Saturday morning GMA reported that the Texas Supreme Court said the quiet part out loud: allowing any abortion for a condition that threatens a woman’s life or health “opens the door” to allowing abortion for any risk to the woman’s health because “all pregnancies carry risk.” They have turned the core of medical ethics on its head. Patients should always have the right to make decisions that address the risks to their health. That’s the purpose of informed consent. These judges have applied the reasoning behind involuntary psychiatric hospitalization for a threat to the patient’s health to obstetric care, only not to protect the patient but to deny her the ability to make a decision to protect her health. They have declared that pregnancy changes a patient from a person capable of making an informed medical decision to the equivalent of a mentally incompetent victim of psychosis or dementia. Disgusting, both medically and ethically!

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They need to be sued for misleading practices, and being a danger to the public, for their medical malpractice.

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Great reporting.

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I have worked in abortion care for half a century. I first started fighting these organizations in 1978 when one moved into my clinic's building and began to trick our patients. But we need to call them FAKE CLINICS!!! CPC doesn't tell anyone anything. If we don't use our language to convey what is happening, we can't expect people to learn.

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I'm a retired healthcare worker, but I call it reproductive healthcare, because it is so much more, abortion being only one facet of the many procedures we offered.

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GAAAAAHHHH!! The energy with which the anti-abortion forces go after more and more of our rights and autonomy is — demonic, actually.

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What you have described is not a data breach. It is a complete disregard for women’s privacy, health and legal rights. Clearly, we are second-class citizens.

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Because of course there was! CPCs lie to patients about their credentials, about health outcomes, and laws; they can't be trusted to follow privacy and security regulations as an actual medical facility would. They should be prosecuted to the fullest extent.

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The fact that HIPAA doesn’t apply to these centers is pure BS, and needs to be changed. But that would require a functioning Congress. And probably a SCOTUS that’s not as corrupt as a 10 day dead body left to rot in the desert….

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Congress needs to get their shit together after the Nov elections & cut funding to the scotus until they sign a binding Ethics Code with enforceable penalties

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This so sucks…maybe you ought to apply to Melinda Gates for funding to not only unmask these creeps but to figure out how to get the info to the ones who are misled into stepping into these fraud centers.

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I hope she has a good adviser so these creeps don't get any health care money. It's bad enough they get right-wingers to give them TANF funds, that are supposed to help actual born children, and those who bear them, not fake medical religious centers.

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Love that they spelled HIPAA wrong on their website. That lack of attention to detail alone would tell me something is off(I am aware not everyone would notice that, though. I am particularly peevish about spelling and grammar!). No legit healthcare provider worth their salt would spell it HIPPA - then again, we know they’re nowhere near legit, non-biased providers who have women’s best interests at heart. No surprise there.

Also….does anyone else find it extremely ironic that they claim they follow this federal data privacy law when it’s clear they have utter disdain for regulation? What a bunch of manipulative jerks, claiming to follow HIPAA rules to get women to think they are protecting their data when in reality they are using it against them and publicizing it to people who have no business knowing those details. The lying that goes on in this industry to the detriment of women’s reproductive health flabbergasts me. And the increased state funding allowed to CPCs with NO government nonpartisan oversight is ridiculous. If they are getting public funds there needs to be accountability.

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It is part of the con, copy actual medical centers webpages to better deceive the public.

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100% CPCs exist because they want to be above the law and not held to the legal, ethical, medical, and regulatory standards of a healthcare facility. Of course they aren't complying with security standards and safeguarding patient information. They'd probably gladly share the information with any politician promising to prosecute any patients that didnt comply with their "advice".

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Their data "breach" is a feature not a bug.

And think about it folks - - > the religious Magdalene Laundries (mother baby homes) SCAM hasn't even started yet, where billions more will go to these religious indoctrination programs/"homes*. Where women will be forced to go to bible study and church to get extra diapers..... where there will be forced to work all day in exchange for living there. Where babies will be sold for profit should mother change her mind. Mothers with babies won't be taught any skills so they can eventually leave and life on their own.

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I'm afraid to read it..... perhaps I should wait until tomorrow morning when I'm calmer with my coffee. Lol

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It's a trashing of the WaPo's normalization of the forced-birther weirdos, much better than the original article, which made me cancel my subscription.

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Jessica, thank you for all your hard work and putting all of this in context for us! Much appreciated.

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$100 million of taxpayers' money to fund a dangerous fraud. Texas really has gone rogue.

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I'm not sure it's ever really been part of the union.

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Yep, there's that.

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Jessica, you worked your tail off on this, and dropped it this afternoon, juuuuust right before another news story broke and everyone got preoccupied. They're more connected than they first appear, since they are both basically examples of Republicans governing via massively corrupt organized crime operations. CPCs need to be vigorously exposed. Republicans must not be allowed anywhere to hide from their campaign to kill, maim, torture, and enslave American women (all of which are readily demonstrable effects of abortion bans).

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And showing in both cases, yet again, that there's one system of justice for the rich and well-connected and another for us peasants.

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THE JURY HAS SPOKEN!!! orange 🍊 one is now a convicted sex offender and felon 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏.

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Remember that what tfg was found guilty of was falsifying business records. Rich people get parole for this usually. The only reason they were charged as felonies was because of the coverup--used to cover up a worse felony, election interference, which was he was *not* being tried for in this case. Hate to be cynical, but he may just get parole, maybe with an ankle bracelet so he can't flee the country.

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Yes, I think most of us know he’s not actually going to get any jail/prison time; probably a suspended sentence & probation. I really hope they would take his passport because I want him here to stand trial for the other cases pending.

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They already took it a while ago.

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Yes. That's assuming he doesn't have other passport(s) squirreled away, or other way(s) of going elsewhere, as rich people often do.

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Not the ankle!! Remember, he's a victim of bone spurs plus that could impede his golf cheating🏴.

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If only he would flee the country! Imagine an America without Trump.

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*sigh* that sounds wonderful. No more ugly orange Gollum ranting at the press!

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One can dream 😴.

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New report from God: breaking news:

The news of Trump's conviction spread quickly through the Pearly Gates, causing uproarious laughter among the angels, saints, and even the more stoic apostles. Jesus was seen high-fiving Moses and later breakdancing in the street. Note that wine may have played a part.

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Just a minor correction since I see this posted a lot on the internet - Trump is not a convicted sex offender. The E. Jean Carroll case was a civil case (not a criminal one) where he was found liable for sexual assault. Civil cases carry penalties of monetary damages, of which he owes A LOT to her! :).

But yeah he’s now a convicted felon for the election interference case. Accountability matters.

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Minor corrections make me question if I should end it all. Not being too sure about what lies beyond the shadow, I shall attempt to remain on this side. ⚖⚰🪦🎱⛈🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️🧟👅💥👻😱😜🤔🥰😇

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Yikes😯  Google apparently agrees with me  and  confirmed that this "person" is actually a Kryptonian overlord merely masking as a human being. Godsey, the fake human name that he goes by, was named Heartbeat International’s president in early January 2016.

Look at the kids names below.  He even actually acknowledges that the names are Kryptonian.

Jor-El has two sons and a daughter: Jared, Joel, and Kara. Kara is the middle child.

The name Jor-El, a reference to Superman’s father in DC Comics—all three of his kids are named after other Superman characters, including Jared, who’s middle name is Kal-El.

Another non-suprise, his wife is a karen!!!  Seriously,  Karen is his wife's name.

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I think the Karen slur is woman-hating, and I wonder why we criticize (especially older) women for demanding their rights? If it is legit racist behavior, then use the person's actual name. I have friends named Karen whose lives have been very affected by this meme.

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No. That was actually started by black women calling out a certain type of white woman who demands the manager for the least infraction of questioning their privilege.

"The Origin of Being a ‘Karen’

Robin Queen, Professor of Linguistics, English Language and Literature, and Germanic Languages and Literatures at the University of Michigan did a deep dive into this issue in her article: “How ‘Karen’ went from a popular baby name to a stand-in for white entitlement.” In this article, Queen explores this term under the lens of language and discrimination after learning about one of the first viral ‘Karens’ — the “Central Park Karen,” Amy Cooper. Amy Cooper’s story broke in May of 2020 when she called the cops on a Black man in Central Park, providing false reports of “assault” and “threatening behavior” when the man was really just lawfully enjoying the Park just like anyone else. She tells emergency operators that “there’s an African-American man threatening [her] life,” when he really filmed the whole exchange and merely asked her to put her dog back on a leash in a leash-only area of the Park. Interestingly, Queen looks into the name’s actual origins, reporting that ‘Karen’ peaked in popularity in 1965, meaning that most ‘Karens’ are now middle-aged white women. This provides the foundation for what a ‘Karen’ represents – an entitled, older, white woman who causes scenes in public and is usually engaging in racist or bigoted behavior while doing so.

As far as the meme of ‘Karen’ goes, Queen reports two distinct threads. The first thread comes from 2018 when the Black community posted memes of white women who use their privilege to falsely report criminal activity usually involving people of color. These memes bore hashtags with some of the first monikers for this type of behavior — #bbqbecky, #permitpatti, #golfcartgail, and #cornerstonecaroline. The second thread originates much earlier, and, surprisingly, from once-popular stand-up comedian Dane Cook. In 2005, Cook wrote and performed a comedy bit about ‘Karen’ being the friend that no one in the friend group actually likes. While this thread is less about the racial or bigoted implications of the now-popular Karen meme, Queen cites it as one of the origins of why the name has been so lambasted."

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Thank you for this. It is a bias. Men complain inappropriately due to their privilege and I’m not aware of a name for that

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Well I use jackass 😂

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