I'm worried about this doxxing. I've been collecting signatures in Montana to put abortion rights in our state constitution and have been videoed several times by the opposition. That's scary enough

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To this day, I find it so disturbing that so many other fundraisers raise so much money so quickly and after 2 Time magazine articles this family couldn’t raise more, yet she is SO grateful for any help and continues to provide updates. Where TF are the pro-birthers when real people dealing with real consequences need help? They will claim they “saved” this baby, but they won’t help the raped child who birthed him.


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We note the importance of speaking of "access" vs "choice" when talking about contraception: "we know that something being legal is not the same thing as something being accessible."

Yet today's AED repeatedly uses the phrase "pro-choice" when referring to abortion. (And maybe in previous postings; likely I haven't been paying attention.)

Is there a reason we cannot say "pro abortion access" instead of "pro choice"?

It's more of a mouthful, but the difference is HUGE.

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I agree. I quit identifying as "pro-choice" long ago. It suggests that you believe that there might be something wrong with abortion, but it should be a woman's "choice". The Biden administration is "pro-choice".

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Totally agree with confronting the "abortion till the moment of birth (and after)" lie. Take it to Trump.

I see reporters mindlessly skip to the next question without taking him to task on it. It's incredible.

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He has spouted so much unhinged nonsense that reporters just shrug at "trump being trump" and give him a pass. What makes that so dangerous is that they then jump all over Biden's every verbal misstep, feeding into the right wing narrative that Biden is less mentally fit than trump, which is just bonkers.

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Yes, they suck at reporting.

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I got super worried about the subject of “Conservative Group Doxxes Arizona Pro-Choice Petitioners” as an Arizona voter. Relived for me that it’s in Arkansas but sorry Arkansas 😢

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When a quarter of the electorate believes Biden is responsible, as anything happening in a POTUS' term belongs to that POTUS apparently, for overturning Roe, it is glaringly the time to stop using "others" instead of Trump, himself, as the reason for Roe and statements on abortion that are not just talking points but serious threats. No policy, no commitment to anything, no rational point of view but the media love to talk his crazy everyday.

The message is out there but the nicely designed leave Trump to Trump's own dereliction isn't working, exactly. The ring around the posy game of not mentioning Trump while trying to explain Trump is Biden's double edge sword he runs into frequently. I'm not a fan of the press guy, for Biden, who is far too timid for these stakes.

Trump never engages, directly, in his derelictions, but rather has his flunkies, organizations, enablers, Congress etc do his bidding but he is the one who will terminate all abortion, contraception, IVF on day one. Not the Danbury Institute.

I laughed when reading about anyone, trusting, the likes of Blackburn, because if she were to say the sky is blue I'd double check then double check another double check. They can't be trusted. Mike Johnson said it out loud. He is doing Trump's bidding. Trump doesn't care about women or abortion but he's not worried as a plan is in place to make Election Day results become the decision of Mike Johnson.

Polls, to me, are like all media these days. I could have thrown a rock through my TV watching MSNBC last night on a different topic. They are complicit, responsible conspirators in many of the same respects as those, dressed in matching clown suits, were showing up for Trump to violate his gag order.

WTF, do any of them think when they ask their polling questions, engage in democracy ending discussions when temporary measures are put in place, or not being disciplined unless it is a cause they feel is worthy? Trump needs his oxygen cut off. PERIOD.

NO MORE TRUMP COVERAGE. NONE. Biden was held hostage, as admitted by Peter Baker, for not interviewing with the Times. Why, TF, does he have to interview with anyone? Trump won't march into CNN or MSNBC as requested yet they talk about him as an obsession. Give it a fkn rest and talk about these issues, their consequences, who voted and how. NOW!

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Trump has been favored to win the election the entire cycle and it's June now. This doesn't look good. Whatever needs to be done to save lives in 2025 and beyond, we'd better get to it.

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What the Rs are doing in GA seems to be the playbook. It’s scary.

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Cowards need to be dealt with a taste of their own medicine. Places if work can be targeted, make them an embarrassment to their employers and their family members. Fight fire with fire.

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To a large degree all of Ts sycophants are employed by each other through dark money contributions and propping up each other to stay alive. The polling questions are carefully phrased in such a way they get the answer they desire.

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The Danbury Institute. Google and wiki got me mostly nowhere. The wapo link is firewalled. Anything, anyone?

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Popped right up for me from Google,



From the second link,

"Affirming the Sanctity of Human Life

We stand for life from conception to natural death. Our efforts begin with advocating for every person’s rights to be respected from the moment of conception, meaning that each pre-born baby would be treated with the same protection under the law as born people. The intentional, pre-meditated killing of a pre-born child should be addressed with laws already in place concerning homicide. We also support bolstering the foster care system and encouraging Christian adoption and are working with churches around the country to help them become equipped to care for children in need of loving families. Protecting the sanctity of human life, including opposition to euthanasia, is one of the initiatives most central to our mission."

And also,


Apparently, they are Baptists,

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Thanks Paul. Did you notice anything that didn't come from their pr department?

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No I just clicked a few links from the home web page. There's a lot of damning evidence there. I could spend an hour there.

What were you looking for?

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Just general damning evidence.

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The Republican Party has never gotten so close to the legal end of abortion. They won’t stop pounding their ideologies, and their disgust, into every home in the country. Elected leaders, primarily men, have managed to co-opt the doctor/patient relationship, rarely relying on fact to make their cases.

Will they stop at the abortion issue? Once they get contraceptives eliminated they’ll finally go after vasectomies.

Meanwhile, they’ll work diligently to employ their euphemistic phraseology to other rights soon to be denied us. “Welfare moms” will lose benefits unless they become regular church attendees, at which point they’ll refer to these mothers as Christ’s daughters in need.

When they strip Obamacare of its benefits, they’ll begin services in church basements that will address diaper rash and allergy symptoms, leaving the broader ailments to be handled by the private healthcare system, then placing hands on your shoulders while reciting the usual prayer for god’s help in your medical journey to nowhere.

The Chosen Ones are actively in control of our lives now. Fifty years of incremental progress toward the goal of ultimate power has finally paid off.

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