

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Right there with you about Dannenfelser. I will never understand why some women are so eager to put other women's lives in jeopardy.

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She’s another convert to Catholicism in 1989. I swear this religion, between their hospitals denying women like me life-saving healthcare for ectopic pregnancies and for miscarriages, their priests abusing tens of thousands of our children, and their Opus Dei takeover of our courts, is a clear and present danger to our country. We need a serious conversation about the most basic tenet of our country’s foundation: The separation of Church and State. It’s clear too many of our politicians have no idea about our history or our Constitution. We need to fix this.

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Susan B. Anthony is rolling in her grave🤬

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

The appropriation of Susan B. Anthony's name and reputation by forced birthers is disgraceful and blatantly revisionist. Time wrote a good piece pointing out these lies a while back: https://time.com/4106547/susan-b-anthony-elizabeth-cady-stanton-abortion/

Catholic-funded pseudo-intellectuals also produce a stream of anti-birth control and anti-abortion propaganda (in the name of feminism) through the deceptively named "Wollstonecraft Project."


I bet Mary Wollstonecraft, who died of complications from childbirth, is rolling in her grave as well.

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