Thanks for highlighting teen needs with your focus on ineedana

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The argument that we must get rid of prenatal testing because they only serve to increase abortions is absurd because a pregnant person may want to know regardless so that can prepare themselves for raising a disabled child or to have fetal surgery done to correct the ailment, if possible 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Did I miss your thoughts on the circuit court of appeals defense of PP? Any bad day for Kacsmaryk is a good day for me!

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At the time our 2 children were in utero, ultrasound imaging was relatively new and it was comforting when we were told that everything looks good. Fast-forward about 20 years and my "bus friend" was very excited because she had seen an ultrasound of her first child before anyone could have guessed she was pregnant. Technology moves on. I and my friends have been fortunate to have nothing but normal pregnancies and we are now at the age when my niece's daughter has started college. A fortunate run of events.

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Once again it looms that all abortions are elective abortions. Elective abortions are the only way to protect the health of a woman whether she wants to be pregnant or not. And her ability to decide whether she wants to give birth or not are an integral part of healthy child bearing. The better she is able to make those decisions the better the outcomes of her pregnancy are for everyone.

Prenatal testing is another example of advancing technology making child bearing safer for both the woman and the infant. No woman should be threatened by the consequences of a pregnancy and no infant should ever be born suffering the consequence of gestation gone bad. Eliminating prenatal tests to defend "unborn children" is like eliminating the telescope to protect the geocentric view of the universe.

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If you can keep poor people poor, they can't rebel. If you can get middle income people to be poorer, they will have less ability to rebel. The whole idea of a DICTATORSHIP with OLIGARCHS is to retain power over all non billionaires to retain their power. Male POWER. This is the entire objective of Project 2025, and banning abortion is at the center f it. Well, that and gutting the power of consumer advocate groups and experienced government workers to keep the government running so we don't get so poor... sick...or burdened with debt.

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A family member recently miscarried a much wanted pregnancy. Her miscarriage began just a few hours before she received the results of pre-natal testing. The testing showed the fetus had trisomy 21, which would result in multiple physical malformations of the spine, respiratory system and brain, with very low chances of survival if full term.

At the ob's office, the doctor determined the fetus had likely died a week previous. She accompanied my family member to the nearby hospital, where she performed a D&C. The nurses and other medical staff were kind, thoughtful and reassuring. It was late in the day, so she remained hospitalized overnight. The knowledge that the fetus would not have survived was a comfort to her as she underwent the procedure and now as she continues to recover.

Routine, appropriate, humane care is what each person deserves. She got that because she lives abroad, in Switzerland. Imagine how it might have played out in the wrong place here in the US.

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I still can’t get my head around how this is political… how anyone is able to make decisions on women’s bodies. I can’t believe this is the way in 2025. I am scared for myself, my daughter, and all women and girls

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For women the personal has always been political. Texas is willing to accept a number of needless deadly infections of wanted pregnancies to make sure no women slip through the cracks with their abortion of “convenience”. It does fascinate me that no other laws that I can think of are shored up like this. We are now casualties of war.

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Thanks for keeping us updated with your excellent reporting, Jessica. - a grateful 2023/2024 AZ abortion access signatures collector.

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Making it illegal for doctors to perform prenatal testing? Do they think if they don’t test then people won’t get abortions, that women who have fetuses with fatal abnormalities will just go about their business? That all will be well?

Prenatal testing is the standard of care. If doctors don’t do that when it is indicated, it is a deviation from that. If there are bad outcomes, the doctor will be blamed. Blamed, sued, and potentially lose their license.

Anyone that thinks this is even remotely a good idea needs their head examined.

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The people that think this is desirable, probably need to be institutionalized because they are insane and cruel.

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It's the same mindset as telling doctors to stop testing for COVID-19 because the reported number of new cases is growing too fast.

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Or manipulating/suppressing the data as our Fl governor did.

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Speaking of which did you know Rebekah Jones has a substack?

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We're seeing that with the collection of absurd data with the intent of claiming it as an effect of abortion.

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You are so right. It benefits no-one. It hurts everyone and is just an insane warped point of view. I doubt those who a pushing this evil agenda are a have been a carer or have had a difficult pregnancy.

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SC state Rep. John McCravy, sponsor of all the abortion ban bills, says the abortion exception for fatal fetal anomalies allows us to “kill sick babies.” As if a fetus without a skull or brain is simply sick.

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They are zealots. They will say anything no matter how craven.

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Nailed it again. If we don’t know what’s wrong with an embryo or fetus, we’ll continue a pregnancy that may risk our own health and future and is filled with pain and suffering. It works the other way, too. There are some conditions that can be corrected in utero or for which doctors and families can prepare for in time for delivery. Perhaps those pregnancies could have had better outcomes with MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE!

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I've mentioned several times before my mother's experience in the 1950s and early 60s,when testing was not a thing. The horror and guilt of the stillbirth and two miscarriages she suffered, and the even more sorrow and guilt of having living children who had severe disabilities that could have been diagnosed pre-natally or shortly after birth, were effects that lasted the rest of my mother's life. I know because I was one of those children. This is really the whole game: make women--and their partners--suffer. (I say "and their partners" because I know my dad never got over that either.) Nor did I.

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