Yeah I haven’t seen her comments in forever. Our Maternal mortality rates continue to be abysmal and the shame of the developed world.

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Republicans must be silenced. I haven't come up with legal ways to do that. Please share any ideas you have.

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You can't silence them, but you can call out their extremism. If you do so on social media, it's very important to refrain from liking or responding to their post, because doing so just amplifies their message. Instead, take a screenshot of their post and attach it to your own. Tag them if you want.

Their policies are hugely unpopular, so we need to spread the message about what they are doing far and wide.

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If you have ever had to work with someone who exhibits psychopathic behaviour you will recognize these traits (See Pychopathology in the Workplace, Wikipedia):

“Organizational psychopaths generally appear to be (note that it says appear to be, not are) intelligent, sincere, powerful, charming, witty, and entertaining communicators. They quickly assess what people want to hear and then create stories that fit those expectations. They will con people into doing their work for them, take credit for other people's work and even assign their work to junior staff members. They have low patience when dealing with others, display shallow emotions, are unpredictable, undependable and fail to take responsibility if something goes wrong that is their fault.”

The statistical occurrence of psychopaths in the general population as 1% but in organizations it can average 5% give or take. It makes sense that Organizations will take on the psychology of their management. If there are enough psychopaths in the upper levels of management the whole organization will likely exhibit psychopathic traits.

Given the leadership and influencers of the GOP, how can one expect anything but psychopathy? Lies, manipulation, misdirection, lack of empathy, irresponsibility, inability to acknowledge their errors, convincing people they are on their side, while bullying and abusing those they cannot charm and con into complicity? All of this behaviour totally focused on the endgame of power over others.

None of this should be a surprise.

Defeating a psychopath Is totally do-able. It just takes a steadfast purpose, an iron will, and strong, well organized allies. And luck. Anti-abortion measures were going to be top of the GOP gameplan regardless. Maybe the luck is that in their hubris they tackled Roe before the midterms.

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We have lost our country to governance by gaslighting. We're not getting it back until we take it back; this war doesn't end until they're defeated. The ballot box is the easiest way, but then people would have to care more about women's lives than the price of gas.

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One way you can tell that the “exceptions” in these laws have been enacted in bad faith is that in civil or criminal litigation the doctor/hospital would bear the burden of proving that the exception applies (as a defense to the charge). If, alternatively, the state bore the burden of proving that the exemption did not apply (as an element of the crime), the scales would be tipped in favor of the medical professionals, as they should be when medical judgment is involved. That the laws are not set up this way is a huge tell.

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I agree with every word. I think it will be necessary to call their bluff. For example, Walgreen and CVS are certainly rich enough to chance a lawsuit in order to give a 14-year-old medication that can cause an abortion as a side effect to help their arthritis or cancer, etc. It's cowardice to let them get away with sickening people or making them jump through hoops to get the medicine they need. At some point their bluff needs to be called and then we need to back up the people who do that with money, demonstrations, etc. I realize what this means for those who do it, but the stakes are pretty high.

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Totally agree. Need to be absolutely relentless

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Yes, exactly. Idk whether they're bluffing but my guess is they don't know either. Right now they're getting away with it. We have to take the leap for things to change. Enforcing these laws will be much harder than passing them.

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Someone HAS or is currently dying somewhere in the world due to lack of safe abortion access. We need to remember that what we allow in our own country affects others everywhere. I know I’m speaking to the choir here! (Hope I am, anyway!)

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Yes that's always in the back of my mind as things go wrong in this country. What happens when the leader of the free world is no longer free?.....

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Ross Douthat knows better. He is not a stupid man but just dissembling to get the conclusion he desires.

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So I know someone that is already tallying the deaths. She says she gets from all different medical sources. This is not surprising that the republicans are doing this, but it’s one of the grossest things I’ve ever read. They are planning ahead to lie and deflect. It’s beyond enraging and disgusting. These people will do anything to get what they want and then they soothe themselves by saying “don’t worry it’s the feminists fault”. JFC

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Would love to hear more about your friend's work - we need all the info we can get

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Yes I’m gonna reach out today!

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Oct 10, 2022
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Elena, hello - just saw your other comments! You can reach out at jessica @ substack dot com. I wrote about what happened with FL's supreme court a few weeks ago - I saw the leaked decisions. Insanity. But would love to hear more!

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